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Unit information: Introduction to Social and Developmental Psychology in 2019/20

Please note: Due to alternative arrangements for teaching and assessment in place from 18 March 2020 to mitigate against the restrictions in place due to COVID-19, information shown for 2019/20 may not always be accurate.

Please note: you are viewing unit and programme information for a past academic year. Please see the current academic year for up to date information.

Unit name Introduction to Social and Developmental Psychology
Unit code PSYC10012
Credit points 20
Level of study C/4
Teaching block(s) Teaching Block 2 (weeks 13 - 24)
Unit director Dr. Park
Open unit status Open




School/department School of Psychological Science
Faculty Faculty of Life Sciences

Description including Unit Aims

This unit provides an introduction to social and developmental psychology. It focuses both on behaviour in the context of social interaction, and on key stages of perceptual, cognitive and social development: taking a biological perspective where appropriate and placing an emphasis on experimental findings. The aims of this unit are to cover the ways in which social and developmental psychologists think, the major theoretical perspectives they might take, how they carry out research, and what the results of this research mean.

Intended Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, a student will be able to:

- Identify the major theoretical perspectives taken within social and developmental psychology relating to perception and cognition. - Recognise the methodologies, techniques and empirical evidence used in social psychology to study a range of key cognitive capacities involved in social interactions. - Recognise the methodologies, techniques and empirical evidence used in developmental psychology especially those for studying young children.

Teaching Information

Weekly lectures and a revision session

Assessment Information

MCQ exam (2-hours; 100%; all ILOs)

Reading and References


Schacter, D. L., Gilbert, D. T., Wegner, D. M., & Hood, B. M. (2015). Psychology (2nd European ed.). UK: Palgrave MacMillan.

Further/Recommended Reading:

To be provided in the form of book chapters and articles.
