Bristol University Model United Nations Society
Bristol University Model United Nations Society

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Constitution for Bristol Model United Nations Society

a. The official name of the Society shall be the University of Bristol Model United Nations Society.
b. The Society shall be recognised by the University of Bristol Union.

a. To promote the ideas of the United Nations and its affiliated organisations; essentially the ideas of world understanding, global harmony and cultural interaction.
b. To hold weekly simulations on UN issues of various UN committees.
c. To send as many members to Model UN conferences throughout the world.
d. To hold an annual Model UN conference at Bristol University.
e. To abide by the Union’s Equal Opportunities and Harassment Policies.

a. Full membership is open to all ordinary members of the Union by application in writing to the Society.
b. Associate membership is open to all other persons who are interested in the aims and objectives of the Society.
c. Not less than two-thirds of the Society members shall be members of the Union.
d. The secretary shall keep a list of all members, differentiating between full and associate members.
e. There shall be a subscription fee levied for membership, which shall be fixed at the discretion of the committee being no less than the minimum rate demanded by Student Activities Committee.

a. Only full members may sit on the committee.
b. All categories of membership shall have equal rights of voting and attending meetings.
c. All members shall have priority in the selection of delegates for the annual Bristol MUN conference.

a. There shall be a committee of the society which shall be the executive decision making body of the society.
b. The President and/or Chair of the Committee shall be a full member of the Union.
c. The Committee shall be responsible for the general and financial policy of the Society, subject to such rules as laid out in the General Union Functions.
d. Quoracy for committee meetings shall be set at 50% of the post filled positions plus one.

e. The President shall:
i. Officially represent Bristol Model UN.
ii. Be the chief co-ordinator and organiser.
iii. Supervise all activities and operations of Bristol Model UN.
iv. Preside at all Executive and General Assembly meetings.
v. Have the right to call a general meeting or Executive meeting.
vi. Co-sign with the Treasurer all cheques made out by Bristol Model UN.
vii.Chair the interview process for President and Vice-President nominations, and supervise the selection of other executive members.

f. The Vice-President shall:
i. Assist the President in the operations of Bristol Model UN.
ii. Be the acting President in the absence of the President.
iii. Have the power to call a general meeting or Executive meeting.
iv. Be aware of all activities within the structure of Bristol Model UN.
v. Help the President draw up resolutions for Bristol Model UN meetings.
vi. Be responsible for making room bookings at Wills Memorial Building for Bristol Model UN’s weekly meetings.
vii. Advance immediately to become the new President in the event that the serving President resigns, is impeached, or cannot fulfil duties due to elements outside his/her control.
viii. Be present in the interview process for President and Vice-President nominations, and supervise the selection of other executive members.

g. The Secretary shall:
i. Be responsible for organising Bristol Model UN’s stall at Freshers’ Fair, including designing A5 flyers.
ii. Work with the Promotional Relations and Conference Manager to help him/her fulfill his/her duties, in particular, sending delegates to MUN conferences to represent Bristol Model UN.
iii. Help the President draw up resolutions for Bristol Model UN meetings.
iv. Be responsible for photocopying and/or printing any materials on behalf of Bristol Model UN.
v. Be responsible for acting as a liaison between Bristol Model UN and the Web Site Maintainer, ensuring that the web site is continually up to date.
vi. Act as a liaison between Bristol Model UN and other societies within the university, collaborating with them in terms of events which are subject to the approval of the Public Relations and Conference Manager.

h. The Public Relations and Conference Manager shall:
i. Be responsible for recruiting guest speakers throughout the academic year for the members of Bristol Model UN.
ii. Be responsible for keeping in touch with other MUN societies holding MUN
conferences and to notify Bristol Model UN of these MUN conferences.
iii. Delegate any aspects of his/her duties to the Secretary as he/she sees the need to do so.

i. The Treasurer shall:
i. Keep full and accurate financial accounts of Bristol Model Un for each academic year.
ii. Propose an estimated budget when the Student Union requires, in co-operation with the rest of the Executive members of Bristol Model UN.
iii. Co-sign with the President all cheques made out by Bristol Model UN.
iv. Willingly provide updates on the status of Bristol Model UN’s Student Union account and Social account when requested by any Executive members of Bristol Model UN.

j. The Web Site Maintainer shall:
i. Keep Bristol Model UN’s web site continually up-to-date.
ii. Work alongside the Secretary of Bristol Model UN as to what should be added/changed on the web site.
iii. Be conscience of any copyright issues.

a. The Treasurer of the society shall be a full member of the Union and not in their final year at the University, unless an exception has been granted by the Treasurer of the Student Union.
b. The accounts of the Society shall be audited by a member of University Staff and submitted to the Union Treasurer (Secretary to Student Activities Committee) as and when requested and at least once per annum.
c. All financial arrangements must be made in accordance with current instructions to Society Treasurers, as set down by Student Activities Committee.
d. Notwithstanding article 6(c), the Treasurer and General Manager, jointly, shall be empowered to issue financial instructions on behalf of the society if:
i. The society folds with outstanding financial affairs.
ii. Change of mandate forms are not completed, and the old committee are out of reasonable contact Financial irregularities are found.

a. There shall be an Annual General Meeting once per annum, and this shall be sometime in the second term.
b. Notices of such meetings must be published on the Society’s notice board at least seven days beforehand, together with the Agenda.

a. Elections shall be held at the Annual General Meeting to elect officers of the committee for the following session.

a. The society shall affiliate to external bodies only where membership of those bodies is essential to the fulfilment of the core aims, and only with the prior agreement of the Union’s Student Activities Committee.

a. Any amendment to this constitution shall require a two-thirds majority of the members present at a properly constituted General Meeting.
b. All such amendments shall become valid only after approval by Student Council.

University of Bristol Union