My Experience of Professional Registration: Saranna


Core Facility Technician

Professional Registration Level:

Registered Scientist (RSci)

Professional Body:

Institute of Science and Technology (IST)

Why I applied for professional registration:

Technicians should be recognised and appreciated for the work that we do, and Professional Registration is a big step towards that.

Since becoming a Technician at the University I have realised that the Technical career path exists(!), that it’s a career path I’m excited about and one that I wish to continue developing. In the past, when asked what I do I would often say ‘I’m just a Technician’. Now I’ve stopped saying ‘just’. I think it’s important that Technicians are valued and that they value themselves! I’m proud to be a Technician.

My overall experience:

Long, but positive.

My low point:

Realising the amount of writing I still had to do to get past the halfway mark.

My top tips for others/what I learned from the experience:

  • Complete your application through the Science Council rather than directly through your professional body. Their website is very user friendly, they have lots of guidance and can offer support via phone or email.
  • Go through the competencies quickly at first and make notes about what you would write for each. Then use your notes to write the competency report.
  • Look at the online competency examples for your level of Professional Registration, and from different professional bodies.
  • Book in the time to do it. Whether it’s a couple of hours every week or a day a month. Put in in your calendar.
  • Give yourself a deadline or get someone else to give you one!
Saranna, Core Facility Technician, RSci

In the past, when asked what I do I would often say ‘I’m just a Technician’. Now I’ve stopped saying ‘just’. I think it’s important that Technicians are valued and that they value themselves! I’m proud to be a Technician

Saranna, Core Facility Technician,
Registered Scientist (RSci)

Caroline's experience

Read about Caroline's experience of professional registration

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