University of Bristol Mountaineering Club

24th June - 19th July 01 

Massif des Ecrins, The Alps 2001

Same old place, different people, completely different holiday! We had 40 degree heat in the valley. We almost froze, bivvying on the Glacier. We drank lots of beer. Spen fell down a crevasse. We climbed a record number of peaks. We climbed 19 pitch rock routes. We even met Jerry Moffat bouldering... great holiday! 
Thanks to Spen, Amy & Ally for photos. But please send me some more photos or comments.

Climbing the Pic Du Glacier D'Arsine (3368m)

UBMC sporting technical Alpine clothing
(Actually still at the carpark and nowhere near the glacier.)

Which way Gareth? (Pelvoux in background)

It must be up here somewhere...

George on top of the world (Mont Blanc between his thighs!!!)

You'll never guess where we spent that night...

1pm on the Glacier Blanc: so what do we do now?

El Presidente at the official UBMC bivvy shelter, Glacier Blanc, France.

Look what I've found: a big mountain!

A potentially dangerous mountain environment (Oscar hanging out his washing!)

Via Ferrata at Val de Durance 

UBMC climbers just hanging around... 

Spen on a bridge 

Sy IS Indiana Jones

Climbing the Boeuf Rouge (3515m)

"What am I doing here?"

Break for lunch

Da boyz.

Let's celebrate!

(wino) Chris up to his usual tricks


Climbing Les Bans (3670m)

Crossing the glacier to Les Bans

UBMC posse looking particularly hardcore on the summit

Camping in La Berarde

Serious laundry!

Climbing the Aguille Debonna (3130)

The scariest, spikiest mountain ever!

Technical stuff!

Sport climbing in the valley

Climbing Le Rateaux (3809m)

Spen (Barre des Ecrins back right)

Traverse of La Meije (3982m)

Another Spiky mountain

Amy on the crux pitch

Finally on the (west) summit. (Central and east summits back right)

And finally back at the campsite...'s all too much for little Amy!