Key Research Publications


Topic Groups

Key research publications have been divided into ten topic groups. Publications concerning (or originating from) the UK and Japan or comparative works are listed under these categories. Some freely available publications can be downloaded in PDF directly from this site.

I. Theories, Definition and Measurement
II. Children
III. Young People
IV. Working Age Adults
V. Later Life
VI. Gender
VII. Ethnicity →
VIII. Health
IX. Housing
X. Urban and Rural Studies

VII. Ethnicity

UK Academic Books and Chapters

Alcock, P. (2006) Understanding Poverty, Hampshire: Palgrave (Chapter 10)

Amin, K. and Oppenheim, C. (1992) Poverty in Black and White: Deprivation and Ethnic Minorities, London: CPAG with Runymede Trust

Burchardt, T. (2005) "Selective Inclusion: Asylum Seekers and Other Marginalised Groups" in Stewart, K. and Hills, J. (eds.) A More Equal Society? , Bristol: The Policy Press

Craig, G. (1999) "'Race', Social Security and Poverty" in Ditch, J. (eds.) Introduction to Social Security: Policies, Benefits and Poverty, London: Routledge, pp.183-200

Edgar, B., Doherty, J. and Meert, H. (2004) Immigration and Homelessness in Europe, Bristol: The Policy Press

Emejulu, A. (2008) "The Intersections of Ethnicity, Poverty and Wealth" in Ridge, T. & Wright, S. (eds.) Understanding Inequality, Poverty and Wealth, Bristol: The Policy Press

Hynes, P. (2011) The Dispersal and Social Exclusion of Asylum Seekers: Between Liminality and Belonging, Bristol: The Policy Press

Law, I. (2009) "Racism, Ethnicity, Migration and Social Security" in Millar, J. (eds.) Understanding Social Security: Issues for Policy and Practice, Bristol: The Policy Press, pp.75-92

Phillips, C. (2005) "Ethnic Inequalities under New Labour: Progress or retrenchment" in Hills, J. and Stewart, K. (eds.) Introduction to A More Equal Society? New Labour, Poverty, Inequality and Exclusion, Bristol: The Policy Press

Phillips, C. (2009) "Ethnic Inequalities: Another 10 years of the same?" in Hills, J., Sefton, T., and Stewart, K. (eds.) Towards a More Equal Society: Poverty, Inequality and Policy since 1997, Bristol: The Policy Press

Platt, L (2002) Parallel Lives: Poverty among ethnic minority groups in Britain, UK: Child Poverty Action Group

Platt, L. (2007) Poverty and Ethnicity in the UK, Bristol: The Policy Press

Rutter, J. and Latorre, M. (2009) "Migration, Migrants and Inequality" in Hills, J., Sefton, T., and Stewart, K. (eds.) Towards a More Equal Society: Poverty, Inequality and Policy since 1997, Bristol: The Policy Press

Salway, S., Platt, L., Chowbey, P., Harriss, K. and Bayliss, E. (2007) Long Term Ill Health, Poverty and Ethnicity, Bristol: The Policy Press

UK Academic Articles

Berthoud, R. (1998) The Incomes of Ethnic Minorities, ISER Report 98-1, Colchester: University of Essex, Institute for Social and Economic Research

UK Government Reports

Communities and Local Government (2009) Tackling Race Inequalities: A discussion document, London: Communities and Local Government

UK Other Key Reports

Barnard, H. and Turner, H. (2011) Poverty and Ethnicity: A Review of the Evidence, JRF: London

Kenway, P. and Palmer, G. (2007) Poverty among Ethnic Groups: How and why does it differ? , Joseph Rowntree Foundation and New Policy Institute

Warburton-Brown, C. (2011) Exploring BME Maternal Poverty: The financial lives of ethnic minority mothers in Tyne and Wear, Oxfam Research Report, Oxford: Oxfam

Yeandle, S., Stiell, B. and Buckner, L. (2006) Ethnic Minority Women and Access to the Labour Market Synthesis Report, London: Centre for Social Inclusion, Sheffield Hallam University

Japan Academic Books and Chapters

Kagawa, K. (2000) "Legal Aspects of the Social Integration of Migrant Foreigners in Japan" in OECD (eds.) International Migration in Asia: Trends and Policies, Paris: OECD, pp.99-112

Kuraishi, I. (2009) Pedagogy of Inclusion and Exclusion: Perspectives to the Post-war Japanese Society and Minority, Seikatsushoin (in Japanese);

(倉石 一郎 [2009]「包摂と排除の教育学―戦後日本社会とマイノリティへの視座」生活書院)

Roberts, G.S. (2003) "NGO Support for Migrant Labor" in Douglass, M. and Roberts, G. S. (eds.) Japan and Global Migration: Foreign Workers and the Advent of a Multicultural Society, Honolulu: Routledge, pp.272-300

Shimazu, N. (1998) Japan, Race and Equality: The Racial Equality Proposal 1919, New York: Taylor & Francis

Solidarity Network with Migrants in Japan - Poverty Project (2011) (Eds.) Migrant's Poverty in Japan, Gendaijinbunsha(in Japanese); (移住労働者と連帯する全国ネットワーク貧困プロジェクト編 [2011] 「日本で暮らす移住者の貧困」現代人文社)

Trainees Rights Network (2006) Foreign Trainee Labour at 300 Yen per hour, Japan: Akashi Shoten (in Japanese);

(外国人研修生問題ネットワーク編 [2006] 「外国人研修生時給300円の労働者」明石書店)

Trainees Rights Network (2009) Foreign Trainee: Labour At 300 Yen per Hour 2, Japan: Akashi Shoten (in Japanese); (外国人研修生権利ネットワーク編 [2009] 「外国人研修生時給300円の労働者2」明石書店)

Tsuda, T. (2007) "When Minorities Migrate: The Racialization of the Japanese Brazilians in Brazil and Japan" in Rhacel S. Parreñas and Lok C. D. Siu (eds.) Asian Diasporas: New Formations, New Conceptions, Stanford: Stanford University Press, pp. 225-251

Weiner, M. (2009, 2nd Ed.) Japan's Minorities: the Illusion of Homogeneity, Oxon: Routledge

Yamamoto K. (2005) "Elimination of Poverty and Exclusion among Foreign Workers: Aspects of Employment, Housing and Consumption" in Iwata, M. and Nishizawa, A. (eds.) Poverty and Social Exclusion: What Undermine the Social Welfare, Minerva (in Japanese); (山本薫子 [2005]「外国人労働者をめぐる貧困と排除―就労・居住・消費の局面で—」(岩田正美・西沢晃彦編「貧困と社会的排除―福祉社会を蝕むもの」ミネルヴァ書房))

Yamanaka, K. (2003) "Migration, Differential Access to Health Services and Civil Society's Responses in Japan" in Jatrana, S., Toyota, M. and Yeoh, B.S.A. (eds.) Migration and Health in Asia, Oxon: Routledge, pp.141-160

Yamanaka, K. (2004) "Citizenship and Differential Exclusion of Immigrants in Japan" in Yeoh, B.S.A. and Willis, K. (eds.) State / Nation / Transnation: Perspectives on Transnationalism in the Asia-Pacific, London: Routledge, pp.67-92

Yasuda, K. (2010) Rupo, Discrimination and Poverty of Foreign Labour, Kobunsha (in Japanese); (安田浩一 [2010]「ルポ 差別と貧困の外国人労働者」光文社新書)

Yoder, R.S. (2011) Deviance and Inequality in Japan: Japanese Youth and Foreign Migrants, Bristol: The Policy Press

Japan Academic Articles

Gauthier, H., Tanaka, K. and Smith, W. (1992) A Time Series Analysis of Regional Income Inequalities and Migration in Japan, 1955–1985, Geographical Analysis, Vol.24, No.4, pp.283-298

Hedate, H. (2009) Invisible Actors: Oppressed Foreign Workers, Journal of Urban Problem Vol. 99, No.6, pp.85-88 (in Japanese); (平舘英明 [2008] 「インビジブルな担い手--抑圧される外国人労働者」(特集 つくられた貧困 ワーキングプア) 『都市問題』 Vol. 99, No.6, 85-88ページ。)

Honma, T. (2008) Foreign Labour in Super-Poverty: the Reality of Chinese Trainees and Gifu's Approach, Monthly Journal of Jichiken, No.50, pp.61-67 (in Japanese); (本間高道 [2008] 「「超貧困層」を形成する外国人労働者--中国人研修生の実態と岐阜一般の取り組み 」(特集 総括 『格差社会』) 『月刊自治研』 No.50 (通号584), 61-67ページ。)

Onai, T. (2009) Poverty in Brazilian Households in Japan, Journal of Poverty, No.3, pp.57-64 (in Japanese); (小内 透 [2009] 「在日ブラジル人世帯の貧困 」(小特集 貧困研究の課題(3) -- 在日外国人・帰国者の生活と貧困) 『貧困研究』 No.3, 57-64ページ。)

Tanno, K. (2009) Government-Created Employment Insecurity and Foreign Workers: the Urgent Problems Confronting Irregular Employment as Seen from a Foreigner's Perspective, Journal Yoseba, No.22, pp.36-52 (in Japanese); (丹野清人 [2009] 「官製雇用不安と外国人労働者--外国人から見えてくる非正規雇用に今突きつけられている問題 」(特集 貧困の時代を超えて) 『寄せ場』 No.22, 36-52ページ。)

Tanno, K. (2010) The Economic Crisis and Foreign Workers in Japan: Why Does Japan Treat Migrant Workers as Second Class Citizens? Japan Labour Review, Vol.7, No.3, pp.109-126

Tsuda, T. (2000) Migration and Alienation: Japanese-Brazilian Return Migrants and the Search for Homeland Abroad, University of California San Diego, Centre for Comparative Immigration Studies, Working Paper No.24

Japan Reports

Boarini, R. and d'Ercole, M.M. (2006) Measures of Material Deprivation in OECD Countries: OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Paper No.37, OECD

Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training (2010)Special Edition: Current Situation of Japan's Foreign Labor Policy, JILPT Research Vol.7, No.3

Comparative Academic Books and Chapters

Kennett, P. (2001) Ethnicity, Gender and the Boundaries of Citizenship: Australia, Britain and Japan in P. Kennett (eds.) Comparative Social Policy: Theory and Research, Milton Keynes: Open University Press, pp.116-142