Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Keith Edwards

Personal details
Name Professor Keith Edwards
Job title Professor of Cereal Functional Genomics
Department School of Biological Sciences University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.Sc.(Salf.), Ph.D.(Leic.)
Professional details
Keywords genomics based technologies
plant genes
crop performance
disease resistance
marker-assisted breeding
Areas of expertise My current research programmes are mostly designed to exploit genomics based technologies to identify, map, isolate, manipulate and express plant genes controlling traits of importance for improved crop performance, particularly in cereals and brassicas. My investigations have focussed on the development of refined molecular marker sets, establishing EST libraries, developing and utilising transposon tagged lines and implementing technology in industrial situations. In addition, my group has recently begun to apply genomics based tools to identify genes that regulate developmental processes of agronomic importance such as seed production (embryogenesis and germination) and disease resistance. An improved understanding of such processes should provide new routes to the production of crops with beneficial traits via marker-assisted breeding.