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A-Z list of all open units in 2014/15

Please note: you are viewing unit and programme information for a past academic year. Please see the current academic year for up to date information.

Open units are units which are outside of a student's subject discipline(s) that are available in many undergraduate programmes (subject to space and timetabling constraints). Typically these units are interdisciplinary and do not have any pre- or co-requisites. Single honours undergraduate students are normally able to choose up to 20 credit points of open units.

The University has developed a number of thematic, interdisciplinary "Bristol Futures" open units which deal with issues and themes of current importance. Details of these units are available here including video trailers for some of the units. Specific details about each unit is available below. The Bristol Futures optional units are:

City Futures: Migration, Citizenship, and Planetary Change
Creative Futures: Tools for Changing the World
Decolonise the Future!
Science of Happiness
Sustainable Development
Understanding global problems using data: inequality, climate change and the economy

The open units scheme also includes the University Wide Language Programme units. Details of these are available here as well as specific information about each unit below.

It is possible that open units appearing on this list will be unavailable if capacity has been taken up by students taking it as an optional unit.

What do the Levels represent?

What do the teaching blocks (TB) mean?

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other Top
AVDASI 1 - Aerospace Vehicle Systems Introduction AENG10001 10
Academic Listening and Speaking LANG10007 10
Academic Reading and Writing LANG10008 10
Advanced English Language Studies LANG14011 20
Analysis in Management EFIM10003 20
Approaches to Poetry ENGL10026 20
Approaches to Shakespeare ENGL10027 20
Approaches to the study of Political Science POLI11104 20
Arts Students Count AFAC10004 20
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Big Ideas in Science CHEM10001 20
Biology 1A: Diversity of Life BIOL11000 40
Biology 1B: Life Processes BIOL12000 40
Brazilian Portuguese for General Purposes Level 1 Grade 1 LANG10005 20
British Prehistory ARCH12011 20
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Children in Society I: An introduction SOWK10001 20
Children in Society II: Children and Contemporary Society SOWK10002 20
Classics of European Cinema MODL10010 20
Comedy CLAS12370 20
Comparative Government and Politics: An Introduction POLI11103 20
Comparative World Archaeology ARCH10003 20
Comparative and International Social Policy SPOL10014 20
Contemporary Ethics THRS10044 20
Contemporary European Cinema MODL10009 20
Contemporary Russia through the Media RUSS10034 20
Contemporary Writing ENGL10016 20
Convincing stories? Numbers as evidence in the social sciences UNIV10002 20
Core Physics I:Mechanics and Matter PHYS10006 20
Critical Reasoning PHIL10030 10
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Doing Social Research SOCI10005 20
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Education, Schooling and Diversity SPOL10015 20
Engineering Physics EMAT10005 20
English for Academic Purposes - Part 1 (Science and Engineering) LANG10002 10
English for Academic Purposes - Part 2 (Science and Engineering) LANG10003 10
Environment Earth EASC10004 20
Environmental Geoscience 1 EASC10002 40
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French for General Purposes Level 1 Grade 2 (post GCSE) LANG12022 20
French for General Purposes Level 1 Grade 3 (post A'Level) LANG13022 20
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other Top
Galaxies and the Universe PHYS11500 20
Geology 1 EASC10001 40
German for General Purposes Level 1 Grade 2 (post GCSE) LANG12023 20
German for General Purposes Level 1 Grade 1 (ab-initio) LANG11043 20
German for General Purposes Level 1 Grade 3 (post A'Level) LANG13023 20
Ghosts, Death and the Afterlife THRS11055 20
Globalisation and Development ECON10053 20
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Homeric Society CLAS12343 20
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Introduction to Accounting ACCG10052 20
Introduction to Aegean and Greek Archaeology ARCH14008 20
Introduction to Archaeology ARCH10001 20
Introduction to Biological Psychology PSYC10009 10
Introduction to Classical Chinese Philosophy THRS10043 20
Introduction to Cognitive Psychology PSYC10006 10
Introduction to Czech History and Culture RUSS10038 20
Introduction to Developmental Psychology PSYC10008 10
Introduction to Early Modern History HIST13012 20
Introduction to Early-Modern Art HART10216 20
Introduction to Film and Television Studies DRAM10024 20
Introduction to German Studies GERM10023 20
Introduction to German Studies (Post A-Level) GERM10013 40
Introduction to International Relations SPAI10001 20
Introduction to Medieval Art HART10215 20
Introduction to Medieval History HIST13011 20
Introduction to Modern Art HART10217 20
Introduction to Philosophy A PHIL10005 20
Introduction to Philosophy B PHIL10006 20
Introduction to Russian History and Culture RUSS10033 20
Introduction to Russian Literature RUSS10037 20
Introduction to Sanskrit I: Grammar THRS10017 20
Introduction to Sanskrit II: Texts THRS10018 20
Introduction to Social Anthropology ANTH10001 20
Introduction to Social Psychology PSYC10007 10
Introduction to Teaching English as a Foreign Language LANG10120 20
Introduction to the History of the British Empire: Rise, Fall and Legacies HIST13014 20
Introduction to the Philosophy of Science PHIL10015 10
Introduction to the Study of Cultures MODL10011 20
Issues in the Study of Religion THRS10031 20
Italian for General Purposes Level 1 Grade 1 (ab-initio) LANG11044 20
Italian for General Purposes Level 1 Grade 2 (post GCSE) LANG12024 20
Italian for General Purposes Level 1 Grade 3 (post A'Level) LANG13014 10
Italian for General Purposes Level 1 Grade 3 (post A'Level) LANG13024 20
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other Top
Japanese for General Purposes (ab-initio) LANG11046 20
Journeying: Discovering the World, Creating Ourselves GEOG16002 20
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Key Social Thinkers SOCI10006 20
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Language (Advanced) MODL10014 40
Language for General Purposes (Ab-initio Mandarin Chinese) LANG11047 20
Language for General Purposes - French Level 1, Grade 1 LANG11042 20
Living Religions THRS10028 20
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Marx's Political Writings PHIL10018 10
Mathematics 1A20 MATH11004 20
Mathematics 1EM MATH10600 40
Modern Italy ITAL10029 20
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Pagan Religions of the Roman Empire CLAS17003 20
Performance Forms and Analysis DRAM11004 20
Philosophical Text 3: Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics PHIL10008 10
Philosophical Texts 1: Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion PHIL10003 10
Philosophical Texts: Plato PHIL10024 10
Planet Earth EASC10003 20
Political Concepts POLI11101 20
Principles of Economics EFIM10050 20
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Religious and Cultural Change in India: from Indus to Islam THRS10033 20
Romano-British Archaeology ARCH10009 20
Russian for General Purposes Level 1 Grade 1 LANG10006 20
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Segregation and inequality in the UK (measurement and debate) SPOL10017 20
Social Identities and Divisions SOCI10007 20
Social Policy and the Welfare State: Historical Perspectives SPOL10011 20
Social Policy and the Welfare State: Key Concepts and Contemporary Ideas SPOL10013 20
Social Policy and the Welfare State: Theoretical Perspectives SPOL10012 20
Spanish for General Purposes Level 1 Grade 1 (ab-initio) LANG11045 20
Spanish for General Purposes Level 1 Grade 2 (post GCSE) LANG12025 20
Spanish for General Purposes Level 1 Grade 3 (post A'Level) LANG13025 20
Stars and Planets 106 PHYS10600 20
Sustainable Development UNIV10001 20
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Texts in Modern Political Philosophy PHIL10027 10
The Foundations of Buddhist Thought and Practice THRS10045 20
The Religious World of Dante THRS10050 20
The Thought of John Calvin THRS10048 20
Thinking Sociologically SOCI10004 20
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Well-being and Society ARCH10008 20
World in Crisis? GEOG16001 20
