University of BristolAutoimmune Inflammation Research

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These are pieces written to desribe what it is like working in science.

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Starting a PhD

I enjoyed my undergraduate degree in applied genetics and learnt many laboratory techniques, especially during a placement year that I completed as part of my degree. After my finals, I travelled for six months. This break from science made me realise that I wanted a career in research. I was interested in gaining more experience in a laboratory and increasing my knowledge of immunology. The natural progression for me was to undertake an immunology Ph.D. I contacted the University of Bristol to ask about Ph.D. studentships. An interesting project had just become available, so I came to Bristol for an interview. After I was offered the project I thought very carefully about my decision. Three years, possibly more including writing up my thesis, was a considerable commitment so I wanted to be certain that I was heading in the right direction. I was also aware that the choice of advisor is very important and this was a difficult decision to make, given the short amount of time that was available to meet him. After discussion with my family and with the advisor of my placement year, I accepted the offer. This was certainly the right decision for me, but I am glad that I took time to consider my options before committing myself.

Studying for a Ph.D. in a large organisation such as the University of Bristol offers many opportunities. There are cutting edge seminars and courses, you present your data to a varied audience, you meet other Ph.D. students, newly qualified postdocs and senior research scientists, you have the chance to travel to attend meetings abroad and on top of that you get to live in a city that is lots of fun outside of studying. I've taken full advantage of all that the University and the City has offered, because I knew that I would not want to look back on my time here feeling that I had not done as much as possible to further my scientific career and to enjoy myself.

Carly Guyver

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