[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive] University of Bristol Explorers Club [an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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What to bring

stylish walking boot

The single most important piece of equipment you'll need is a pair of decent walking boots.

Boots are not only for comfort, as soon as we're out on a mountain it's a question of safety too. You will get muddy so don't bring your best shoes! No DMs, UGGs or wellies either. We discourage trainers as they're so much less pleasant to walk in when they've got soaked through which happens rather quickly, on mountain or weekend trips boots are mandatory.


A waterproof jacket and trousers too if you have them. These are good for warmth in windy conditions as well.

sandwich and bottle

A packed lunch and a bottle of drink. We stop for lunch on the way on most walks. Something sweet is a good idea too and can make you very popular if you're willing to share.

welsh pound coin

Money for the train or bus if it's a public transport walk and some for the pub at the end too.

hat and gloves

Warm clothes including hat, gloves and scarf for winter trips.


You don't need a camera of course - but it's usually worth it.


We recommend you do not wear jeans on walks: denim doesn't retain heat once it gets damp and on top of being cold, it becomes uncomfortable to walk in. A pair of cheap tracksuit trousers will do much better.

Weekend trips

In addition to the above, for weekends you will also need:

  • Change of clothes. Not a week's worth though, there's very limited space in the minibus.
  • Sleeping bag. The club has some you can borrow, make sure you let us know when you sign up.
  • Food for Friday night. We stop at a service station on the way out so you can buy something too if you'd like.
  • Money for the pub, and for buying food Sunday evening — it's tradition to stop and a Fish&Chip shop on the way back.
  • Chocolate/snacks (Jaffa Cakes make you really popular!)
  • And of course, don't forget that toothbrush!

Walking boots are vital equipment for mountain walking. Good supportive walking shoes are OK for low level walks, but be prepared to have damp feet. Trainers and Doc Marten's are cold, uncomfortable, and slippery, hence are not recommended.

We will normally do a quick equipment check before most walks. If you haven't got the appropriate equipment, you may not be able to do some of the walks on offer.

We are happy to talk to you about gear at any time (some of us can talk all night about it...).

Where to get it

See our new shops page for a list of outdoor shops, and some advice how to get good equipment without spending a fortune.

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