Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Robert Bickers

Personal details
Name Professor Robert Bickers
Job title Professor of History
Department Department of History (Historical Studies) University of Bristol
Personal web page
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.A. (Hons), Ph.D.(Lond.)
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies Royal Historical Society
British Association for Chinese Studies
Keywords Shanghai
British empire
colonial history
imperial history
Sino-British relations
Areas of expertise My field is the modern history of China, and of the British empire. I have a particular interest in the social history of the foreign presence in Shanghai, and the history of the Chinese Maritime Customs Service.

My work also looks at the experience of Chinese immigrants into Britain, attitudes to China in British culture, and the personal opportunities China offered to Britons, and the reasons they took those opportunities.

These themes were at the heart of my book Britain in China (1999), and Empire Made Me: An Englishman adrift in Shanghai (2003), a biography of Maurice Tinkler, a British member of the Shanghai Municipal Police.

I am presently preparing a history of the foreign communities in China for Penguin/Houghton Mifflin, and will include in this my recent research on lighthouses, orchestras, and rickshaws.
Languages (other than English)
Mandarin spoken    written
Media experience I have given given radio interviews on the World Service, Radio 3 and Radio 4.