This section describes which Units you will take in which year of study. It indicates which units are mandatory and where you will be able to choose. The overall pass marks you will need to achieve in order to progress or achieve an award are shown. The full regulations concerning progression and completion are held in the University's Regulations and Code of Practice. Any particular aspects of your programme that are unusual will be highlighted. If any Units are must pass this will be shown below. The linked unit specifications detail any additional requirements.
What do the teaching blocks (TB) mean?
The following units are must pass for the award of an MSc: GEOGM0044
For the definition of must pass units please see the Glossary of Terms from Annex 1 to the Regulations and Code of Practice for Taught Programmes.
Unit name | Unit code | Credit points | Status | Teaching Block |
Students must take the following units: | ||||
Dissertation: MSc Global Development and Environment | GEOGM0059 | 60 | Mandatory | AYEAR |
Global Development and Environment: History, Theory, Practice | GEOGM0044 | 20 | Mandatory | TB-1 |
Qualitative Research Methods in Human Geography | GEOGM0041 | 20 | Mandatory | TB-2 |
Practical Statistics for Use in Research and Policy | GEOGM0010 | 20 | Mandatory | TB-1 |
Select 60 credit points from the following: | ||||
Decolonising Geographies | GEOGM0070 | 20 | Optional | TB-1 |
Conflicted Environments: Studying environmental social movements from the grassroots | GEOGM0036 | 20 | Optional | TB-2 |
Sustainability, Risk and Resilience in the Urban Age | GEOGM0037 | 20 | Optional | TB-1 |
Policy and Management Consultancy | GEOGM0072 | 20 | Optional | TB-2 |
An Introduction to GIS and Remote Sensing for Environmental Policy and Management | GEOGM0013 | 20 | Optional | TB-2 |
180 |
The pass mark set by the University for any level 7 unit is 50 out of 100.
For detailed rules on progression please see the Regulations and Code of Practice for Taught Programmes and the relevant faculty handbook.
An award with Merit or Distinction is permitted for postgraduate taught masters, diplomas and certificates, where these are specifically named entry-level qualifications. An award with Merit or Distinction is not permitted for exit awards where students are required to exit the programme on academic grounds. An exit award with Merit or Distinction may be permitted where students are prevented by exceptional circumstances from completing the intended award.
The classification of the award in relation to the final programme mark is as follows:
Award with Distinction*: at least 65 out of 100 for the taught component overall and, for masters awards, at least 70 out of 100 for the dissertation. **Faculties retain discretion to increase these thresholds.
Award with Merit*: at least 60 out of 100 for the taught component overall and, for masters awards, at least 60 out of 100 for the dissertation. Faculties retain discretion to increase these thresholds.
* The MA in Law has separate regulations for awarding distinction and merit.
** For the award of Distinction, the Faculty of Engineering requires at least 70 out of 100 for the taught component overall and, for masters awards, at least 70 out of 100 for the dissertation.
All taught masters programmes, unless exempted by Senate, must allow the opportunity for students to choose, or be required, to leave at the postgraduate diploma or certificate stage.
To be awarded a postgraduate diploma, students must have successfully completed 120 credit points, of which 90 must be at level 7.
To be awarded a postgraduate certificate, students must have successfully completed 60 credit points, of which 40 must be at level 7.