Directory of Experts

Details for Dr Kevin Doogan

Personal details
Name Dr Kevin Doogan
Job title Senior Lecturer in School for Policy Studies
Department School for Policy Studies University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.A.(Dub.)
Professional details
Keywords institutional restructuring
labour market change
European labour markets
employee insecurity
labour market stability
Areas of expertise I am the principal architect and the programme director of the Doctor of Social Science, and the MSc in European Policy Studies. I work within the broad area of institutional restructuring and labour market change in the UK, Europe and America. I was an expert witness to the Committee of Enquiry held by House of Lords' Select on the European Union which looked at new European labour markets. I am a contributor to contemporary international debates on employee insecurity and labour market stability. I am currently working on a book entitled 'The State of Labour'.