@article{Simpson:2005iq, Author = {Simpson, S. H. and Hanna, S.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Optics Communications}, Month = dec, Number = {4-6}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {476--488}, Sn = {0030-4018}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Scanning near-field optical microscopy of metallic features}, Ut = {ISI:000233502000035}, Volume = {256}, Year = {2005}} @article{Phillips:2005tn, Author = {Phillips, T. L. and Hanna, S.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Polymer}, Month = nov, Number = {24}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {11003--11018}, Sn = {0032-3861}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {A comparison of computer models for the simulation of crystalline polyethylene and the long n-alkanes.}, Ut = {ISI:000233144700047}, Volume = {46}, Year = {2005}} @article{Phillips:2005tf, Author = {Phillips, T. L. and Hanna, S.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Polymer}, Month = nov, Number = {24}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {11019--11034}, Sn = {0032-3861}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {A molecular dynamics study of the effect of ethyl branches on the orthorhombic structure of polyethylene}, Ut = {ISI:000233144700048}, Volume = {46}, Year = {2005}} @article{Simpson:2005sr, Author = {Simpson, S. H. and Richardson, R. M. and Hanna, S.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Di = {ARTN 134904}, Journal = {Journal Of Chemical Physics}, Month = oct, Number = {13}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {134904}, Sn = {0021-9606}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Calculation of the birefringences of nematic liquid crystals at optical and infrared wavelengths}, Ut = {ISI:000232442500062}, Volume = {123}, Year = {2005}} @article{Engelen:2005pt, Abstract = {The local dispersion relation of a photonic crystal waveguide is directly determined by phase-sensitive near-field microscopy. We readily demonstrate the propagation of Bloch waves by probing the band diagram also beyond the first Brillouin zone. Both TE and TM polarized modes were distinguished in the experimental band diagram. Only the TE polarized defect mode has a distinctive Bloch wave character. The anomalous dispersion of this defect guided mode is demonstrated by local measurements of the group velocity. The measured dispersion relation and measured group velocities are both in good agreement with theoretical calculations. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.}, Author = {Engelen, RJP and Karle, TJ and Gersen, H and Korterik, JP and Krauss, TF and Kuipers, L and van Hulst, NF}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Doi = {10.1364/OPEX.13.004457}, Issn = {1094-4087}, Journal = {OPTICS EXPRESS}, Month = {JUN 13}, Number = {12}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {4457-4464}, Timestamp = {2008.12.03}, Title = {Local probing of Bloch mode dispersion in a photonic crystal waveguide}, Unique-Id = {ISI:000229799200010}, Volume = {13}, Year = {2005}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OPEX.13.004457}} @article{Gersen:2005ug, Abstract = {The eigenfield distribution and the band structure of a photonic crystal waveguide have been measured with a phase-sensitive near-field scanning optical microscope. Bloch modes, which consist of more than one spatial frequency, are visualized in the waveguide. In the band structure, multiple Brillouin zones due to zone folding are observed, in which positive and negative dispersion is seen. The negative slopes are shown to correspond to a negative phase velocity but a positive group velocity. The lateral mode profile for modes separated by one reciprocal lattice vector is found to be different.}, Article-Number = {123901}, Author = {Gersen, H and Karle, TJ and Engelen, RJP and Bogaerts, W and Korterik, JP and van Hulst, NF and Krauss, TF and Kuipers, L}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.123901}, Issn = {0031-9007}, Journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS}, Month = {APR 1}, Number = {12}, Owner = {Administrator}, Timestamp = {2008.12.03}, Title = {Direct observation of Bloch harmonics and negative phase velocity in photonic crystal waveguides}, Unique-Id = {ISI:000228065600024}, Volume = {94}, Year = {2005}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.123901}} @article{Moerland:2005ti, Abstract = {Recently, the existence of a perfect lens has been predicted, made of an artificial material that has a negative electric permittivity and a negative magnetic permeability. For optical frequencies a poormans version is predicted to exist in the sub-wavelength limit. Then, only the permittivity has to be negative, a demand that metals fulfill at optical frequencies. We propose a new measurement scheme to verify the performance of such a negative permittivity near-perfect lens at optical frequencies. The scheme is based on near-field scanning optical microscopy and single molecule detection. Prerequisite near-field single molecule data, necessary to assess the performance of the lens, is presented. A numerical evaluation, which includes absorption, of the expected performance of a slab of a realistic negative permittivity material confirms the merits of the scheme. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.}, Author = {Moerland, RJ and van Hulst, NF and Gersen, H and Kuipers, L}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Doi = {10.1364/OPEX.13.001604}, Issn = {1094-4087}, Journal = {OPTICS EXPRESS}, Month = {MAR 7}, Number = {5}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1604-1614}, Timestamp = {2008.12.03}, Title = {Probing the negative permittivity perfect lens at optical frequencies using near-field optics and single molecule detection}, Unique-Id = {ISI:000227487700027}, Volume = {13}, Year = {2005}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OPEX.13.001604}} @article{Gersen:2005zn, Abstract = {We show the real-space observation of fast and slow pulses propagating inside a photonic crystal waveguide by time-resolved near-field scanning optical microscopy. Local phase and group velocities of modes are measured. For a specific optical frequency we observe a localized pattern associated with a flat band in the dispersion diagram. During at least 3 ps, movement of this field is hardly discernible: its group velocity would be at most c/1000. The huge trapping times without the use of a cavity reveal new perspectives for dispersion and time control within photonic crystals.}, Article-Number = {073903}, Author = {Gersen, H and Karle, TJ and Engelen, RJP and Bogaerts, W and Korterik, JP and van Hulst, NF and Krauss, TF and Kuipers, L}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.073903}, Issn = {0031-9007}, Journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS}, Month = {FEB 25}, Number = {7}, Owner = {Administrator}, Timestamp = {2008.12.03}, Title = {Real-space observation of ultraslow light in photonic crystal waveguides}, Unique-Id = {ISI:000227245700029}, Volume = {94}, Year = {2005}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.073903}} @article{Lindsay:2005or, Abstract = {A singly-resonant continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator (cw-OPO) pumped by a fiber-amplified diode laser is described. Tuning of the pump source allowed the OPO output to be tuned continuously, without mode-hops, over 110 GHz in 29 ms. Discontinuous pump tuning over 20 nm in the region of 3.4 mum was also obtained. The rapid and continuous idler tuning was demonstrated by the measurement of a methane absorption spectrum. We believe this to be the first example of a singly-resonant OPO pumped by a fiber-amplified diode laser and the mode-hop free tuning range to be the highest reported for a cw-OPO. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.}, Author = {Lindsay, I. D. and Adhimoolam, B. and Gross, P. and Klein, M. E. and Boller, K. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Doi = {10.1364/OPEX.13.001234}, Journal = {Opt. Express}, Keywords = {POWER-AMPLIFIER; LITHIUM-NIOBATE; WAVE}, Number = {4}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1234-1239}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {110GHz rapid, continuous tuning from an optical parametric oscillator pumped by a fiber-amplified DBR diode laser}, Volume = {13}, Year = {2005}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OPEX.13.001234}} @article{Humphris:2005vo, Abstract = {An atomic force microscope capable of obtaining images in less than 20 ms is presented. By utilizing a microresonator as a scan stage, and through the implementation of a passive mechanical feedback loop with a bandwidth of more than 2 MHz, a 1000-fold increase in image acquisition rate relative to a conventional atomic force microscope is obtained. This has allowed images of soft crystalline and molten polymer surfaces to be collected in 14.3 ms, with a tip velocity of 22.4 cm s?1 while maintaining nanometer resolution. {\copyright} 2005 American Institute of Physics. fDOI: 10.1063/1.1855407g}, Author = {A. D. L. Humphris and M. J. Miles and J. K. Hobbs}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1855407}, Eid = {034106}, File = {Humphris2005.pdf:HS AFM\\Humphris2005.pdf:PDF}, Journal = {Applied Physics Letters}, Keywords = {polymer melts; atomic force microscopy; micromechanical resonators; high-speed techniques; surface topography measurement; force feedback}, Number = {3}, Numpages = {3}, Owner = {bzpgd}, Pages = {034106}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2008.11.21}, Title = {A mechanical microscope: High-speed atomic force microscopy}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?APL/86/034106/1}, Volume = {86}, Year = {2005}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://link.aip.org/link/?APL/86/034106/1}, Bdsk-Url-2 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1855407}} @article{Simpson:2005nz, Abstract = {In this paper we critically examine computational methods for predicting the birefringences of nematic liquid crystals, with a view to screening molecules for potential use in infrared applications. Using the liquid-crystal 5CB as a test molecule, we calculate molecular electronic polarizabilities using ab initio quantum-mechanical techniques and a wide range of basis sets. We show that the polarizabilities tend to a limiting value as the quality of the basis set is improved. However, the biggest hurdle remains the determination of the refractive index from the polarizability data. We examine several methods for performing this conversion and conclude that the simplest equation, due to Vuks, is adequate for predicting the birefringence, given the uncertainties involved in other parameters. The agreement between calculation and experiment is best described as "semiquantitative." We perform similar calculations for a wide range of nematic liquid crystals at both 589 and 1550 nm, taking into account the likely impact of molecular vibrations at the longer wavelength. We demonstrate that there is a simple scale factor, for conventional nematics, between the birefringence at visible wavelengths and in the infrared. Thus knowledge of the birefringence at optical wavelengths, as widely available in the literature, is a good guide to the usefulness of conventional nematic liquid crystals as active elements for optical switching in the telecommunications industry. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics. }, Author = {Simpson, S. H. and Richardson, R. M. and Hanna, S.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Di = {10.1063/1.2035083}, Journal = {Journal Of Chemical Physics}, Number = {13}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Sn = {0021-9606}, Tc = {1}, Timestamp = {2009.04.01}, Title = {Calculation of the birefringences of nematic liquid crystals at optical and infrared wavelengths}, Ut = {WOS:000232442500062}, Volume = {123}, Year = {2005}} @article{Lindsay:2005jf, Abstract = {A singly-resonant continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator (cw-OPO) pumped by a fiber-amplified diode laser is described. Tuning of the pump source allowed the OPO output to be tuned continuously, without mode-hops, over 110 GHz in 29 ms. Discontinuous pump tuning over 20 nm in the region of 3.4 μm was also obtained. The rapid and continuous idler tuning was demonstrated by the measurement of a methane absorption spectrum.}, Author = {Lindsay, I. D. and Adhimoolam, B. and Gross, P. and Klein, M. E. and Boller, K. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {OSA Trend. Opt. Phot. (TOPS)}, Keywords = {Optical parametric oscillators Continuous wave lasers Resonance Semiconductor lasers Pumping (laser) Laser tuning Gas absorption}, Note = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved 06139792256 Continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator (cw-OPO) Fiber-amplified diode laser Idler tuning}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {396-401}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Diode-laser-fiber-amplifier pumped optical-parametric oscillator with 110 GHz rapid, continuous tuning}, Url = {http://www.opticsinfobase.org/abstract.cfm?URI=ASSP-2005-396}, Volume = {98}, Year = {2005}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.opticsinfobase.org/abstract.cfm?URI=ASSP-2005-396}} @article{Wang:2005ea, Abstract = {The fluctuation theorem (FT) quantifies the probability of second law violations in small systems over short time scales. While this theorem has been experimentally demonstrated for systems that are perturbed from an initial equilibrium state, there are a number of studies suggesting that the theorem applies asymptotically in the long time limit to systems in a nonequilibrium steady state. The asymptotic application of the FT to such nonequilibrium steady states has been referred to in the literature as the steady-state fluctuation theorem (or SSFT). In this paper, we demonstrate experimentally the application of the FT to nonequilibrium steady states, using a colloidal particle localized in a translating optical trap. Furthermore, we show, for this colloidal system, that the FT holds under nonequilibrium steady states for all time, and not just in the long time limit, as in the SSFT. }, Author = {Wang, G. M. and Reid, J. C. and Carberry, D. M. and Williams, D. R. M. and Sevick, E. M. and Evans, D. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Di = {10.1103/PhysRevE.71.046142}, Journal = {Physical Review E}, Number = {4}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {046142}, Pn = {2}, Sn = {1063-651X}, Tc = {20}, Timestamp = {2009.04.01}, Title = {Experimental study of the fluctuation theorem in a nonequilibrium steady state}, Ut = {WOS:000228752500050}, Volume = {71}, Year = {2005}} @article{Duijneveldt:2005cg, Author = {van Duijneveldt, J. S. and Klein, S. and Leach, E. and Pizzey, C. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter}, Number = {15}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {2255-2267}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Large scale structures in liquid crystal/clay colloids}, Volume = {17}, Year = {2005}} @article{Cosgrove:2005am, Author = {Cosgrove, T. and Benton, N. and Roberts, C. and Richardson, R. and Schmidt, R. G. and Gordon, G. V. and Yoshitake, M.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society}, Note = {Part 2}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {U927-U927}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Nanocomposties with PDMs}, Volume = {229}, Year = {2005}} @article{Malardier-Jugroot:2005ay, Author = {Malardier-Jugroot, C. and van de Ven, T. G. M. and Cosgrove, T. and Richardson, R. M. and Whitehead, M. A.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Langmuir}, Number = {22}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {10179-10187}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Novel self-assembly of amphiphilic copolymers into nanotubes: Characterization by small-angle neutron scattering}, Volume = {21}, Year = {2005}} @article{Boiko:2005ap, Abstract = {A new series of carbosilane liquid crystalline (LC) dendrimers from the first to the third generations with 8, 16 and 32 chiral terminal mesogenic groups, respectively, has been synthesized. The molecular structures and purity of all new compounds were confirmed by H-1 NMR spectroscopy and GPC analysis. Data of polarization microscopy and SAX analysis demonstrated that all LC dendrimers synthesized form a chiral smectic SmC* phase at temperatures below 50 degrees C. It has been found that bistable electrooptical switching is observed for all dendrimers. The influence of chiral mesogenic fragment length on phase behavior and ferroelectric properties of carbosilane LC dendrimers is discussed.}, Author = {Boiko, N. I. and Lysachkov, A. I. and Ponomarenko, S. A. and Shibaev, V. P. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Colloid and Polymer Science}, Number = {11}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1155-1162}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Synthesis and comparative studies of carbosilane liquid crystalline dendrimers with chiral terminal mesogenic groups}, Volume = {283}, Year = {2005}} @article{Dunton:2005wl, Author = {Dunton, P. G. and Walsby, A. E.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Doi = {10.1016/j.femsle.2005.04.026}, Journal = {Fems Microbiology Letters}, Number = {1}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {37-43}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {The diameter and critical collapse pressure of gas vesicles in Microcystis are correlated with GvpCs of different length}, Volume = {247}, Year = {2005}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.femsle.2005.04.026}} @article{Kalkman:2005mb, Abstract = {Er3+ ions located 100 nm beneath the surface of silica glass show an enhanced photoluminescence decay rate when the glass is covered with Ag. Correcting for concentration quenching effects, the decay rate is enhanced by 70\%, compared to the case without Ag. The data are in agreement with a model that takes into account variations in local density of states and excitation of surface plasmons and lossy surface waves, resulting in direct evidence for the efficient generation of surface plasmons by excited Er3+ ions. Using the model, optimum conditions for coupling to surface plasmons are derived, which can be used to enhance the emission rate and quantum efficiency of a wide range of Er-doped materials. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.}, Article-Number = {041113}, Author = {Kalkman, J and Kuipers, L and Polman, A and Gersen, H}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1856133}, Issn = {0003-6951}, Journal = {APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS}, Month = {JAN 24}, Number = {4}, Owner = {Administrator}, Timestamp = {2008.12.03}, Title = {Coupling of Er ions to surface plasmons on Ag}, Unique-Id = {ISI:000226761400013}, Volume = {86}, Year = {2005}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1856133}} @article{Gersen:2004zi, Abstract = {The amplitude and phase evolution of ultrashort pulses in a bimodal waveguide structure has been studied with a time-resolved photon scanning tunneling microscope (PSTM). When waveguide modes overlap in time intriguing phase patterns are observed. Phase singularities, arising from interference between different modes, are normally expected at equidistant intervals determined by the difference in effective index for the two modes. However, in the pulsed experiments the distance between individual singularities is found to change not only within one measurement frame, but even depends strongly on the reference time. To understand this observation it is necessary to take into account that the actual pulses generating the interference signal change shape upon propagation through a dispersive medium. This implies that the spatial distribution of phase singularities contains direct information on local dispersion characteristics. At the same time also the mode profiles, wave vectors, pulse lengths, and group velocities of all excited modes in the waveguide are directly measured. The combination of these parameters with an analytical model for the time-resolved PSTM measurements shows that the unique spatial phase information indeed gives a direct measure for the group velocity dispersion of individual modes. As a result interesting and useful effects, such as pulse compression, pulse spreading, and pulse reshaping become accessible in a local measurement.}, Article-Number = {066609}, Author = {Gersen, H and van Dijk, EMHP and Korterik, JP and van Hulst, NF and Kuipers, L}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.70.066609}, Issn = {1063-651X}, Journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW E}, Month = {DEC}, Number = {6, Part 2}, Owner = {Administrator}, Timestamp = {2008.12.03}, Title = {Phase mapping of ultrashort pulses in bimodal photonic structures: A window on local group velocity dispersion}, Unique-Id = {ISI:000226299200108}, Volume = {70}, Year = {2004}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.70.066609}} @article{Morris:2004tz, Author = {Morris, S. and Hanna, S. and Miles, M. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Doi = {10.1088/0957-4484/15/9/031}, Journal = {Nanotechnology}, Month = sep, Number = {9}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1296--1301}, Sn = {0957-4484}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {The self-assembly of plant cell wall components by single-molecule force spectroscopy and Monte Carlo modelling}, Ut = {ISI:000224022800031}, Volume = {15}, Year = {2004}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0957-4484/15/9/031}} @article{Gersen:2004sz, Abstract = {A noninvasive pulse-tracking technique has been exploited to observe the time-resolved motion of an ultrashort light pulse within an integrated optical microresonator. We follow a pulse as it completes several round trips in the resonator, directly mapping the resonator modes in space and time. Our time-dependent and phase-sensitive measurement provides direct access to the angular group and phase velocity of the modes in the resonator. From the measurement the coupling constants between the access waveguides and the resonator are retrieved while at the same time the loss mechanisms throughout the structure are directly visualized. (C) 2004 Optical Society of America.}, Author = {Gersen, H and Klunder, DJW and Korterik, JP and Driessen, A and van Hulst, NF and Kuipers, L}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Issn = {0146-9592}, Journal = {OPTICS LETTERS}, Month = {JUN 1}, Number = {11}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1291-1293}, Timestamp = {2008.12.03}, Title = {Propagation of a femtosecond pulse in a microresonator visualized in time}, Unique-Id = {ISI:000221482100041}, Volume = {29}, Year = {2004}} @article{Rodriguez-Martin:2004hz, Author = {Rodriguez-Martin, D. and Richardson, R. M. and Beldon, S.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {421-435}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {An x-ray study of devices containing a N*-> SmC* liquid crystal mixture}, Volume = {409}, Year = {2004}} @article{McDonald:2004ko, Author = {McDonald, A. J. and Hanna, S.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Molecular Crystals And Liquid Crystals}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {2271--2280}, Sn = {1058-725X}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Atomistic computer simulations of terraced wetting of model 8CB molecules at crystal surfaces}, Ut = {ISI:000222524700016}, Volume = {413}, Year = {2004}} @article{Haschke:2004sv, Abstract = {We have studied the adsorption of a single polyacrylamide chain onto a freshly cleaved mica surface from a good solvent by force spectroscopy using a custom-built force prober. The polymer chain was covalently attached to the AFM tip at one end. The polymer loop lengths were deduced by measuring the distance between desorption events during the retraction of the tip from the surface. The loop length distribution obtained was found to obey a power law characteristic for the semidilute regime. We claim that this is due to the confinement of the polymer chain between the tip and the surface during the adsorption. }, Author = {Haschke, H. and Miles, M. J. and Koutsos, V.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Di = {10.1021/ma035881j}, Journal = {Macromolecules}, Number = {10}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {3799--3803}, Sn = {0024-9297}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Conformation of a single polyacrylamide molecule adsorbed onto a mica surface studied with atomic force microscopy}, Ut = {WOS:000221394600039}, Volume = {37}, Year = {2004}} @article{Stothard:2004nk, Abstract = {We demonstrate a PPLN based pump-enhanced, singly-resonant optical parametric oscillator configured in a traveling wave geometry and pumped by a Ti:sapphire laser. The inclusion of a low finesse etalon within the OPO cavity stabilizes the signal frequency, and rotation of the etalon allows this frequency to be systematically hopped from axial mode to nearest neighbor axial mode over the entire free spectral range of the etalon (83 GHz). Tuning of the pump frequency allows the signal frequency to be smoothly tuned over a cavity free spectral range. More than 35 mW of single frequency idler power was generated in the spectral range 2800-3000 nm for 600 mW pump power. The superiority of traveling wave over standing wave geometries in these regards is discussed. (C) 2004 Optical Society of America.}, Author = {Stothard, D. J. M. and Lindsay, I. D. and Dunn, M. H.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Doi = {10.1364/OPEX.12.000502}, Journal = {Opt. Express}, Keywords = {PERIODICALLY POLED LINBO3; LITHIUM-NIOBATE; DUAL-CAVITY; DIODE-LASER; SPECTROSCOPY; PHASE; STABILIZATION}, Number = {3}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {502-511}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Continuous-wave pump-enhanced optical parametric oscillator with ring resonator for wide and continuous tuning of single-frequency radiation}, Volume = {12}, Year = {2004}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OPEX.12.000502}} @article{Berry:2004nb, Author = {Berry, M. and Brayshaw, D. and McMaster, T. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Di = {10.1136/bjo.2003.040121|ISSN 0007-1161}, Journal = {British Journal Of Ophthalmology}, Number = {11}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1460--1466}, Tc = {2}, Timestamp = {2008.04.15}, Title = {Dynamic molecular resolution imaging of preocular fluid impressions}, Ut = {WOS:000224510500024}, Volume = {88}, Year = {2004}} @article{Round:2004er, Abstract = {Tapping mode atomic force microscopy (TM-AFM) in an ambient environment is a widely employed tool in the field of characterization of materials at the nanoscale. Significant advances have recently been made in the understanding of the physics behind some of the complexities of its operation, the most profound being the prediction and demonstration of the existence of the attractive and repulsive regimes of tip-sample interaction. In this paper we present an investigation of the criteria required for accessing the two imaging regimes, a simple method for controlling the transition between them in situ, and an assessment of their consequences for topographic and phase shift images of DNA. We find that the transition from repulsive to attractive regime imaging is characterized by a large increase in topographic height and concomitant decrease and sign inversion of the phase shift recorded over single molecules of DNA on mica. By varying the frequency at which the cantilever is driven, we can select which regime we wish to operate in routinely and reproducibly. Controlling the tip-sample interaction in this way greatly improves images of fragile nanoscale structures such as single molecules.}, Author = {Andrew N Round and Mervyn J Miles}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Doi = {10.1088/0957-4484/15/4/011}, File = {Round2004.PDF:General AFM\\Round2004.PDF:PDF}, Journal = {Nanotechnology}, Number = {4}, Owner = {bzpgd}, Pages = {S176-S183}, Timestamp = {2008.11.24}, Title = {Exploring the consequences of attractive and repulsive interaction regimes in tapping mode atomic force microscopy of DNA}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0957-4484/15/S176}, Volume = {15}, Year = {2004}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://stacks.iop.org/0957-4484/15/S176}, Bdsk-Url-2 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0957-4484/15/4/011}} @article{Carberry:2004bl, Abstract = {The puzzle of how time-reversible microscopic equations of mechanics lead to the time-irreversible macroscopic equations of thermodynamics has been a paradox since the days of Boltzmann. Boltzmann simply sidestepped this enigma by stating "as soon as one looks at bodies of such small dimension that they contain only very few molecules, the validity of this theorem [the second law of thermodynamics and its description of irreversibility] must cease." Today we can state that the transient fluctuation theorem (TFT) of Evans and Searles is a generalized, second-law-like theorem that bridges the microscopic and macroscopic domains and links the time-reversible and irreversible descriptions. We apply this theorem to a colloidal particle in an optical trap. For the first time, we demonstrate the TFT in an experiment and show quantitative agreement with Langevin dynamics. }, Author = {Carberry, D. M. and Reid, J. C. and Wang, G. M. and Sevick, E. M. and Searles, D. J. and Evans, D. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Di = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.140601}, Journal = {Physical Review Letters}, Number = {14}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {140601}, Sn = {0031-9007}, Tc = {59}, Timestamp = {2009.04.01}, Title = {Fluctuations and irreversibility: An experimental demonstration of a second-law-like theorem using a colloidal particle held in an optical trap}, Ut = {WOS:000221037500006}, Volume = {92}, Year = {2004}} @article{Round:2004tl, Abstract = {Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been applied to the study of heterogeneity in the structure and function of individual biopolymers with complex structures such as glycoproteins, polysaccharides and nucleic acids. In this work we describe experiments which shed light on the heterogeneity of human ocular mucin gene products. By separating samples of native human ocular mucins on a caesium chloride density gradient, at least three populations consisting predominantly of products of the gene MUC5AC can be identified. Separation on the caesium chloride density gradient is governed by molecular architecture and charge density, and thus provides a route to the discrimination between different glycoforms within a glycoprotein sample. AFM images of these populations show that each is characterised by different conformational properties and polymer diameters, both of which can be attributed to differences in the degree and nature of glycosylation. These differences in glycosylation are likely to be the result of post-translational processing and may also have functional consequences. The AFM's ability to examine the composition of a predominantly single gene product population at the level of the single molecule allows the consequences of post-translational process heterogeneity to be examined at high resolution. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. }, Author = {Round, A. N. and Berry, M. and McMaster, T. J. and Corfield, A. P. and Miles, M. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Di = {10.1016/j.jsb.2003.10.029}, Journal = {Journal Of Structural Biology}, Number = {3}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {246--253}, Sn = {1047-8477}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Glycopolymer charge density determines conformation in human ocular mucin gene products: an atomic force microscope study}, Ut = {WOS:000189018600008}, Volume = {145}, Year = {2004}} @article{Sanz:2004kg, Abstract = {The annealing behavior of twice-folded crystals of the long-chain alkane C294H590 is examined in situ, in real time, by atomic force microscopy (AFM). AFM is capable of following processes in real time provided that the time scale is sufficiently long for several images to be collected during the process. In this paper, we focus on the temperature dependence and the thickened morphology. We are able to investigate where the thickening starts and how this depends on temperature and how melting is influenced by morphology. By following the motion of holes within the crystal, a lower limit for the rate of diffusion of crystalline polyethylene is estimated. We also focus on the substrate effect on the crystal morphology and thickening, using mica, glass, and graphite. }, Author = {Sanz, N. and Hobbs, J. K. and Miles, M. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Langmuir}, Number = {14}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {5989--5997}, Sn = {0743-7463}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {In situ annealing and thickening of single crystals of C(294)H(590)observed by atomic force microscopy}, Ut = {WOS:000222429200052}, Volume = {20}, Year = {2004}} @article{Valdre:2004gd, Abstract = {We report on the specific interaction between DNA and some mica-family minerals and other layered silicate structures. The interaction depends on mineral surface's crystallography, chemistry and potential. These properties are responsible for a remarkable variety of adsorption mechanisms and can be used to modulate surface self-assembly and nanopatterning of DNA. The controlled deposition of DNA onto non-conductive mineral regions with atomically flat boundaries has very attractive applications in nano-biotechnology (for example, microelectronics, microarrays and sensors). In addition, the extreme affinity discovered for some mineral surfaces, together with their ability to organize the DNA molecules, could be an indication of their catalytic potential. It may also have had relevance in the prebiotic environment, with important implications for the earth and life sciences.}, Author = {Giovanni Valdre and Massimo Antognozzi and Alex Wotherspoon and Mervyn J. Miles}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Doi = {doi:10.1080/09500830512331325082}, File = {Valdre2004.PDF:TDFM\\Valdre2004.PDF:PDF}, Journal = {Philosophical Magazine Letters}, Owner = {bzpgd}, Pages = {539-545}, Timestamp = {2008.11.20}, Title = {Influence of properties of layered silicate minerals on adsorbed DNA surface affinity, self-assembly and nanopatterning}, Url = {http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/tandf/tphl/2004/00000084/00000009/art00001}, Volume = {84}, Year = {2004}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/tandf/tphl/2004/00000084/00000009/art00001}, Bdsk-Url-2 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09500830512331325082}} @inproceedings{Driessen:2004gp, Abstract = {In the last years much effort has been taken to arrive at optical integrated circuits with high complexity and advanced functionality. For this aim high index contrast structures are employed resulting in photonic wires in conventional index guiding waveguides or in photonic bandgap structures. In both cases the number of functional elements within a given chip area can be enhanced by several orders of magnitude: VLSI photonics. In this talk optical microresonators are presented as promising basic building blocks for filtering, amplification, modulation, switching and sensing. Active functions can be obtained by monolithic integration or a hybrid approach using materials with thermo-, electro- and opto-optic properties and materials with optical gain. Examples are mainly taken from work at MESA(+).}, Author = {Driessen, A and Geuzebroek, DH and Hoekstra, HJWM and Kelderman, H and Klein, EJ and Klunder, DJW and Roeloffzen, CGH and Tan, FS and Krioukov, E and Otto, C and Gersen, H and van Hulst, NF and Kuipers, L}, Booktitle = {MICRORESONATORS AS BUILDING BLOCKS FOR VLSI PHOTONICS}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Editor = {Michelotti, F and Driessen, A and Bertolotti, M}, Isbn = {0-7354-0184-5}, Issn = {0094-243X}, Note = {39th Course of the International-School-of-Quantum-Electronics, Erice, ITALY, OCT 18-25, 2003}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1-18}, Series = {AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS}, Timestamp = {2008.12.03}, Title = {Microresonators as building blocks for VLSI photonics}, Unique-Id = {ISI:000222597700001}, Volume = {709}, Year = {2004}} @article{Dalgliesh:2004lj, Author = {Dalgliesh, R. M. and Lau, Y. G. J. and Richardson, R. M. and Riley, D. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Review of Scientific Instruments}, Number = {9}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {2955-2959}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Millisecond time resolution neutron reflection from a nematic liquid crystal}, Volume = {75}, Year = {2004}} @article{Brayshaw:2004fi, Author = {Brayshaw, D. J. and Berry, M. and McMaster, T. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Di = {10.1016/j.ultramic.2003.11.003|ISSN 0304-3991}, Journal = {Ultramicroscopy}, Number = {3-4}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {145--151}, Tc = {4}, Timestamp = {2008.04.15}, Title = {Molecular adsorption: early stage surface exploration}, Ut = {WOS:000222716900004}, Volume = {100}, Year = {2004}} @article{Lu:2004sy, Author = {Lu, C. and Richardson, R. and Pelton, R. and Cosgrove, T. and Dalnoki-Veress, K.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Macromolecules}, Number = {2}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {494-500}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {PEO penetration into water-plasticized poly(vinylphenol) thin films}, Volume = {37}, Year = {2004}} @inproceedings{Gersen:2004lt, Abstract = {Time-resolved near-field microscopy allows the propagation of ultrafast pulses to be visualized en route while they travel through complex photonic structures. These measurements enable the unambiguous determination of both local phase and group velocities. We illustrate this powerful technique by tracking an ultrashort wavepacket as it completes several roundtrips in a ring resonator.}, Author = {Gersen, H and Balistreri, MLM and Klunder, DJW and Korterik, JP and Driessen, A and van Hulst, NF and Kuipers, L}, Booktitle = {ICTON 2004: 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TRANSPARENT OPTICAL NETWORKS, PROCEEDINGS, VOL 1}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Editor = {Marciniak, M}, Isbn = {0-7803-8343-5}, Note = {6th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2004), Wroclaw, POLAND, JUL 04-08, 2004}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {266-270}, Timestamp = {2008.12.03}, Title = {Pulse tracking in complex photonic structures}, Unique-Id = {ISI:000224408100056}, Year = {2004}} @article{Brayshaw:2004mm, Author = {Brayshaw, D. J. and Berry, M. and McMaster, T. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Di = {10.1088/0957-4484/15/11/001|PII S0957-4484(04)80278-2|ISSN 0277-786X}, Journal = {Nanotechnology}, Number = {11}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1391--1396}, Tc = {6}, Timestamp = {2008.04.15}, Title = {Reducing a polymer to its subunits as an aid to molecular mapping}, Ut = {WOS:000225509200001}, Volume = {15}, Year = {2004}} @article{Organ:2004fv, Abstract = {The reorganization and melting of single crystals of linear polyethylene with lozenge and truncated-lozenge habits has been studied in situ during slow continuous heating using atomic force microscopy. The morphological insights obtained are backed up by complementary experiments using transmission electron microscopy and differential scanning calorimetry and have enabled us to identify different stages of melting/recrystallization. Visible melting is preceded by local reorganization within the crystals, the extent of which depends crucially on the thermal history of the sample and can influence subsequent behavior such as the preferential melting of one crystal sector before another. This is followed by distortion of the crystal edges and limited thickening which does not progress into the bulk of the crystal. Next, larger scale melting and recrystallization occurs within the bulk of the crystal, which leads to a progressive increase in melting point. The observed behavior supports a model of local melting and recrystallization rather than solid-state thickening, and overlying layers can behave quite independently. Finally, the thickened crystals melt at a temperature dependent on the thermal history of the sample. }, Author = {Organ, S. J. and Hobbs, J. K. and Miles, M. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Di = {10.1021/ma035955r}, Journal = {Macromolecules}, Number = {12}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {4562--4572}, Sn = {0024-9297}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Reorganization and melting of polyethylene single crystals: Complementary TEM, DSC, and real-time AFM studies}, Ut = {WOS:000221994700031}, Volume = {37}, Year = {2004}} @article{Reid:2004hy, Abstract = {The fluctuation theorem (FT) describes how a system's thermodynamic irreversibility develops in time from a completely thermodynamically reversible system at short observation times, to a thermodynamically irreversible one at infinitely long times. In this paper, we present a general definition of the dissipation function Omega(t), the quantitative argument in the fluctuation theorem (FT), that is a measure of a system's irreversibility. Originally cast for deterministic systems, we demonstrate, through the example of two recent experiments, that the dissipation function can be defined for stochastic systems. While the ensemble average of Omega(t) is positive definite irrespective of the system for which it is constructed, different expressions for Omega(t) can arise in stochastic and deterministic systems. Moreover, within the stochastic framework, Omega(t) is not unique. Nevertheless, each of these expressions for Omega(t) satisfies the FT. }, Author = {Reid, J. C. and Carberry, D. M. and Wang, G. M. and Sevick, E. M. and Evans, D. J. and Searles, D. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Di = {10.1103/PhysRevE.70.016111}, Journal = {Physical Review E}, Number = {1}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {016111}, Pn = {2}, Sn = {1063-651X}, Tc = {18}, Timestamp = {2009.04.01}, Title = {Reversibility in nonequilibrium trajectories of an optically trapped particle}, Ut = {WOS:000223135800024}, Volume = {70}, Year = {2004}} @article{Pizzey:2004bl, Author = {Pizzey, C. and Klein, S. and Leach, E. and van Duijneveldt, J. S. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter}, Number = {15}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {2479-2495}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Suspensions of colloidal plates in a nematic liquid crystal: a small angle x-ray scattering study}, Volume = {16}, Year = {2004}} @article{Carberry:2004jv, Abstract = {In this paper we show that the Fluctuation Theorem of Evans and Searles [D. J. Evans, D. J. Searles, Phys. Rev. E 50, 1645 (1994)] implies that the Kawasaki function is unity for all time t. We confirm this relationship using experimental data obtained using optical tweezers, and show that the Kawasaki function is a valuable diagnostic tool. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics. }, Author = {Carberry, D. M. and Williams, S. R. and Wang, G. M. and Sevick, E. M. and Evans, D. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Di = {10.1063/1.1802211}, Journal = {Journal Of Chemical Physics}, Number = {17}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {8179--8182}, Sn = {0021-9606}, Tc = {5}, Timestamp = {2009.04.01}, Title = {The Kawasaki identity and the fluctuation theorem}, Ut = {WOS:000224755700002}, Volume = {121}, Year = {2004}} @article{Gersen:2003ky, Abstract = {We report on the direct visualization of a femtosecond pulse propagating through a dispersive waveguide at a telecom wavelength. The position of a propagating pulse is pinpointed at a particular point in space and time using a scanning probe based measurement. The actual propagation of the pulse is visualized by changing the reference time. Our phase-sensitive and time-resolved measurement provides local information on all properties of the light pulse as it propagates, in particular its phase and group velocity. Here, we show that the group velocity dispersion can be retrieved from our measurement by developing an analytical model for the measurements performed with a time-resolved photon scanning tunneling microscope. As a result, interesting and useful effects, such as pulse compression, pulse spreading, and pulse reshaping, become accessible in the local measurement.}, Article-Number = {026604}, Author = {Gersen, H and Korterik, JP and van Hulst, NF and Kuipers, L}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.68.026604}, Issn = {1063-651X}, Journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW E}, Month = {AUG}, Number = {2, Part 2}, Owner = {Administrator}, Timestamp = {2008.12.03}, Title = {Tracking ultrashort pulses through dispersive media: Experiment and theory}, Unique-Id = {ISI:000185194400098}, Volume = {68}, Year = {2003}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.68.026604}} @article{Brennan:2003pc, Author = {Brennan, T. and Dalgliesh, R. M. and Lovell, M. R. and Richardson, R. M. and Barnes, A. C. and Sergeant, S. A.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Langmuir}, Number = {19}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {7761-7767}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {An X-ray and neutron reflection study of water penetration into fluorocarbon doped silica gel films}, Volume = {19}, Year = {2003}} @article{Carleton:2003fl, Abstract = {We describe a compact all-solid-state continuous-wave, singly resonant optical parametric oscillator (SRO) based on periodically poled RbTiOAsO4. The SRO is pumped at 1.064 mum by a Nd:YVO4 laser, which is itself pumped by a 3-W diode laser. Using the intracavity technique produced an oscillation threshold for the SRO of only 1.6 W (diode-laser power). For 3 W of diode pump power some 65 mW was obtained in the (nonresonant) idler (wavelength 3.52 mum). Temperature tuning over the range 10-100 degreesC resulted in tuning ranges of 1.52-1.54 and 3.41-3.54 mum for the signal and the idler waves, respectively. Importantly, relaxation oscillations were absent. (C) 2003 Optical Society of America.}, Author = {Carleton, A. and Stothard, D. J. M. and Lindsay, I. D. and Ebrahimzadeh, M. and Dunn, M. H.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Doi = {10.1364/OL.28.000555}, Journal = {Opt. Lett.}, Keywords = {KTIOPO4}, Number = {7}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {555-557}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Compact, continuous-wave, singly resonant optical parametric oscillator based on periodically poled RbTiOAsO4 in a Nd : YVO4 laser}, Volume = {28}, Year = {2003}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OL.28.000555}} @article{Summers:2003sa, Author = {Summers, M. and Eastoe, J. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Langmuir}, Number = {16}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {6357-6362}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Concentrated polymerized cationic surfactant phases}, Volume = {19}, Year = {2003}} @article{Lindsay:2003qe, Abstract = {The operation of a continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator (OPO) based on periodically-poled RbTi0AsO(4) (PPRTA) and using a pump-enhanced cavity configuration is described. The OPO was pumped by a single-frequency Nd:YVO4 laser and temperature tuning ranges of 1.525-1.583 mum and 3.245-3.520 mum were achieved at the signal and idler, respectively. The external threshold was 250mW and up to 87mW of idler was generated. Fine-tuning behavior of the OPO and material quality of the PPRTA were investigated. We believe this to be the first reported example of an externally-pumped cw OPO based on PPRTA.}, Author = {Lindsay, I. D. and Stothard, D. J. M. and Rae, C. F. and Dunn, M. H.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Opt. Express}, Keywords = {DIODE-LASER; KTIOPO4; CAVITY}, Number = {2}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {134-140}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Continuous-wave, pump-enhanced optical parametric oscillator based on periodically-poled RbTiOAsO4}, Url = {http://www.opticsinfobase.org/oe/abstract.cfm?URI=oe-11-2-134}, Volume = {11}, Year = {2003}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.opticsinfobase.org/oe/abstract.cfm?URI=oe-11-2-134}} @article{Edler:2003vc, Author = {Edler, K. J. and Brennan, T. and Roser, S. J. and Mann, S. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Microporous and Mesoporous Materials}, Number = {3}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {165-175}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Formation of CTAB-templated mesophase silicate films from acidic solutions}, Volume = {62}, Year = {2003}} @article{Rajasingam:2003ij, Abstract = {The effect of high-temperature annealing on stress in AlxGa1-xN in different ambients and at different temperatures was studied using ultraviolet micro-Raman spectroscopy. Low (x=0.08) and high (x=0.31 and x=0.34) composition AlGaN, grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) and molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE), were compared. Compositional and morphological changes were monitored using Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and atomic force microscopy (AFM), respectively. The Raman results demonstrate that all samples exhibit maximum stress changes in the compressive direction when annealed in an air ambient. AES confirms this to be due to higher oxygen incorporation after annealing in the air ambient, and shows higher oxygen incorporation in the vicinity of cracks and defects. MOCVD and MBE samples of a similar composition were found to reach the same biaxial stress, despite differences in initial stress and growth temperature. Relaxation of a parabolic intercrack stress profile to homogeneous stress was observed with annealing in all ambients for cracked samples. AFM results on cracked samples show an increase in width of the primary cracks along the <2 (1) over bar(1) over bar0> directions, and the formation of secondary cracks along the <1 (1) over bar 00> directions. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics. }, Author = {Rajasingam, S. and Sarua, A. and Kuball, M. and Cherodian, A. and Miles, M. J. and Younes, C. M. and Yavich, B. and Wang, W. N. and Grandjean, N.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Di = {10.1063/1.1616639}, Journal = {Journal Of Applied Physics}, Number = {10}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {6366--6371}, Sn = {0021-8979}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {High-temperature annealing of AlGaN: Stress, structural, and compositional changes}, Ut = {WOS:000186276600018}, Volume = {94}, Year = {2003}} @article{Antognozzi:2003cy, Abstract = {The use of an active quality-factor control device has been demonstrated to increase the scanning rate of a shear force microscope by lowering the quality factor of the oscillating probe. Shear force microscopy ~often used in combination with scanning near-?eld optical microscopy! requires slow scanning rates due to the long (.1 ms) time constant of the oscillating element ~optical ?ber or tuning fork!. By electronically reducing the quality factor of the probe, it was possible to tune the time constant and correspondingly reduce the overall scanning time by a factor of 4. It was also seen that probes with high quality factors could manifest an unstable behavior; by reducing the quality factor of the probe, it was possible to increase the signal-to-noise ratio and so improve the imaging resolution. Deoxyribonucleic acid molecules deposited onto mica and imaged in air were used to demonstrate the technique. {\copyright} 2003 American Institute of Physics. @DOI: 10.1063/1.1571233#}, Author = {M. Antognozzi and M. D. Szczelkun and A. D. L. Humphris and M. J. Miles}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1571233}, File = {Antognozzi2003.PDF:TDFM\\Antognozzi2003.PDF:PDF}, Journal = {Applied Physics Letters}, Keywords = {optical microscopy; scanning probe microscopy; near-field scanning optical microscopy; biological techniques; Q-factor; image resolution; DNA; molecular biophysics; probes}, Number = {17}, Owner = {bzpgd}, Pages = {2761-2763}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2008.11.20}, Title = {Increasing shear force microscopy scanning rate using active quality-factor control}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?APL/82/2761/1}, Volume = {82}, Year = {2003}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://link.aip.org/link/?APL/82/2761/1}, Bdsk-Url-2 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1571233}} @article{Brayshaw:2003rg, Author = {Brayshaw, D. J. and Berry, M. and McMaster, T. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Di = {10.1016/S0304-3991(03)00054-8|ISSN 0304-3991}, Journal = {Ultramicroscopy}, Number = {1-4}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {289--296}, Tc = {11}, Timestamp = {2008.04.15}, Title = {Optimisation of sample preparation methods for air imaging of ocular mucins by AFM}, Ut = {WOS:000183783200033}, Volume = {97}, Year = {2003}} @article{Horber:2003mq, Abstract = {Twenty years ago the first scanning probe instrument, the scanning tunneling microscope, opened up new realms for our perception of the world. Atoms that had been abstract entities were now real objects, clearly seen as distinguishable individuals at particular positions in space. A whole family of scanning probe instruments has been developed, extending our sense of touching to the scale of atoms and molecules. Such instruments are especially useful for imaging of biomolecular structures because they can produce topographic images with submolecular resolution in aqueous environments. Instruments with increased imaging rates, lower probe-specimen force interactions, and probe configurations not constrained to planar surfaces are being developed, with the goal of imaging processes at the single-molecule level-not only at surfaces but also within three-dimensional volumes-in real time. }, Author = {Horber, J. K. H. and Miles, M. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Science}, Number = {5647}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {1002--1005}, Sn = {0036-8075}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Scanning probe evolution in biology}, Ut = {WOS:000186396300035}, Volume = {302}, Year = {2003}} @article{Elsasser:2003ir, Author = {Elsasser, R. and Goodby, J. W. and Mehl, G. H. and Rodriguez-Martin, D. and Richardson, R. M. and Photinos, D. J. and Veith, M.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {237-243}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Structure-properties relationships in a series of liquid crystals based on carbosilazane cores}, Volume = {402}, Year = {2003}} @article{Humphris:2003zn, Abstract = {Scanning near-field optical microscopy is a powerful technique offering subdiffraction-limit optical resolution. However, the range of applications is limited by slow image acquisition rates. In this letter we demonstrate an implementation of a near-field optical microscope capable of scan speeds of 150 mm/s producing images of an area 20 mum(2) in less than 10 ms, i.e., over 100 frames/s. To achieve this, a method of measuring the optical near-field intensity with a high bandwidth of greater than 1 MHz has been developed. A second original aspect is that the scan system uses a mechanical resonance of the probe to address the sample. The presented microscope is over 1000 times faster than a conventional scanning near-field optical microscope and similar to10 times faster than any scanning probe microscope to date. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics. }, Author = {Humphris, A. D. L. and Hobbs, J. K. and Miles, M. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Di = {10.1063/1.1590737}, Journal = {Applied Physics Letters}, Number = {1}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {6--8}, Sn = {0003-6951}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Ultrahigh-speed scanning near-field optical microscopy capable of over 100 frames per second}, Ut = {WOS:000183877800003}, Volume = {83}, Year = {2003}} @article{Brown:2003ia, Author = {Brown, C. and Dunn, P. E. and Jones, J. C. and Jenkins, S. A. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {291-311}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {X-ray structural studies of ferroelectric liquid crystal devices}, Volume = {402}, Year = {2003}} @article{Wescott:2002xa, Author = {Wescott, J. T. and Fisher, L. R. and Hanna, S.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Journal Of Chemical Physics}, Month = feb, Number = {6}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {2361--2369}, Sn = {0021-9606}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Use of thermodynamic integration to calculate the hydration free energies of n-alkanes}, Ut = {ISI:000173618400006}, Volume = {116}, Year = {2002}} @article{Hamley:2002kh, Author = {Hamley, I. W. and Luckhurst, G. R. and Richardson, R. M. and Santos, F.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics}, Number = {9}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {3887-3899}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {A neutron scattering study of orientational ordering in the smectic and nematic phases of the liquid crystal, 2('),3(')-difluoro-4-heptyl-4('')-nonyl p-terphenyl}, Volume = {116}, Year = {2002}} @article{Cacciafesta:2002ol, Abstract = {In this work we investigated the physical and chemical nature of ultraflat titanium dioxide (TiO2) samples which we had previously used as substrates for the investigation of adsorbed protein molecules (Cacciafesta, P.; Humphris, A. D. L.; Jandt, K. D.; Miles, M. J. Langmuir 2000, 16, 8167). Titanium films were prepared by thermal evaporation on a heated mica surface and either separated from the mica to investigate the resulting surface or left in contact with the mica to analyze the titanium-mica interface. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) of the surfaces exposed after removal of the mica showed very flat surfaces [root-mean-square roughness of 0.29 nm +/- 0.03 nm] and the presence of disordered as well as ordered structures. Different degrees of order were observed, such as a square lattice with spacing of a(0) = 0.49 nm, a regular pattern with spacings of a(0) = 0.47 nm and b(0) = 0.35 nm with an angle of similar to800 between a(0) and b(0), or the presence of surface defects. These ordered structures were not stable upon long-term AFM imaging and could he damaged by the scanning tip. To further investigate the nature of the ordered regions, X-ray diffraction (XRD) was performed for the titanium-mica samples. XRD showed the crystalline structures of both the mica and the titanium film but did not detect any order in the titanium-mica interface. Possible causes for the formation of the ordered regions are discussed, in the cases of formation both after removal of mica or during sample preparation. The chemical nature of the titanium-mica interface was investigated with secondary ion mass spectrometry and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) via depth profiling of the titanium-mica samples from the titanium side. The metal film was found to be mainly composed of titanium and to a lesser extent of oxygen and carbon. After the metal film was sputtered and the titanium-mica interface was reached, the titanium concentration decreased and the concentration of the typical mica elements, such as silicon, aluminum, and potassium, increased. XPS was also used to investigate the chemical composition of the surfaces obtained after mica removal, which were found to be mainly composed of TiO2 with a small percentage of Ti2O3. The possible applications of this simple method for preparing ultraflat TiO2 surfaces are discussed. }, Author = {Cacciafesta, P. and Hallam, K. R. and Oyedepo, C. A. and Humphris, A. D. L. and Miles, M. J. and Jandt, K. D.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Di = {10.1021/cm0112183}, Journal = {Chemistry Of Materials}, Number = {2}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {777--789}, Sn = {0897-4756}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Characterization of ultraflat titanium oxide surfaces}, Ut = {WOS:000173998500047}, Volume = {14}, Year = {2002}} @article{Antognozzi:2002aw, Abstract = {An improved shear force microscope (ShFM) is presented, where the oscillation of the probe can be excited and quantitatively detected in two orthogonal directions in the sample plane. This set-up allows a complete control of the dynamic behaviour of the probe that is necessary in order to obtain reproducible results. Increasing evidence has been collected confirming that the shear force mechanism is due to the water layer confined between the tip and the sample and that, therefore, ShFM is a true non-contact technique. To confirm the reduced tip-sample interaction with respect to conventional scanning probe techniques, the height and the width of more than 100 double stranded DNA fragments (4.3 kbp) were measured in air using different ShFM probes. The measurements were then compared with tapping mode atomic force microscopy (TMAFM) on a similar number of DNA fragments. From the statistical analysis of the data consistently higher profiles were obtained using ShFM: (1.1 $\pm$ 0.2) nm instead of (0.6 $\pm$ 0.1) nm that is the expected DNA height when using TMAFM in air. When acquiring high resolution images of DNA, the lower force of interaction of the shear force technique allowed the observation of a higher order periodic structure, which may reflect a conformational aspect of DNA peculiar to its interaction with mica. By improving the shear force technique, we have shown that important intrinsic advantages, such as non-contact interaction, can be fully exploited and the ShFM can become a very useful tool in the study of biomolecules.}, Author = {Antognozzi, Massimo and Szczelkun, Mark D. and Round, Andrew N. and Miles, Mervyn J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, File = {Antognozzi2002.PDF:TDFM\\Antognozzi2002.PDF:PDF}, Journal = {Single Molecules}, Number = {2-3}, Owner = {bzpgd}, Pages = {105--110}, Timestamp = {2008.11.20}, Title = {Comparison Between Shear Force and Tapping Mode AFM - High Resolution Imaging of DNA}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/1438-5171(200206)3:2/3<105::AID-SIMO105>3.0.CO;2-#}, Volume = {3}, Year = {2002}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/1438-5171(200206)3:2/3%3C105::AID-SIMO105%3E3.0.CO;2-#}} @article{Humphris:2002oy, Author = {Humphris, A. D. L. and Miles, M. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Atomic Force Microscopy In Cell Biology}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {337--355}, Sn = {0091-679X}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Developments in dynamic force microscopy and spectroscopy}, Ut = {WOS:000176124200016}, Volume = {68}, Year = {2002}} @article{Round:2002dv, Abstract = {Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been used to investigate the heterogeneity and flexibility of human ocular mucins and their subunits. We have paid particular attention, in terms of theory and experiment, to the problem of inducing the polymers to assume equilibrium conformations at a surface. Mucins deposited from a buffer containing Ni2+ ions adopt extended conformations on mica akin to those observed for DNA under similar conditions. The heterogeneity of the intracellular native mucins is evident from a histogram of contour lengths, reflecting, in part, the diversity of mucin gene products expressed. Reduction of the native mucin with dithiothreitol, thereby breaking the S=S bonds between cysteine residues, causes a marked reduction in polymer length. These results reflect the modes of transport and assembly of newly synthesized mucins in vivo. By modifying the worm-like chain model for applicability to two dimensions, we have confirmed that under the conditions employed mucin adsorbs to mica in an equilibrated conformation. The determined persistence length of the native mucin, 36 nm, is consistent with that of an extended, flexible polymer; such characteristics will influence the properties of the gels formed in vivo. }, Author = {Round, A. N. and Berry, M. and McMaster, T. J. and Stoll, S. and Gowers, D. and Corfield, A. P. and Miles, M. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Biophysical Journal}, Number = {3}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {1661--1670}, Sn = {0006-3495}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Heterogeneity and persistence length in human ocular mucins}, Ut = {WOS:000177774500039}, Volume = {83}, Year = {2002}} @inproceedings{Kuipers:2002ch, Abstract = {Local optical investigations of light propagation have the advantage that the optical phenomena can be directly related to the local geometry of the photonic structure. As such, near-field optical microscopy ideally complements conventional ``input-output{''} techniques.}, Author = {Kuipers, L and Fluck, E and Gersen, H and van Duinen, G and van Hulst, N}, Booktitle = {ICTON 2002: 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TRANSPARENT OPTICAL NETWORKS AND EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON PHOTONIC CRYSTALS, VOL 2}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Editor = {Marciniak, M}, Isbn = {0-7803-7375-8}, Note = {4th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks/European Symposium on Photonic Crystals, WARSAW, POLAND, APR 21-26, 2002}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {28-29}, Timestamp = {2008.12.03}, Title = {Near-field optical studies of photonic structures}, Unique-Id = {ISI:000177343500008}, Year = {2002}} @article{Parry-Jones:2002ve, Author = {Parry-Jones, L. A. and Beldon, S. M. and Rodriguez-Martin, D. and Richardson, R. M. and Elston, S. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Liquid Crystals}, Number = {8}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1001-1005}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Studies of the alignment properties of antiferroelectric liquid crystals by X-ray diffraction}, Volume = {29}, Year = {2002}} @article{Humphris:2002ig, Abstract = {Piconewton force sensitivity and angstrom position control offered by instruments such as atomic force microscopy (AFM) and optical tweezers have enabled the force?extension response of single molecules to be investigated. However, to fully investigate the dynamic and energetic properties of a single molecule, it is necessary to detect both conservative (elastic) and dissipative (viscous) components of the extension response. We present a transverse dynamic force microscope (TDFM) capable of measuring this complex quantity. This new force spectroscopy technique offers true control over the tip?surface distance revealing information not accessible by conventional dc atomic force spectroscopy. Results are presented for the force extension response of a single polysaccharide molecule. To the authors knowledge, this is the first time the complex mechanical properties of a single polymer molecule have been measured by TDFM. These observations are in agreement with previous dynamic AFM experiments.}, Author = {Humphris, A. D. L. and Antognozzi, M. and McMaster, T. J. and Miles, M. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Doi = {10.1021/la015537k}, Eprint = {http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/la015537k}, File = {Humphris2002.PDF:TDFM\\Humphris2002.PDF:PDF}, Journal = {Langmuir}, Number = {5}, Owner = {bzpgd}, Pages = {1729-1733}, Timestamp = {2008.11.20}, Title = {Transverse Dynamic Force Spectroscopy: A Novel Approach to Determining the Complex Stiffness of a Single Molecule}, Url = {http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/la015537k}, Volume = {18}, Year = {2002}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/la015537k}, Bdsk-Url-2 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/la015537k}} @article{Vallee:2001tt, Abstract = {Single molecule fluorescence lifetime studies are generally performed in thin polymer films, where the influence of the interface on the behaviour of fluorescing molecules is not negligible. In order to describe this influence, we investigate annealed films of different thickness. We show that the distribution of fluorescence lifetimes of the embedded dyes is shifted to lower values as the thickness of the film increases. We explain this shift by simple electromagnetic arguments related to the boundary conditions at the interfaces of the polymer film with air and glass, respectively. The conclusion is that extreme care must be taken in order to interpret single molecule data with respect to the true chemical nature of the phenomena. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.}, Author = {Vallee, R and Tomczak, N and Gersen, H and van Dijk, EMHP and Garcia-Parajo, MF and Vancso, GJ and van Hulst, NF}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Issn = {0009-2614}, Journal = {CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS}, Month = {NOV 9}, Number = {3-4}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {161-167}, Timestamp = {2008.12.03}, Title = {On the role of electromagnetic boundary conditions in single molecule fluorescence lifetime studies of dyes embedded in thin films}, Unique-Id = {ISI:000172089900001}, Volume = {348}, Year = {2001}} @article{Balistreri:2001xw, Abstract = {We show that the propagation of a femtosecond laser pulse inside a photonic structure can be directly visualized and tracked as it propagates using a time-resolved photon scanning tunneling microscope. From the time-dependent and phase-sensitive measurements, both the group velocity and the phase velocity are unambiguously and simultaneously determined. It is expected that this technique wilt find applications in the investigation of the local dynamic behavior of photonic crystals and integrated optical circuits.}, Author = {Balistreri, MLM and Gersen, H and Korterik, JP and Kuipers, L and van Hulst, NF}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Issn = {0036-8075}, Journal = {SCIENCE}, Month = {NOV 2}, Number = {5544}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1080-1082}, Timestamp = {2008.12.03}, Title = {Tracking femtosecond laser pulses in space and time}, Unique-Id = {ISI:000172013800043}, Volume = {294}, Year = {2001}} @article{Simpson:2001pu, Author = {Simpson, S. H. and Hanna, S.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Optics Communications}, Month = sep, Number = {1-6}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {17--31}, Sn = {0030-4018}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Analysis of the effects arising from the near-field optical microscopy of homogeneous dielectric slabs}, Ut = {ISI:000170722200003}, Volume = {196}, Year = {2001}} @article{Williams:2001kz, Author = {Williams, T. P. and Hanna, S. and Read, M. S. D.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society}, Month = aug, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {U391--U391}, Pn = {Part 2}, Sn = {0065-7727}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Computer simulation of randomly cross-linked polymer melts.}, Ut = {ISI:000170690102202}, Volume = {222}, Year = {2001}} @article{Binger:2001jf, Author = {Binger, D. R. and Hanna, S.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Liquid Crystals}, Month = aug, Number = {8}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1215--1234}, Sn = {0267-8292}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Computer simulations of the interactions between liquid crystal molecules and polymer surfaces - III. Use of pseudopotentials to represent the surface}, Ut = {ISI:000170025200010}, Volume = {28}, Year = {2001}} @article{Gersen:2001hx, Abstract = {We present the first experimental proof of the influence of a nearby nano-sized metal object on the angular photon emission by a single molecule. A novel angular sensitive detection scheme is implemented in an existing near-field scanning optical microscope (NSOM). The positioning accuracy (similar to1 nm) of the NSOM allows a systematic investigation of the intensity ratio between two different half-spaces as a function of the position of the metal-glass interfaces of the probe with respect to the single emitter. The observed effects are shown to be particularly strong for molecules that are excited mainly below the rims of the aperture. An excellent agreement is found between experiments and numerical simulations for these molecules. The observed angular redistribution of the angular emission of a single molecule could explain the alteration of the emission polarization observed for certain molecules in earlier experiments (Veerman et al (1999) J. Microsc. 194, 477-482).}, Author = {Gersen, H and Garcia-Parajo, MF and Novotny, L and Veerman, JA and Kuipers, L and Van Hulst, NF}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Issn = {0022-2720}, Journal = {JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPY-OXFORD}, Month = {MAY}, Number = {Part 2}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {374-378}, Timestamp = {2008.12.03}, Title = {Near-field effects in single molecule emission}, Unique-Id = {ISI:000168379100016}, Volume = {202}, Year = {2001}} @article{Eckert:2001br, Abstract = {We demonstrate high resolution imaging with microfabricated, cantilevered probes, consisting of solid quartz tips on silicon levers. The tips are covered by a 60-nm thick layer of aluminium, which appears to be closed at the apex when investigated by transmission electron microscopy. An instrument specifically built for cantilever probes was used to record images of latex bead projection patterns in transmission as well as single molecule fluorescence. All images were recorded in constant height mode and show optical resolutions down to 32 nm.}, Author = {Eckert, R and Freyland, JM and Gersen, H and Heinzelmann, H and Schurmann, G}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Issn = {0022-2720}, Journal = {JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPY-OXFORD}, Month = {APR}, Note = {6th International Conference on Near-field Optics and Related Techniques, ENSCHEDE, NETHERLANDS, AUG 27-31, 2000}, Number = {Part 1}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {7-11}, Timestamp = {2008.12.03}, Title = {Near-field optical microscopy based on microfabricated probes}, Unique-Id = {ISI:000168378900003}, Volume = {202}, Year = {2001}} @article{Hulst:2001ts, Author = {van Hulst, NF and Garcia-Parajo, MF and Veerman, JA and Gersen, H}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Issn = {0065-7727}, Journal = {ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY}, Month = {APR 1}, Number = {Part 1}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {U95}, Timestamp = {2008.12.03}, Title = {Single molecules in the near field.}, Unique-Id = {ISI:000168824700430}, Volume = {221}, Year = {2001}} @article{Elliott:2001pf, Author = {Elliott, J. A. and Hanna, S. and Elliott, A. M. S. and Cooley, G. E.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Polymer}, Month = mar, Number = {5}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {2251--2253}, Sn = {0032-3861}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {The swelling behaviour of perfluorinated ionomer membranes in ethanol/water mixtures}, Ut = {ISI:000165572300051}, Volume = {42}, Year = {2001}} @article{Saez:2001tt, Author = {Saez, I. M. and Goodby, J. W. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Chemistry-a European Journal}, Number = {13}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {2758-2764}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {A liquid-crystalline silsesquioxane dendrimer exhibiting chiral nematic and columnar mesophases}, Volume = {7}, Year = {2001}} @article{Richardson:2001ot, Author = {Richardson, R. M. and Dalgliesh, R. M. and Brennan, T. and Lovell, M. R. and Barnes, A. C.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids}, Number = {1-3}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {93-107}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {A neutron reflection study of the effect of water on the surface of float glass}, Volume = {292}, Year = {2001}} @article{Zhu:2001af, Author = {Zhu, X. M. and Boiko, N. I. and Rebrov, E. A. and Muzafarov, A. M. and Kozlovsky, M. V. and Richardson, R. M. and Shibaev, V. P.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Liquid Crystals}, Number = {8}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1259-1268}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Carbosilane liquid crystalline dendrimers with terminal chiral mesogenic groups: structure and properties}, Volume = {28}, Year = {2001}} @article{Lindsay:2001sn, Abstract = {A continuous-wave pump-enhanced singly resonant optical parametric oscillator (OPO) directly pumped by a grating-stabilized external-cavity diode laser operating at approximate to 810 nm is described. The OPO was based on periodically poled LiNbO3 and could be tuned over 1.06-1.19 mum at the signal and 2.58-3.44 mum at the idler. The OPO threshold was typically 25-30 mW over the observed tuning range. Up to 4 mW of one-directional idler output was obtained for 62 mW of external-cavity diode laser pump power. The high stability of the external-cavity diode-laser pump source allowed locked, single-mode OPO operation for periods of greater than 1 h. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.}, Author = {Lindsay, I. D. and Petridis, C. and Dunn, M. H. and Ebrahimzadeh, M.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Appl. Phys. Lett.}, Number = {7}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {871-873}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Continuous-wave pump-enhanced singly resonant optical parametric oscillator pumped by an extended-cavity diode laser}, Volume = {78}, Year = {2001}} @article{Hobbs:2001gq, Author = {Hobbs, J. K. and Miles, M. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Di = {10.1021/ma001697b}, Journal = {Macromolecules}, Number = {3}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {353--355}, Sn = {0024-9297}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Direct observation of polyethylene shish-kebab crystallization using in-situ atomic force microscopy}, Ut = {WOS:000166601100004}, Volume = {34}, Year = {2001}} @article{Humphris:2001vo, Abstract = {Adsorption processes at single molecule level are of fundamental importance for the understanding and development of biomaterials. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has played a critical role in this field due to its high resolution and ability to image in a liquid environment. We present a method that improves the dynamic force sensitivity and the resolution of a conventional AFM. This is achieved via a positive feedback loop that enhances the effective quality factor of the cantilever in a liquid environment to values in excess of 300, compared to a nominal value of similar to1. This active quality factor enhancement has been used to image DNA and an increase in the height of the molecule observed. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. }, Author = {Humphris, A. D. L. and Round, A. N. and Miles, M. J.}, Cl = {BRISTOL, ENGLAND}, Ct = {2nd Internatinal Conference on Scanning Probe Microscopy inEOLEOLBiomaterials Science}, Cy = {JUN 23, 2000}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Surface Science}, Number = {3}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {468--472}, Sn = {0039-6028}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Enhanced imaging of DNA via active quality factor control}, Ut = {WOS:000171559900014}, Volume = {491}, Year = {2001}} @article{Berry:2001ij, Abstract = {Mucins have been ascribed both pro- and anti-adhesive functions. To clarify how both functions can be embodied in the same molecule we studied the interaction of human ocular mucins with mica and with mucins deposited on mica. Adhesion energy and forces of interaction were evaluated as a function of speed of approach, dwell time at maximum extension, and presence of divalent cations in the imaging buffer. Mucins were tethered to an AFM gold-coated tip. Repeated cycles of approach and retract to mica revealed a large number of adhesions in each cycle. Adhesion energy (0.2-48 aJ) and detachment forces (0.1-4 nN) increased with the addition of Ni(II) ions, and with lengthening dwell time. Speed of approach made little difference to the interactions. Most detachments occurred less than 40 nm from the surface. Inter-detachment distances reflected the major periodicities of the mica basal plane. Short distances of interaction, magnitude of detachment forces, and imaging of mucins on SAM all suggest deformable compact mucin aggregates on the AFM tip. Inter-detachment distances suggest a large degree of interpenetration between neighboring molecules. Tip-tethered mucins did not adhere to mucins deposited on mica. This phenomenon is analogous with the nonadherence of the mucin gels on lids and on cornea during blinking. }, Author = {Berry, M. and McMaster, T. J. and Corfield, A. P. and Miles, M. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Di = {10.1021/bm000145y}, Journal = {Biomacromolecules}, Number = {2}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {498--503}, Sn = {1525-7797}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Exploring the molecular adhesion of ocular mucins}, Ut = {WOS:000174256200024}, Volume = {2}, Year = {2001}} @article{Catalano:2001xu, Author = {Catalano, D. and Cifelli, M. and Domenici, V. and Fodor-Csorba, K. and Richardson, R. and Veracini, C. A.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Chemical Physics Letters}, Number = {3-4}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {259-266}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {H-2-NMR and SAXS of a ferroelectric liquid crystal: unwinding of the ferroelectric chiral helix by high magnetic fields}, Volume = {346}, Year = {2001}} @article{Tamayo:2001vq, Abstract = {We present a new dynamic force microscopy technique for imaging in liquids in the piconewton regime. The low quality factor (Q) of the cantilever is increased up to three orders of magnitude by the implementation of a positive feedback control. The technique also includes a phase-locked loop unit to track the resonance of the cantilever. Experiments and computer simulations indicate that the tip-sample forces are below 100 pN, about two orders of magnitude lower than in conventional tapping mode atomic force microscopy. Furthermore, the spectroscopic ability is greatly enhanced. Either the phase shift or the resonant frequency shows a high sensitivity to variations in either the energy dissipation or conservative interactions between the tip and the sample, respectively. The potential of this technique is demonstrated by imaging living cells. }, Author = {Tamayo, J. and Humphris, A. D. L. and Owen, R. J. and Miles, M. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Biophysical Journal}, Number = {1}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {526--537}, Sn = {0006-3495}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {High-Q dynamic force microscopy in liquid and its application to living cells}, Ut = {WOS:000169587400045}, Volume = {81}, Year = {2001}} @article{Hobbs:2001bz, Abstract = {Atomic force microscopy has been used to image the crystallization of polyethylene shish kebab crystals in situ, in real time, with nanometer resolution. Images of the extended chain backbone and overgrowth and subsequent interdigitation of lamellae have been obtained. Direct observation of the interdigitation process shows that the lamellae sometimes change direction so as to avoid meeting, providing evidence of the influence of a growing lamella on its surrounding environment. The growth rates of individual lamellae as they grow from the backbone have been measured and found to vary both with time and from lamella to lamella, in direct contradiction to many theories of polymer crystallization. These data, taken from the first AFM experiments to obtain such high resolution at such a high temperature during a process, provide a significant advance in the capability of AFM to increase our understanding of polymer crystallization. }, Author = {Hobbs, J. K. and Humphris, A. D. L. and Miles, M. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Macromolecules}, Number = {16}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {5508--5519}, Sn = {0024-9297}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {In-situ atomic force microscopy of polyethylene crystallization. 1. Crystallization from an oriented backbone}, Ut = {WOS:000170152200025}, Volume = {34}, Year = {2001}} @article{Baker:2001tv, Abstract = {Atomic force microscopy images of sectioned native corn starch granules show evidence of the well-known radial organisation of the starch macromolecules, with the less-ordered hilum region near to the centre. Native granules show blocks 400-500 nm ill size that span the growth rings. Lintnerised starch granules, where a mild acid hydrolysis has been used to remove the amorphous and less crystalline parts of the granule, clearly show smaller 'blocklets' within the rings approximately 10-30 nm in size. This level of organisation within the growth rings corresponds to the blocklet or superhelix structures that have been proposed in the literature for the association or clustering of amylopectin helices. Mechanical property imaging techniques have provided enhanced contrast to view this morphology, and shown the deformability of the starch structure under contact mode imaging conditions. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. }, Author = {Baker, A. A. and Miles, M. J. and Helbert, W.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Carbohydrate Research}, Number = {2}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {249--256}, Sn = {0008-6215}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Internal structure of the starch granule revealed by AFM}, Ut = {WOS:000166805900011}, Volume = {330}, Year = {2001}} @article{Ponomarenko:2001aa, Author = {Ponomarenko, S. A. and Agina, E. V. and Boiko, N. I. and Rebrov, E. A. and Muzafarov, A. M. and Richardson, R. M. and Shibaev, V. P.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {93-100}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Liquid crystalline carbosilane dendrimers with terminal phenyl benzoate mesogenic groups: Influence of generation number on phase behaviour}, Volume = {364}, Year = {2001}} @article{Petridis:2001ls, Abstract = {We report 80 GHz of mode-hop-free tuning from an extended cavity diode laser (ECDL) without the need for antireflection coating on the diode facet. A large continuous tuning range was achieved by using a simple electronic circuit which simultaneously varies the diode laser current and external cavity length in an appropriate ratio. The ECDL employs a commercial, single mode AlGaAs diode laser, operating at 814 nm, in a Littrow external cavity configuration. The applicability of this technique to the most commonly available single-mode diode lasers without the requirement of antireflection coating, makes it an attractive approach for the attainment of mode-hop-free tuning over extended ranges. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.}, Author = {Petridis, C. and Lindsay, I. D. and Stothard, D. J. M. and Ebrahimzadeh, M.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Rev. Sci. Instrum.}, Number = {10}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {3811-3815}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Mode-hop-free tuning over 80 GHz of an extended cavity diode laser without antireflection coating}, Volume = {72}, Year = {2001}} @article{Antognozzi:2001eh, Abstract = {A transverse dynamic force microscope, more commonly known as shear force microscope, has been used to investigate con?ned water ?lms under shear. A cylindrically tapered glass probe was mounted perpendicularly to the sample surface. Pure water was con?ned between the probe and a freshly cleaved mica surface and a sinusoidal shear strain was applied by setting the probe into transverse oscillation. Repeated measurements of the probe oscillation amplitude and relative phase lag, at different tip-sample separations, exhibited a clear step-like behavior. The periodicity, recorded over several curves, ranged between 2.4 and 2.9 ≈, which is similar to the diameter of the water molecule. The in-phase ~elastic! and the out-of-phase ~viscous! stress response of the con?ned water ?lm was evaluated ~from the experimental data! by assuming a linear viscoelastic behavior. Finally, by modeling the water ?lm with the Maxwell mechanical model, the values for the shear viscosity and shear rigidity were obtained. {\copyright} 2001 American Institute of Physics. @DOI: 10.1063/1.1339997#}, Author = {M. Antognozzi and A. D. L. Humphris and M. J. Miles}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1339997}, File = {Antognozzi2001.PDF:Waterlayers\\Antognozzi2001.PDF:PDF}, Journal = {Applied Physics Letters}, Keywords = {liquid films; viscoelasticity; viscosity; scanning probe microscopy; shear modulus; water}, Number = {3}, Owner = {bzpgd}, Pages = {300-302}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2008.11.20}, Title = {Observation of molecular layering in a confined water film and study of the layers viscoelastic properties}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?APL/78/300/1}, Volume = {78}, Year = {2001}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://link.aip.org/link/?APL/78/300/1}, Bdsk-Url-2 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1339997}} @article{Summers:2001zx, Author = {Summers, M. and Eastoe, J. and Davis, S. and Du, Z. P. and Richardson, R. M. and Heenan, R. K. and Steytler, D. and Grillo, I.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Langmuir}, Number = {17}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {5388-5397}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Polymerization of cationic surfactant phases}, Volume = {17}, Year = {2001}} @article{Hobbs:2001bs, Abstract = {Some recent advances in the application of atomic force microscopy to crystalline polymers are detailed. Ultra-high resolution imaging of crystal surfaces, combined with the analysis of computer generated Connolly surfaces, enables the unambiguous identification of features on the cellulose crystal surface at near-atomic resolution. The electronic enhancement of the quality factor of the cantilever when tapping in liquids enables a considerable improvement in force sensitivity to be obtained, allowing the fully saturated surface of an isotactic polystyrene gel to be imaged under the solvating molecule, at nanometre resolution. A series of experiments are detailed in which precesses such as crystallization, crystal thickening and crystal deformation are followed in situ, in real time, providing significant new insights into long standing problems in polymer science. }, Author = {Hobbs, J. K. and Winkel, A. K. and McMaster, T. J. and Humphris, A. D. L. and Baker, A. A. and Blakely, S. and Aissaoui, M. and Miles, M. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Macromolecular Symposia}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {1--14}, Sn = {1022-1360}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Some recent developments in SPM of crystalline polymers}, Ut = {WOS:000168550600002}, Volume = {167}, Year = {2001}} @article{Pelton:2001hn, Author = {Pelton, R. and Richardson, R. and Cosgrove, T. and Ivkov, R.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Langmuir}, Number = {16}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {5118-5120}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {The effects of temperature and methanol concentration on the properties of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) at the air/solution interface}, Volume = {17}, Year = {2001}} @article{James:2001rv, Abstract = {The origin of phase contrast in tapping-mode atomic force microscopy has been investigated using two complementary scanning probe microscopy techniques, atomic force microscopy and shear force microscopy, which can be classified as a transverse dynamic force microscopy. The sample chosen for this study was Nafion, and specifically the membrane in different hydration states by virtue of its cation form. Differences in probe-sample adhesion throughout a sample, caused by an inhomogeneous distribution of surface water, were an important phase-contrast mechanism. A new variant in three-dimensional force imaging, phase-volume imaging has been a useful tool in the interpretation of phase contrast. With the use of transverse dynamic force microscopy, approach curves were obtained while the frequency spectrum around resonance was measured. This enabled the damping of the probe oscillation amplitude and the shift in its resonant frequency to be decoupled. Knowing the true oscillation amplitude of the probe, it was also possible to determine quantitatively the elastic and dissipative parts of the probe-sample interaction. Distinct regimes were found at different probe-sample separations.}, Author = {James, P. J. and Antognozzi, M. and Tamayo, J. and McMaster, T. J. and Newton, J. M. and Miles, M. J.}, C1 = {Univ Bristol, HH Wills Phys Lab, Bristol BS8 1TL, Avon, England.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Di = {10.1021/la000332h}, File = {James2001.pdf:TDFM\\James2001.pdf:PDF}, Ga = {394HZ}, J9 = {LANGMUIR}, Ji = {Langmuir}, Journal = {Langmuir}, Keywords = {FIELD OPTICAL MICROSCOPY; ENERGY-DISSIPATION; PHASE-CONTRAST; HARMONIC APPROXIMATION; INTERMITTENT CONTACT; CONFINED LIQUIDS; BLOCK-COPOLYMERS; FREQUENCY-SWEEP; MEMBRANES; AMPLITUDE}, La = {English}, Month = jan, Note = {TDFM - discusses importance of water layers to the imaging mechanism, compares with TM}, Nr = {60}, Number = {2}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pa = {1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA}, Pages = {349--360}, Pg = {12}, Pi = {WASHINGTON}, Publisher = {Amer Chemical Soc}, Rp = {Antognozzi, M, Univ Bristol, HH Wills Phys Lab, Tyndall Ave, BristolEOLEOLBS8 1TL, Avon, England.}, Sc = {Chemistry, Physical}, Sn = {0743-7463}, Tc = {62}, Timestamp = {2008.08.29}, Title = {Interpretation of contrast in tapping mode AFM and shear force microscopy. A study of nafion}, Ut = {ISI:000166519100015}, Volume = {17}, Year = {2001}} @article{Antognozzi:2001by, Abstract = {In transverse dynamic force microscopy a cylindrically tapered cantilever is mounted perpendicularly to the sample surface and set into transversal oscillation. The dynamics of the cantilever has been studied using the continuum mechanical model with discrete element analysis. A viscoelastic model has been used to describe the tip$\pm$sample interaction. In this way an in-phase and an out-of-phase component of the force has been extracted from the experimental data. Two different techniques, involving two experimental setups and two corresponding data analysis routines, have been developed to calculate the two components of the force at different tip$\pm$sample separations. In one case the change in resonant frequency and corresponding oscillation amplitude is measured whereas in the second case the usual way of recording amplitude and phase signal at a {\AE}xed driving frequency is applied. The results from these two methods are shown to be completely consistent and produce almost identical force curves. # 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.}, Author = {Antognozzi, M. and Binger, D. R. and Humphris, A. D. L. and James, P. J. and Miles, M. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, File = {Antognozzi2001a.pdf:TDFM\\Antognozzi2001a.pdf:PDF}, Journal = {Ultramicroscopy}, Keywords = {Shear force, Transverse dynamic force microscopy, Continuum mechanics, Viscoelastic model}, Month = jan, Note = {TDFM - modelling of a tapered probe, the key finding is that you can separate the elastic and viscous components of the tip-sample interaction force}, Number = {1-2}, Owner = {bzpgd}, Pages = {223--232}, Timestamp = {2008.09.01}, Title = {Modeling of cylindrically tapered cantilevers for transverse dynamic force microscopy (TDFM)}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TW1-42813J1-11/2/716e02cc48da3f89e8d998a9d211168b}, Volume = {86}, Year = {2001}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TW1-42813J1-11/2/716e02cc48da3f89e8d998a9d211168b}} @article{Gersen:2000kj, Abstract = {We present the first experimental proof for the influence of a nearby nanosized metal object on the angular photon emission by a single molecule. Using a novel angular sensitive detection scheme, we directly quantify the redirection of angular emission for different molecular dipole orientations as an object is scanned laterally over the molecule at different heights. An excellent agreement between experiments and 2D-numerical simulations is found for molecules oriented perpendicular to the sample, whereas, for parallel orientations, the observed behavior contradicts the calculated behavior.}, Author = {Gersen, H and Garcia-Parajo, MF and Novotny, L and Veerman, JA and Kuipers, L and van Hulst, NF}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Issn = {0031-9007}, Journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS}, Month = {DEC 18}, Number = {25}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {5312-5315}, Timestamp = {2008.12.03}, Title = {Influencing the angular emission of a single molecule}, Unique-Id = {ISI:000165884200013}, Volume = {85}, Year = {2000}} @article{Eckert:2000ql, Abstract = {High-resolution near-field optical imaging with microfabricated probes is demonstrated. The probes are made from solid quartz tips fabricated at the end of silicon cantilevers and covered with a 60-nm-thick aluminum film. Transmission electron micrographs indicate a continuous aluminum layer at the tip apex. A specially designed instrument combines the advantages of near-field optical and beam-deflection force microscopy. Near-field optical data of latex bead projection patterns in transmission and of single fluorophores have been obtained in constant-height imaging mode. An artifact-free optical resolution of 31.7 +/-3.6 nm has been deduced from full width at half maximum values of single molecule images. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. {[}S0003-6951(00)05449-8].}, Author = {Eckert, R and Freyland, JM and Gersen, H and Heinzelmann, H and Schurmann, G and Noell, W and Staufer, U and de Rooij, NF}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Issn = {0003-6951}, Journal = {APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS}, Month = {DEC 4}, Number = {23}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {3695-3697}, Timestamp = {2008.12.03}, Title = {Near-field fluorescence imaging with 32 nm resolution based on microfabricated cantilevered probes}, Unique-Id = {ISI:000165584700005}, Volume = {77}, Year = {2000}} @article{James:2000rz, Author = {James, P. J. and Elliott, J. A. and McMaster, T. J. and Newton, J. M. and Elliott, A. M. S. and Hanna, S. and Miles, M. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Journal Of Materials Science}, Month = oct, Number = {20}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {5111--5119}, Sn = {0022-2461}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Hydration of Nafion (R) studied by AFM and X-ray scattering}, Ut = {ISI:000089159400013}, Volume = {35}, Year = {2000}} @article{Salahshoor-Kordestani:2000zf, Author = {Salahshoor-Kordestani, S. and Hanna, S. and Windle, A. H.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Polymer}, Month = aug, Number = {17}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {6619--6626}, Sn = {0032-3861}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {The role of crystallinity in the deformation of main-chain liquid-crystalline copolyesters}, Ut = {ISI:000087266500021}, Volume = {41}, Year = {2000}} @article{Elliott:2000ml, Author = {Elliott, J. A. and Hanna, S. and Elliott, A. M. S. and Cooley, G. E.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Macromolecules}, Month = may, Number = {11}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {4161--4171}, Sn = {0024-9297}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Interpretation of the small-angle X-ray scattering from swollen and oriented perfluorinated ionomer membranes}, Ut = {ISI:000087378300033}, Volume = {33}, Year = {2000}} @article{Richardson:2000vy, Author = {Richardson, R. M. and Pelton, R. and Cosgrove, T. and Zhang, J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Macromolecules}, Number = {17}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {6269-6274}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {A neutron reflectivity study of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) at the air-water interface with and without sodium dodecyl sulfate}, Volume = {33}, Year = {2000}} @article{Antognozzi:2000os, Abstract = {A new optical detection system for measuring the oscillation of cylindrical cantilevers has been designed. A laser beam is directed perpendicularly to the oscillating plane and is focused on the curved surface of the vibrating probe. The surface reflects the light and a second lens refocuses it onto a two-segment photodiode. The sensitivity of this method lies in the fact that a small displacement of the probe produces a large angular deflection of the reflected laser. Applications of this new system are presented in order to demonstrate its reliability, accuracy, sensitivity, and the possible use in a shear force microscope. All the results are finally analyzed by modeling the motion of the cantilevers using harmonic oscillator theory and the continuous model for oscillating bars. The agreement between experimental data and models is well inside the experimental errors confirming the possibility of using this system to accurately study the dynamics of cylindrical cantilevers.}, Author = {M. Antognozzi and H. Haschke and M. J. Miles}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1150520}, File = {Antognozzi2000.pdf:TDFM\\Antognozzi2000.pdf:PDF}, Journal = {Review of Scientific Instruments}, Keywords = {atomic force microscopy; displacement measurement; vibration measurement; measurement by laser beam; harmonic oscillators; reflectometry}, Note = {TDFM - A comprehensive overview of how the reflection detection method works, including how to set it up, how to calibrate the sensitiivity and to calculate the oscillation amplitude}, Number = {4}, Owner = {bzpgd}, Pages = {1689-1694}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2008.09.22}, Title = {A new method to measure the oscillation of a cylindrical cantilever: ``The laser reflection detection system''}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?RSI/71/1689/1}, Volume = {71}, Year = {2000}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://link.aip.org/link/?RSI/71/1689/1}, Bdsk-Url-2 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1150520}} @article{Humphris:2000hi, Abstract = {Molecular processes are both dynamic and energetic in nature and thus exhibit both conservative (elastic) and dissipative (viscous) forces. We present a method suitable for application to a conventional atomic force microscope (AFM) that is capable of measuring this complex quantity and use it to study the force-extension response of a single molecule. The dynamic force sensitivity of the AFM cantilever was increased with a positive feedback system producing a stable effective quality factor of over 300 in a liquid environment compared to the nominal value of similar to 1. This facilitated tracking of the resonant frequency and the separation of conservative (elastic) and dissipative (viscous) forces. With access to this extra information, not available by conventional static force spectroscopy, it is possible to estimate the effective viscosity of a single dextran molecule to-be 6000 Pa s. }, Author = {Humphris, A. D. L. and Tamayo, J. and Miles, M. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Langmuir}, Number = {21}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {7891--7894}, Sn = {0743-7463}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Active quality factor control in liquids for force spectroscopy}, Ut = {WOS:000089799900004}, Volume = {16}, Year = {2000}} @article{Humphris:2000kt, Abstract = {Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been used to study the non-covalent interactions of alkylated HMW subunit 1Dx5 and a M-r 58,000 peptide derived from the central repetitive domain. Both protein and peptide align side-by-side to form fibrils, the HMW subunit forming a branched network, and the peptide forming linear rods. The N- and C-terminal domains of the subunit would, therefore, appear to contain regions that interact through noncovalent interactions in the absence of disulfide bond formation. These regions may be of importance in facilitating disulfide bond formation during protein body development. }, Author = {Humphris, A. D. L. and McMaster, T. J. and Miles, M. J. and Gilbert, S. M. and Shewry, P. R. and Tatham, A. S.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Cereal Chemistry}, Number = {2}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {107--110}, Sn = {0009-0352}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Atomic force microscopy (AFM) study of interactions of HMW subunits of wheat glutenin}, Ut = {WOS:000086086400005}, Volume = {77}, Year = {2000}} @article{McMaster:2000od, Abstract = {Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been used in air and in aqueous buffer to study the structure of fibrils formed by the self-assembly of A-gliadin protein molecules. The images showed fibrils with a diameter of between 15 and 30 nm and lengths ranging from about 100 nm to 2 mu m. No branched fibrils were observed, and there was no indication of a strong lateral inter-fibril interaction that would result in side-by-side association. Disassembly of the fibrils occurred when the pH of the aqueous buffer was reduced. In contrast the reverse process of fibril assembly and adsorption to the mica surface was less readily observed in situ. Some short fibrils were observed to assemble, but the lengths and densities were considerably less than those obtained by external deposition and drying. (C) 2000 Academic Press. }, Author = {McMaster, T. J. and Miles, M. J. and Kasarda, D. D. and Shewry, P. R. and Tatham, A. S.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Journal Of Cereal Science}, Number = {3}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {281--286}, Sn = {0733-5210}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Atomic force microscopy of A-gliadin fibrils and in situ degradation}, Ut = {WOS:000087465500006}, Volume = {31}, Year = {2000}} @article{Ponomarenko:2000ns, Author = {Ponomarenko, S. A. and Boiko, N. I. and Shibaev, V. P. and Richardson, R. M. and Whitehouse, I. J. and Rebrov, E. A. and Muzafarov, A. M.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Macromolecules}, Number = {15}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {5549-5558}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Carbosilane liquid crystalline dendrimers: From molecular architecture to supramolecular nanostructures}, Volume = {33}, Year = {2000}} @article{Hodder:2000jj, Author = {Hodder, B. and Sambles, J. R. and Jenkins, S. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Physical Review Letters}, Number = {15}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {3181-3184}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Combined X-ray and fully leaky guided mode studies of the smectic layer and optic tensor configuration in a ferroelectric liquid-crystal cell}, Volume = {85}, Year = {2000}} @article{Shibaev:2000pq, Author = {Shibaev, V. P. and Barmatov, E. B. and Tao, Y. J. and Richardson, R.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Polymer Science Series A}, Number = {10}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1086-1096}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Conformations of the chain and structure of comb-shaped liquid-crystalline poly(methacrylates) with a varying molecular mass}, Volume = {42}, Year = {2000}} @article{Turnbull:2000pl, Abstract = {We report extended mode-hop-free tuning in a continuous-wave, pump-enhanced optical parametric oscillator (PE-OPO). We employ a dual-cavity configuration to allow independent control of the resonant pump and signal fields, and so we can suppress frequent mode hops in the signal as the pump is tuned in frequency. With the signal field clamped in frequency by an uncoated etalon, the idler field can be scanned smoothly through a range of 10.8 GHz. The PE-OPO outputs can also be tuned coarsely from 1.01 to 1.18 mu m in the signal and from 2.71 to 3.26 mu m and 4.07 to 5.26 mu m in the idler. We find that increased idler absorption only slightly increases the oscillation threshold. (C) 2000 Optical Society of America. OCIS codes: 190.2620, 190.4360, 190.4970.}, Author = {Turnbull, G. A. and McGloin, D. and Lindsay, I. D. and Ebrahimzadeh, M. and Dunn, M. H.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Doi = {10.1364/OL.25.000341}, Journal = {Opt. Lett.}, Keywords = {PERIODICALLY POLED LINBO3}, Number = {5}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {341-343}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Extended mode-hop-free tuning by use of a dual-cavity, pump-enhanced optical parametric oscillator}, Volume = {25}, Year = {2000}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OL.25.000341}} @article{Cacciafesta:2000ci, Abstract = {Conformational changes of proteins adsorbing on biomaterial surfaces affect biocompatibility. Titanium is among the most successful biomaterials; however, the mechanisms leading to its biocompatibility are not yet understood. The primary objective of this study was to investigate the conformation of human plasma fibrinogen (HPF) adsorbed on titanium oxide surfaces. A method for preparing ultraflat titanium substrates was developed. This allowed high-resolution investigation of both the titanium oxide surfaces and the adsorbed state of HPF. The titanium oxide surfaces were first imaged with an atomic force microscope in air and subsequently incubated in a solution of HPF in phosphate buffer and imaged in fluid with tapping mode AFM. The titanium oxide surfaces exhibited a root-mean squared (RMS) roughness of (0.29 +/- 0.03) nm over (1.00 x 1.00) mu m(2) areas. Different degrees of molecular order were found on the titanium oxide Surface. In crystalline surface areas square lattices with parameters a(0) = b(0) approximate to 0.5 nm were resolved, which is consistent with the (001) planes of the titanium dioxide TiO2 rutile. Repetitive scanning of TiO2 surface areas resulted in the abrasion of the outermost TiO2 layers by the AFM tip to a depth varying between 0.3 and 1.0 nm. When imaging adsorbed HPF, individual molecules and aggregates, often joined through their D domains, were resolved, and the typical HPF multiglobular structure was observed. The mean length and height of single molecules were (46 +/- 3) nm and (1.4 +/- 0.2) nm, respectively. Additional features (chain segments) adjacent to the D and E domains were resolved and attributed to the a chains and their C-termini. The combination of AFM and the ultraflat titanium preparation method has proven successful for the high-resolution study of both the TiO2 surface and the adsorbed HPF. }, Author = {Cacciafesta, P. and Humphris, A. D. L. and Jandt, K. D. and Miles, M. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Di = {10.1021/la000362k}, Journal = {Langmuir}, Number = {21}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {8167--8175}, Sn = {0743-7463}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Human plasma fibrinogen adsorption on ultraflat titanium oxide surfaces studied with atomic force microscopy}, Ut = {WOS:000089799900042}, Volume = {16}, Year = {2000}} @article{James:2000kl, Abstract = {Nafion(R) is a commercially available perfluorosulphonate cation exchange membrane commonly used as a perm-selective separator in chlor-alkali electrolysers and as the electrolyte in solid polymer fuel cells. This usage arises because of its high mechanical, thermal and chemical stability coupled with its high conductivity and ionic selectivity, which depend strongly on the water content. The membrane was therefore studied in different states of hydration obtained by placing the membrane and atomic force microscope (AFM) in a specially constructed environmental chamber to control the humidity. Tapping mode phase imaging was successfully used to identify the hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions of Nafion, The images support a cluster model for the hydrophilic regions of Nafion at humidities of (9-34) +/- 2%. The clusters have a range of sizes from 5 to 30 nm, significantly larger than the similar to 4 nm structures proposed from X-ray studies, which is probably due to the formation of cluster agglomerates. Phase images were interpreted semi-quantitatively in terms of energy loss, typically 3 kJ m(-2), and the number and size of energy dissipative features. The number of clusters decreased while the average cluster size increased with increasing humidity. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. }, Author = {James, P. J. and McMaster, T. J. and Newton, J. M. and Miles, M. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Polymer}, Number = {11}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {4223--4231}, Sn = {0032-3861}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {In situ rehydration of perfluorosulphonate ion-exchange membrane studied by AFM}, Ut = {WOS:000085565200035}, Volume = {41}, Year = {2000}} @article{McMaster:2000zq, Abstract = {The surface adsorption of the rodlike protein C hordein has been directly imaged in the earliest stages of the process using atomic force microscopy. In a good solvent, 100 mM acetic acid, surface adsorption is marginally favored over desorption. However, a slight reduction in the concentration of the acetic acid leads to a marked increase in surface adsorption. The free surface is progressively covered to a single molecule thickness, with the molecule lying flat on the surface. Comparable in situ experiments on a hydrophobic surface, graphite, show that the protein- protein interaction dominates the surface adsorption on the hydrophilic surface. }, Author = {McMaster, T. J. and Miles, M. J. and Shewry, P. R. and Tatham, A. S.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Langmuir}, Number = {4}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {1463--1468}, Sn = {0743-7463}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {In situ surface adsorption of the protein C hordein using atomic force microscopy}, Ut = {WOS:000085412600001}, Volume = {16}, Year = {2000}} @inproceedings{Heinzelmann:2000rx, Abstract = {Microfabrication of probes for near-field optical microscopy is a promising approach to improve probe quality, reproducibility, and availability/cost. We report on cantilevered probes with integrated quartz tips allowing near-field optical imaging of single fluorophores with 32 nm lateral resolution.}, Author = {Heinzelmann, H and Eckert, R and Freyland, JM and Gersen, H and Schurmann, G and Noell, W and Staufer, U and de Rooij, N}, Book-Group-Author = {IEEE, IEEE}, Booktitle = {2000 IEEE/LEOS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON OPTICAL MEMS}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Isbn = {0-7803-6257-8}, Note = {IEEE/LEOS International Conference on Optical MEMS, KAUAI, HI, AUG 21-24, 2000}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {127-128}, Timestamp = {2008.12.03}, Title = {Microfabricated probes for near-field optical microscopy}, Unique-Id = {ISI:000165310300060}, Year = {2000}} @article{Miles:2000lo, Abstract = {Use of atomic force microscopy (AFM) together with light microscopy (LM) provides an ideal opportunity for studying the initial growth of wrinkles on polypyrrole films. In situ experiments, where continuous AFM image data acquisition was carried out during growth of thin polypyrrole films on indium-tin oxide (ITO) anodes, proved unsuccessful because the height changes occurring during the deposition proved to be too large to handle by the instrument cantilever and fell outside of the range of the z-piezo transducer. However, ex situ experiments have yielded valuable information on the earliest stages of film formation. Parallel in situ experiments where growth was followed by dynamic light microscopy imaging complemented the AFM study to yield a clear picture of the mechanism of formation of wrinkles. Additionally, the experiments confirmed that wrinkles are an integral part of the film and are not an artefact induced in films, consequent to shrinkage or drying out. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. }, Author = {Miles, M. J. and Smith, W. T. and Shapiro, J. S.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Polymer}, Number = {9}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {3349--3356}, Sn = {0032-3861}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Morphological investigation by atomic force microscopy and light microscopy of electropolymerised polypyrrole films}, Ut = {WOS:000084879200027}, Volume = {41}, Year = {2000}} @article{Baker:2000qx, Abstract = {The organization of the surface of cellulose is important in cell structure, as well as in industrial processing and modification. Using atomic force microscopy, we show that the I-alpha phase of native cellulose first proposed in 1984 and subsequently characterized by a triclinic unit cell exists over large areas of the surface of microcrystals from Valonia, one of the most highly crystalline celluloses. There is startling agreement between the observed structure and crystal models, and it is possible to identify the specific crystal face being imaged. The near-atomic resolution images also offer an insight into structural reconstructions at the surface compared to the interior. We are able to assign features in the images to particular side groups attached to the glucose ring and find indications of subtle modifications of the position of surface hydroxyls due to changes in hydrogen bonding. }, Author = {Baker, A. A. and Helbert, W. and Sugiyama, J. and Miles, M. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Biophysical Journal}, Number = {2}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {1139--1145}, Sn = {0006-3495}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {New insight into cellulose structure by atomic force microscopy shows the I-alpha crystal phase at near-atomic resolution}, Ut = {WOS:000088563700049}, Volume = {79}, Year = {2000}} @article{Tamayo:2000ru, Abstract = {In this work, a cantilever in a fluid is driven by a mixed signal composed of a standard driving signal and a feedback signal consisting of the amplified and phase shifted oscillation signal. This mimics the oscillation of a cantilever with a quality factor up to three orders of magnitude higher than its natural Q (similar to 1). This technique allows the identification of the resonance frequency of the cantilever by mechanical excitation of the fluid. The improved sensitivity has been checked by imaging a very soft sample of 1% agarose gel in the dynamic mode. A force smaller than 50 pN could be applied to the sample, improving the spatial resolution and the phase contrast significantly. This technique provides a major improvement in atomic force microscopy/spectroscopy in liquids. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(00)03830-4]. }, Author = {Tamayo, J. and Humphris, A. D. L. and Miles, M. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Applied Physics Letters}, Number = {4}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {PII [S0003-6951(00)03830-4]}, Sn = {0003-6951}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Piconewton regime dynamic force microscopy in liquid}, Ut = {WOS:000088225400041}, Volume = {77}, Year = {2000}} @article{Lymer:2000dy, Author = {Lymer, K. P. and Dunn, P. E. and Jones, J. C. and Richardson, R. M. and Taylor, L.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Ferroelectrics}, Number = {1-4}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {395-404}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Spontaneous layer reorientation in smectic C liquid crystals}, Volume = {244}, Year = {2000}} @article{Winkel:2000gj, Abstract = {The surface of ultra-thin polybutene-1 films was studied using an atomic force microscope (AFM) and resolution of individual molecules was achieved. Polybutene-1 can exist in multiple crystal phases. The tetragonal phase, named form 2, is unstable, converting over time to the most prevalent phase, form I. Comparison of the images with Connolly surfaces enabled identification of which plane of which phase was observed in the AFM images. The samples were prepared in such a way that the bulk would be in the stable phase. It was found that this phase is also stable on the surface. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. }, Author = {Winkel, A. K. and Miles, M. J.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Polymer}, Number = {6}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {2313--2317}, Sn = {0032-3861}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Surface crystallography of polybutene-1 by atomic force microscopy}, Ut = {WOS:000084608600040}, Volume = {41}, Year = {2000}} @article{Jenkins:2000ty, Author = {Jenkins, S. A. and Jones, J. C. and Dunn, P. E. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Ferroelectrics}, Number = {1-4}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {383-393}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {X-ray studies of layer structure and needle defects in anti-parallel aligned SSFLC devices with medium pre-tilt}, Volume = {244}, Year = {2000}} @article{Binger:2000zl, Author = {Binger, D. R. and Hanna, S.}, Date-Added = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:33:07 +0000}, Journal = {Liquid Crystals}, Month = jan, Number = {1}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {89--102}, Sn = {0267-8292}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Computer simulations of interactions between liquid crystal molecules and polymer surfaces II. Alignment of smectic C-forming mesogens}, Ut = {ISI:000085085000014}, Volume = {27}, Year = {2000}} @article{Elliott:1999vp, Author = {Elliott, J. A. and Hanna, S.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Journal Of Applied Crystallography}, Month = dec, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1069--1083}, Pn = {Part 6}, Sn = {0021-8898}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {A model-independent maximum-entropy method for the inversion of small-angle X-ray diffraction patterns}, Ut = {ISI:000084226900005}, Volume = {32}, Year = {1999}} @article{Binger:1999it, Author = {Binger, D. R. and Hanna, S.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Liquid Crystals}, Month = aug, Number = {8}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1205--1224}, Sn = {0267-8292}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Computer simulation of interactions between liquid crystal molecules and polymer surfaces - I. Alignment of nematic and smectic A phases}, Ut = {ISI:000081309300012}, Volume = {26}, Year = {1999}} @article{Hanna:1999eq, Author = {Hanna, S. and Barham, P. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society}, Month = aug, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {U642--U642}, Pn = {Part 2}, Sn = {0065-7727}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Predicted small and wide-angle X-ray scattering intensities from stacks of lamellar crystals.}, Ut = {ISI:000082034001937}, Volume = {218}, Year = {1999}} @article{Richardson:1999rs, Author = {Richardson, R. M. and Barmatov, E. B. and Whitehouse, I. J. and Shibaev, V. P. and Yongjie, T. and Godinho, M. H. F.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section a-Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals}, Note = {Part 3}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1529-+}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {A small angle neutron scattering study of the effect of molecular weight on the conformation of side chain liquid crystal polymers in a smectic phase}, Volume = {330}, Year = {1999}} @article{Saunders:1999wg, Author = {Saunders, J. M. and Goodwin, J. W. and Richardson, R. M. and Vincent, B.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry B}, Number = {43}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {9211-9218}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {A small-angle X-ray scattering study of the structure of aqueous laponite dispersions}, Volume = {103}, Year = {1999}} @article{Lovell:1999ka, Author = {Lovell, M. R. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Current Opinion in Colloid \& Interface Science}, Number = {3}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {197-204}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Analysis methods in neutron and X-ray reflectometry}, Volume = {4}, Year = {1999}} @article{McMaster:1999aa, Abstract = {High-resolution atomic force microscopy has been applied to the imaging of intact human ocular mucins in a near-physiological buffer. The mucins displayed a range of lengths from several hundred nanometers to several microns. By varying the ionic composition of the imaging environment, it was possible to image molecules rigidly fixed to the substrate and the motion of single molecules across the substrate. From static molecular images, high-resolution line profiles show a variation of up to +/-0.75 nm in thickness along the molecule. This variation is localized in regions of several tens of nanometers. It is interpreted in terms of the varying glycosylation along the mucin and is consistent with the known size of oligosaccharides in ocular mucins. The dynamic images indicate the possibility of following mucin interactions in situ. }, Author = {McMaster, T. J. and Berry, M. and Corfield, A. P. and Miles, M. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Biophysical Journal}, Number = {1}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {533--541}, Sn = {0006-3495}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Atomic force microscopy of the submolecular architecture of hydrated ocular mucins}, Ut = {WOS:000081341700044}, Volume = {77}, Year = {1999}} @article{Elliott:1999oh, Author = {Elliott, J. A. and Hanna, S. and Elliott, A. M. S. and Cooley, G. E.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics}, Number = {20}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {4855--4863}, Sn = {1463-9076}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Atomistic simulation and molecular dynamics of model systems for perfluorinated ionomer membranes}, Ut = {ISI:000083078200026}, Volume = {1}, Year = {1999}} @article{Lovell:1999xx, Author = {Lovell, M. R. and Dalgliesh, R. M. and Richardson, R. M. and Barnes, A. C. and Enderby, J. E. and Evans, B. and Webster, J. R. P.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics}, Number = {9}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {2379-2381}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Depth of water incorporation into float glass surfaces studied by neutron reflection}, Volume = {1}, Year = {1999}} @article{McMaster:1999zh, Abstract = {Pure and mixed films of alpha- and omega-gliadins were studied by tapping mode atomic force microscopy (AFM). The technique was sensitive to the chemistry of the surface properties of the films, allowing imaging of the mixed gliadin phases at different ratios. In addition to the study of the phases at the micrometer level, higher resolution images allowed visualization of the protein films at the, molecular level. These studies may have relevance to the formation of phases in developing protein bodies in grain, where gliadins and glutenins are deposited together. It has been assumed that the protein bodies consist of a random network of proteins; these studies indicate that microphases could be present in protein bodies. The technique provides novel methods for studying mixed biopolymer systems. }, Author = {McMaster, T. J. and Miles, M. J. and Wannerberger, L. and Eliasson, A. C. and Shewry, P. R. and Tatham, A. S.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Journal Of Agricultural And Food Chemistry}, Number = {12}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {5093--5099}, Sn = {0021-8561}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Identification of microphases in mixed alpha- and omega-gliadin protein films investigated by atomic force microscopy}, Ut = {WOS:000084374200042}, Volume = {47}, Year = {1999}} @article{Ebrahimzadeh:1999qj, Abstract = {The operating characteristics and experimental performance of continuous-wave (cw) singly resonant optical parametric oscillators (ICSRO's) pumped internally to the cavity of the pump laser are described. We outline the operating principles, design criteria, and optimization procedure for maximum downconversion and power extraction, and highlight the merits of the intracavity approach, including low input power requirement, potential for 100% downconversion efficiency, high-power operational stability, and power scalability. The predicted behavior and many of the attractive practical features of these devices are demonstrated in cw ICSRO's based on the birefringent nonlinear materials KTiOPO4 and KTiOAsO4 and on the quasi-phase-matched nonlinear materials periodically poled LiNbO3, RbTiOAsO4, and KTiOPO4, pumped internally to cw Ti:sapphire- and diode-pumped solid-state lasers. Maximum extracted infrared powers of 1.46 W, downconversion efficiencies of as much as 90%, minimum input power thresholds of 310 mW, and wavelength tuning to 4 mu m in the mid-infrared are demonstrated. (C) 1999 Optical Society of America [S0740-3224(99)01809-3].}, Author = {Ebrahimzadeh, M. and Turnbull, G. A. and Edwards, T. J. and Stothard, D. J. M. and Lindsay, I. D. and Dunn, M. H.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Doi = {10.1364/JOSAB.16.001499}, Journal = {J. Opt. Soc. Am. B.}, Keywords = {PERIODICALLY-POLED LINBO3; RBTIOASO4; POWER}, Number = {9}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1499-1511}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Intracavity continuous-wave singly resonant optical parametric oscillators}, Volume = {16}, Year = {1999}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/JOSAB.16.001499}} @article{Dunn:1999tk, Author = {Dunn, P. E. and Gass, P. A. and Haslam, S. D. and Jenkins, S. A. and Jones, J. C. and Richardson, R. M. and Taylor, L.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section a-Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {357-365}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Layer and director profiles in ferroelectric liquid crystal displays subjected to mechanical damage}, Volume = {328}, Year = {1999}} @article{Richardson:1999qa, Author = {Richardson, R. M. and Ponomarenko, S. A. and Boiko, N. I. and Shibaev, V. P.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Liquid Crystals}, Number = {1}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {101-108}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Liquid crystalline dendrimer of the fifth generation: From lamellar to columnar structure in thermotropic mesophases}, Volume = {26}, Year = {1999}} @article{Berry:1999qh, Author = {Berry, M. and McMaster, T. J. and Corfield, A. P. and Miles, M. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Investigative Ophthalmology \& Visual Science}, Number = {4}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {5090}, Sn = {0146-0404}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Ocular mucins form slender and long polymers: An atomic force microscopy study}, Ut = {WOS:000079269205086}, Volume = {40}, Year = {1999}} @article{Tatham:1999kw, Abstract = {Scanning probe microscopes (SPMs) share a number of common features which give the techniques advantages over conventional light and electron microscopy. First, high resolution, up to the atomic level, is possible in certain cases, and second, they are nondestructive, requiring no staining or coating and the images can be obtained in the hydrated state or under water. Scanning probe microscopes, particularly scanning tunnelling microscopes (STM) and atomic force microscopes (AFM), have been used to study food-related systems, ranging from relatively large structures such as starch granules to the organisation of secondary structures in proteins and the interaction nf proteins The seed storage proteins (gluten) of wheat are responsible for the viscous and elastic properties of wheat doughs that allow them to be used for a wide range of different food products. Using AFM and STM, images of individual and groups of proteins have been obtained in both the dry and hydrated states. The ability to work in liquid environments allows the conformation of proteins to be determined under conditions approaching "native." The AFM and STM have been used to image both gliadins and glutenins and to study their aggregative behaviour in relation to gluten and dough systems. }, Author = {Tatham, A. S. and Thomson, N. H. and McMaster, T. J. and Humphris, A. D. L. and Miles, M. J. and Shewry, P. R.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Scanning}, Number = {5}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {293--298}, Sn = {0161-0457}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Scanning probe microscopy studies of cereal seed storage protein structures}, Ut = {WOS:000083839700003}, Volume = {21}, Year = {1999}} @article{Tatham:1999be, Author = {Tatham, A. S. and McMaster, T. J. and Humphris, A. D. L. and Miles, M. J. and Shewry, P. R.}, Cl = {CHICAGO, ILLINOIS}, Ct = {Scanning 99 Conference}, Cy = {APR 11-14, 1999}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Scanning}, Number = {2}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {121--122}, Sn = {0161-0457}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Scanning probe microscopy studies of cereal seed storage structures}, Ut = {WOS:000081171200084}, Volume = {21}, Year = {1999}} @article{Thomson:1999rb, Abstract = {Small angle X-ray scattering in solution was performed on seed-storage proteins from wheat. Three different groups of gliadins (alpha-, gamma- and omega-) and a high molecular weight (HMW) subunit of glutenin (1Bx20) were studied to determine molecular size parameters, All the gliadins could be modelled as prolate ellipsoids with extended conformations. The HMW subunit existed as a highly extended rod-like particle in solution with a length of about 69 nm and a diameter of about 6.4 nm, Specific aggregation effects were observed which may reflect mechanisms of self-assembly that contribute to the unique viscoelastic properties of wheat dough. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. }, Author = {Thomson, N. H. and Miles, M. J. and Popineau, Y. and Harries, J. and Shewry, P. and Tatham, A. S.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Protein Structure And Molecular Enzymology}, Number = {2}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {359--366}, Sn = {0167-4838}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Small angle X-ray scattering of wheat seed-storage proteins: alpha-, gamma- and omega-gliadins and the high molecular weight (HMW) subunits of glutenin}, Ut = {WOS:000079411700019}, Volume = {1430}, Year = {1999}} @article{Ponomarenko:1999pm, Author = {Ponomarenko, S. and Boiko, N. and Rebrov, E. and Muzafarov, A. and Whitehouse, I. and Richardson, R. and Shibaev, V.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section a-Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {2553-+}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Synthesis, phase behaviour and structure of liquid crystalline carbosilane dendrimers with methoxyphenyl benzoate terminal mesogenic groups}, Volume = {332}, Year = {1999}} @article{Wescott:1999gl, Author = {Wescott, J. T. and Hanna, S.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Computational And Theoretical Polymer Science}, Number = {3-4}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {307--326}, Sn = {1089-3156}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {The influence of flexible side chains on the dimensions of flexible polymers}, Ut = {ISI:000082266500015}, Volume = {9}, Year = {1999}} @article{Richardson:1999bj, Author = {Richardson, R. M. and Whitehouse, I. J. and Ponomarenko, S. A. and Boiko, N. I. and Shibaev, V. P.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section a-Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals}, Note = {Part 3}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1411-+}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {X-ray diffraction from liquid crystalline carbosilane dendrimers}, Volume = {330}, Year = {1999}} @article{Jenkins:1999ip, Author = {Jenkins, S. A. and Jones, J. C. and Dunn, P. E. and Haslam, S. D. and Richardson, R. M. and Taylor, L.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section a-Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals}, Note = {Part 2}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {631-638}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {X-ray study of the layer structure in a high pre-tilt, anti-parallel aligned ferroelectric liquid crystal}, Volume = {329}, Year = {1999}} @article{Hanna:1998nu, Author = {Hanna, S. and Baker, A. M. E. and Windle, A. H.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Polymer}, Month = jun, Number = {12}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {2409--2414}, Sn = {0032-3861}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Application of a CCD-based X-ray diffractometer to polymer fibre diffraction}, Ut = {ISI:000072835900003}, Volume = {39}, Year = {1998}} @article{Williamson:1998jy, Abstract = {It is becoming clear that a significant proportion of scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM) images are artefacts caused by adjusting the tip-sample separation when scanning. An example that occurred with shear-force regulation is given in this work and it is shown that constant-height imaging provides a partial solution to the problem. The problem could be intrinsic to closed-loop imaging or occur through using shear-force regulation incorrectly. An operational protocol is presented which shows that for maximum sensitivity, shear forces should be measured off resonance. Simultaneous tunnelling measurements have been used to demonstrate that with this protocol, shear-force measurements can provide non-contact operation in the case of differential interferometer-based systems. It has been observed that differences in substrate material produce significant phase changes in the probe oscillation. Here, the phase shift would have resulted in the probe-sample separation being approximately 7 Angstrom smaller when the probe resided over aluminium islands on the test specimen. Whether this error is responsible for the observed optical artefacts is still being determined. (C) 1998 published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.}, Author = {Williamson, R. L. and Brereton, L. J. and Antognozzi, M. and Miles, M. J.}, C1 = {Univ Bristol, HH Wills Phys Lab, Royal Ft, Bristol BS8 1TL, Avon, England.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Em = {ricky.williamson@bristol.ac.uk}, File = {Williamson1998.pdf:TDFM\\Williamson1998.pdf:PDF}, Ga = {ZF289}, J9 = {ULTRAMICROSCOPY}, Ji = {Ultramicroscopy}, Journal = {Ultramicroscopy}, Keywords = {SCALE}, La = {English}, Month = mar, Note = {TDFM - Brief discussion of the imaging mechanism}, Nr = {25}, Number = {1-4}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pa = {PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS}, Pages = {165--175}, Pg = {11}, Pi = {AMSTERDAM}, Publisher = {Elsevier Science Bv}, Rp = {Williamson, RL, Univ Bristol, HH Wills Phys Lab, Royal Ft, Tyndall Ave,EOLEOLBristol BS8 1TL, Avon, England.}, Sc = {Microscopy}, Sn = {0304-3991}, Tc = {16}, Timestamp = {2008.08.29}, Title = {Are artefacts in scanning near-field optical microscopy related to the misuse of shear force?}, Ut = {ISI:000072882600023}, Volume = {71}, Year = {1998}} @article{Belushkin:1998wo, Author = {Belushkin, A. V. and Cook, M. J. and Frezzato, D. and Haslam, S. D. and Ferrarini, A. and Martin, D. and McMurdo, J. and Nordio, P. L. and Richardson, R. M. and Stafford, A.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Molecular Physics}, Number = {4}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {593-607}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {A quasi-elastic neutron scattering study of molecular dynamics in a columnar liquid crystal}, Volume = {93}, Year = {1998}} @article{Schultz:1998gw, Abstract = {The atomic force microscope (AFM) has been used to investigate morphological development during the crystallization of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) from the melt. PEOs with molecular weights of 1 x 10(5) and 7 x 10(6) were used. Height and amplitude images were recorded, using the tapping mode. For both polymers, the mode of spherulite development varied with the velocity of the growth front. For slow growth velocities, the growth of the crystallites was linear, with growth initially occurring by single lamellae, later developing into growth arms by screw dislocation spawning of crystallites. At intermediate growth velocities, stacks of lamellae develop rapidly. The splaying apart of adjacent crystals and growth arms is abundant. The operation of growth spirals was observed directly in this growth velocity range. The crystals formed by the giant screw dislocations diverge immediately from the original growth direction, providing a source of interlamellar splaying. At low and intermediate velocities, the front propagates by the advance of primary growth arms, with the regions between the arms filled in by arms growing behind the primary front. At the highest velocity observed here, the formation of lamellar bundles and immediate splaying results in recognizable spherulites developing at the earliest stages of crystallization. The change from linear growth to splaying and nonlinear growth are qualitatively explained in terms of driving force, elastic resistance and the presence of compositional and/or elastic fields in the melt. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. }, Author = {Schultz, J. M. and Miles, M. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Journal Of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics}, Number = {13}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {2311--2325}, Sn = {0887-6266}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {AFM study of morphological development during the melt-crystallization of poly(ethylene oxide)}, Ut = {WOS:000075690600007}, Volume = {36}, Year = {1998}} @article{Cook:1998cz, Author = {Cook, M.J. and Mckeown, N.B. and Thompson, A.J. and Harrison, K.J. and Richardson, R.M. and Davies, A.N and Roser, S. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Chemistry of Materials}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {287-289}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Assemblies of Discotic Mesophases of 1,4,8,11,15,18,22,25 octa- substituted phthalocyanines}, Volume = {1}, Year = {1998}} @article{Hobbs:1998lk, Abstract = {Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been used to observe, in real time, the growth of two-dimensional poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-valerate) (PHB/V) 'spherulites' in thin films. The AFM permits us to image the growth over a wide range of magnifications, from the macroscopic spherulitic growth down to observations of growth of individual lamellae. The lamellar growth images are obtained using a special, high resolution, phase-imaging technique. Low magnification images show, in common with optical microscope techniques, sharp circular growth fronts which move at a constant growth rate. At higher magnifications the rough nature of the growth front on a lamellar scale is clearly revealed with dominant lamellae leading the growth. The most remarkable observation is that these dominant lamellae do not grow at a fixed, constant rate, as predicted by most growth theories, but rather they initially spurt forwards at a rate substantially faster than the macroscopic growth rate, and then slow down or stop. A new theory, in which the spherulite growth rate is controlled not by the growth rate of the individual lamellae, but rather by the rate at which new lamellae nucleate on existing, dormant lamellae, is suggested. It is believed that these observations, although only made on one system, may be more widely applicable. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. }, Author = {Hobbs, J. K. and McMaster, T. J. and Miles, M. J. and Barham, P. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Polymer}, Number = {12}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {2437--2446}, Sn = {0032-3861}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Direct observations of the growth of spherulites of poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-valerate) using atomic force microscopy}, Ut = {WOS:000072835900006}, Volume = {39}, Year = {1998}} @article{Lindsay:1998yr, Abstract = {The performance characteristics of a doubly (signal and idler) resonant continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator based on periodically poled lithium niobate and pumped by a 100-mW single-mode laser diode at 810 nm are reported. Pump power thresholds as low as 16 mW and wavelength tuning over the range 1.15-1.25 mu m at the signal and 2.31-2.66 mu m at the idler were achieved through variation of crystal temperature, pump wavelength, and grating period. Up to 5 mW of signal output was obtained with the single-mode diode pump, and signal powers of up to 39 mW were obtained when pumping with a 400-mW injection-locked broad-area diode laser. (C) 1998 Optical Society of America.}, Author = {Lindsay, I. D. and Turnbull, G. A. and Dunn, M. H. and Ebrahimzadeh, M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Doi = {10.1364/OL.23.001889}, Journal = {Opt. Lett.}, Keywords = {LITHIUM-NIOBATE}, Number = {24}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1889-1891}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Doubly resonant continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator pumped by a single-mode diode laser}, Volume = {23}, Year = {1998}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OL.23.001889}} @article{Lindsay:1998de, Abstract = {The efficient, low-threshold operation of a 946-nm Nd:YAG laser pumped by an injection-locked broad-area diode laser is reported. The implications of pump-beam quality for efficient, low-threshold operation, particularly with intrinsically inefficient transitions, are discussed in the context of previously published models. Results are presented showing that the M-2 = 1.3 pump beam of the injection-locked diode laser enabled a cw slope efficiency of 48% and a threshold of 52 mW to be attained. When Q-switched, 335 mW of pump power gave 27-ns, 5.2-mu J pulses. These were frequency doubled to obtain 19-ns, 1-mu J pulses at 473 nm. These results represent significant improvements over similar systems pumped by free-running broad-area diode lasers or arrays. (C) 1998 Optical Society of America.}, Author = {Lindsay, I. D. and Ebrahimzadeh, M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Doi = {10.1364/AO.37.003961}, Journal = {Appl. Optics}, Keywords = {SOLID-STATE LASERS; REFRACTIVE-INDEXES; ORTHORHOMBIC KNBO3; ROOM-TEMPERATURE; NM; ARRAYS}, Number = {18}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {3961-3970}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Efficient continuous-wave and Q-switched operation of a 946-nm Nd : YAG laser pumped by an injection-locked broad-area diode laser}, Volume = {37}, Year = {1998}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/AO.37.003961}} @article{Hillman:1998ja, Author = {Hillman, A. R. and Saville, P. M. and Glidle, A. and Richardson, R. M. and Roser, S. J. and Swann, M. J. and Webster, J. R. P.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Journal of the American Chemical Society}, Number = {49}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {12882-12890}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Neutron reflectivity determination of buried electroactive interface structure: PBT/PPy and PBT/PXV bilayers}, Volume = {120}, Year = {1998}} @article{Horne:1998qu, Author = {Horne, D. S. and Atkinson, P. J. and Dickinson, E. and Pinfield, V. J. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {International Dairy Journal}, Number = {2}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {73-77}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Neutron reflectivity study of competitive adsorption of beta-lactoglobulin and nonionic surfactant at the air-water interface}, Volume = {8}, Year = {1998}} @article{Clifton:1998fo, Author = {Clifton, B. J. and Cosgrove, T. and Richardson, R. M. and Zarbakhsh, A. and Webster, J. R. P.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Physica B}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {289-296}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {The structure of block copolymers at the fluid/fluid interface}, Volume = {248}, Year = {1998}} @article{Wescott:1997wb, Author = {Wescott, J. T. and Hanna, S.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society}, Month = apr, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {232--COMP}, Pn = {Part 1}, Sn = {0065-7727}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {The influence of flexible side chains on the statistics of flexible polymers.}, Ut = {ISI:A1997WP18502864}, Volume = {213}, Year = {1997}} @article{Hamley:1997ig, Author = {Hamley, I. W. and Fairclough, J. P. A. and King, S. M. and Pedersen, J. S. and Richardson, R. M. and Imrie, C. T. and Craig, A. A.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Liquid Crystals}, Number = {6}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {679-684}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {A small angle neutron scattering study of the conformation of a side chain liquid crystal poly(methacrylate) in the smectic C phase}, Volume = {22}, Year = {1997}} @article{Phillips:1997rs, Author = {Phillips, P. L. and Richardson, R. M. and Zarbakhsh, A. and Haslam, S. D.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Liquid Crystals}, Number = {5}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {699-708}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {An investigation of the porosity and surface roughness of liquid crystal alignment layers using neutron reflectivity}, Volume = {23}, Year = {1997}} @article{Phillips:1997nj, Author = {Phillips, T. L. and Saigol, Z. A. and Hanna, S.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Molecular Crystals And Liquid Crystals Science And Technology Section A-Molecular Crystals And Liquid Crystals}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {9--14}, Sn = {1058-725X}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Computer simulation of rotator phases in liquid-crystalline polymers}, Ut = {ISI:A1997YE81400003}, Volume = {303}, Year = {1997}} @article{Binger:1997ni, Author = {Binger, D. R. and Hanna, S.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Molecular Crystals And Liquid Crystals Science And Technology Section A-Molecular Crystals And Liquid Crystals}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {63--68}, Sn = {1058-725X}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Computer simulation of surface alignment in ferroelectric liquid crystal devices}, Ut = {ISI:A1997YH15900009}, Volume = {302}, Year = {1997}} @article{Phillips:1997eg, Author = {Phillips, P. L. and Richardson, R. M. and Cubitt, R. and Haslam, S. D.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Journal of Applied Crystallography}, Note = {Part 6}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1096-1104}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Glancing-angle neutron diffraction from smectic C liquid-crystal surfaces}, Volume = {30}, Year = {1997}} @article{Baker:1997vd, Abstract = {We have studied the surface of nativeValoniacellulose I microcrystals under propanol and waterby atomic force microscopy (AFM). Ultra-high-resolution images of the surface are presented, as well as lower resolution morphological observations of whole crystals. The pitch of 0.52 nm along the molecule due to the asymmetrical glucose unit and the intermolecular spacing of [approximate]0.6 nm are clearly resolved in both imaging environments. The relationship between the crystalline bulk and the surface are discussed, with particular attention being paid to previous crystallographic studies. We also show that the glucose units along the cellulose chains are not topographically equivalent due to the twofold screw symmetry and accordingly present strong evidence of triclinic character by direct surface imaging, rather than by taking average measurements in reciprocal space. The crystallographic distinction between monoclinic and triclinic structure is a displacement of the cellulose chains by a quarter of thecaxis period, resulting in either a stagger or a diagonal shifting, respectively, of the cellobiose unit along the chain axis by 0.26 nm. This structural identification (in real space) represents, as far as we are aware, the highest resolution AFM imaging of a biological specimen to date. This study opens up the future possibility of identifying the localized triclinic or monoclinic nature of theValoniacellulose surface with AFM.}, Author = {Andrew A. Baker and William Helbert and Junji Sugiyama and Mervyn J. Miles}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1006/jsbi.1997.3866}, File = {Baker1997.PDF:General AFM\\Baker1997.PDF:PDF}, Issn = {1047-8477}, Journal = {Journal of Structural Biology}, Number = {2}, Owner = {bzpgd}, Pages = {129 - 138}, Timestamp = {2008.11.19}, Title = {High-Resolution Atomic Force Microscopy of Native Valonia Cellulose I Microcrystals}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6WM5-45K13XY-1M/2/7e31d53f31e2e6129508bc72b0d670b9}, Volume = {119}, Year = {1997}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6WM5-45K13XY-1M/2/7e31d53f31e2e6129508bc72b0d670b9}, Bdsk-Url-2 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/jsbi.1997.3866}} @article{Wannerberger:1997vo, Abstract = {The interaction between layers of alpha-gliadin has been studied by the surface force technique. The protein was both deposited according to the Langmuir-Blodgett technique and adsorbed onto hydrophilic mica surfaces. Deposition was performed at surface pressures of 10 and 20 mN/m, and contact angle measurements of the hydrophobic films indicated a more homogenous layer al the higher surface pressure. Atomic force microscopy images showed no significant differences between surfaces deposited at the two surface pressures. From the surface force measurements, the contact separation indicated a layer thickness of 65 Angstrom. The long range forces between deposited gliadin layers in the presence of 1.0 and 0.1 mM sodium chloride were dominated by electrostatic repulsion, and the absence of long-range steric forces suggested that the molecules in the protein film adopt a very compact conformation. Some adhesive force was obtained upon decompression. The interaction between alpha-gliadin layers adsorbed from ethanol solution, and measured in the presence of sodium chloride aqueous solution: was dominated by steric forces. From AFM measurements, the adsorbed film was markedly rougher than the deposited film, but displayed degree of shorter-range order. (C) 1997 Academic Press Limited. }, Author = {Wannerberger, L. and Nylander, T. and Eliasson, A. C. and Tatham, A. S. and Fido, R. J. and Miles, M. J. and McMaster, T. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Journal Of Cereal Science}, Number = {1}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {1--13}, Sn = {0733-5210}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Interaction between alpha-gliadin layers}, Ut = {WOS:A1997XF80600001}, Volume = {26}, Year = {1997}} @article{Penfold:1997tu, Author = {Penfold, J. and Richardson, R. M. and Zarbakhsh, A. and Webster, J. R. P. and Bucknall, D. G. and Rennie, A. R. and Jones, R. A. L. and Cosgrove, T. and Thomas, R. K. and Higgins, J. S. and Fletcher, P. D. I. and Dickinson, E. and Roser, S. J. and McLure, I. A. and Hillman, A. R. and Richards, R. W. and Staples, E. J. and Burgess, A. N. and Simister, E. A. and White, J. W.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Journal of the Chemical Society-Faraday Transactions}, Number = {22}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {3899-3917}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Recent advances in the study of chemical surfaces and interfaces by specular neutron reflection}, Volume = {93}, Year = {1997}} @article{Shewry:1997go, Abstract = {Scanning probe microscopes (SPMs) are a family of related instruments which can produce high-resolution images of structures at the molecular and atomic levels. Their main impact so far has been in surface science, but they also have tremendous potential for the study of biomolecules. In this article we will briefly introduce the properties and principles of these instruments, and then discuss a range of preliminary studies from our laboratories in relation to future applications in cereal science. }, Author = {Shewry, P. R. and Miles, M. J. and THomson, N. H. and Tatham, A. S.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Cereal Chemistry}, Number = {3}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {193--199}, Sn = {0009-0352}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Scanning probe microscopes - Applications in cereal science}, Ut = {WOS:A1997WZ31300001}, Volume = {74}, Year = {1997}} @article{Richardson:1997ce, Author = {Richardson, R. M. and Webster, J. R. P. and Zarbakhsh, A.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Journal of Applied Crystallography}, Note = {Part 6}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {943-947}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Study of off-specular neutron reflectivity using a model system}, Volume = {30}, Year = {1997}} @article{McMaster:1996dk, Abstract = {Atomic force microscopy has been applied to the study of plant chromosomes from cereal grasses Triticum aestivum (bread wheat), Triticum tauschii, and Hordeum vulgare (barley). Using standard mitotic metaphase squashes, high resolution images have been obtained of untreated chromosomes and also of chromosomes after C-banding, N-banding, and in situ hybridization. The true 3-dimensional nature of the images permits detailed analysis of the surface structure and, on untreated uncoated chromosomes, surface features on a length scale consistent with nucleosome structures have been observed. C+ and N+ regions are manifest as areas of high relief on a slightly collapsed chromosome structure. In situ hybridization leads to a more severe degradation of the native structure, although it is still possible to correlate the optical signal with the topography of the hybridized chromosome. }, Author = {McMaster, T. J. and Winfield, M. O. and Karp, A. and Miles, M. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Genome}, Number = {2}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {439--444}, Sn = {0831-2796}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Analysis of cereal chromosomes by atomic force microscopy}, Ut = {WOS:A1996UG76700024}, Volume = {39}, Year = {1996}} @article{Wlodarczyk:1996tc, Author = {Wlodarczyk, A. and Richardson, R. M. and Ward, M. D. and McCleverty, J. A. and Hursthouse, M. H. B. and Coles, S. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Polyhedron}, Number = {1}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {27-35}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Complexes of tris(3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl)borates alkylated on the 4-position of the pyrazolyl rings. X-ray crystal structure of molybdenum dicarbonyl nitrosyl tris(3,5-dimethyl-4-n-butylpyrazolyl)borate}, Volume = {15}, Year = {1996}} @article{Hobbs:1996bb, Abstract = {Poly(hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) is a biodegradable thermoplastic. Melt-cast PHB sheets normally become brittle on storage. The embrittlement has been associated with cracks formed during cooling due to differences in radial and circumferential thermal expansion coefficients. We show that the cracks are in fact due to differences in thermal expansion between the PHB him and the constraining glass slides. The circumferential features, previously identified as cracks, are shown to be surface features formed due to volume reduction during crystallization constrained by the substrate. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd. }, Author = {Hobbs, J. K. and McMaster, T. J. and Miles, M. J. and Barham, P. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Polymer}, Number = {15}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {3241--3246}, Sn = {0032-3861}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Cracking in spherulites of poly(hydroxybutyrate)}, Ut = {WOS:A1996UY81500009}, Volume = {37}, Year = {1996}} @article{McMaster:1996uf, Abstract = {The protein that forms the gas vesicle in the cyanobacterium Anabaena flos-aquae has been imaged by atomic force microscopy (AFM) under liquid at room temperature. The protein constitutes ''ribs'' which, stacked together, form the hollow cylindrical tube and conical end caps of the gas vesicle. By operating the microscope in deflection mode, it has been possible to achieve sub-nanometer resolution of the rib structure. The lateral spacing of the ribs was found to be 4.6 +/- 0.1 nm. At higher resolution the ribs are observed to consist of pairs of lines at an angle of similar to 55 degrees to the rib axis, with a repeat distance between each line of 0.57 +/- 0.05 nm along the rib axis. These observed dimensions and periodicities are consistent with those determined from previous x-ray diffraction studies, indicating that the protein is arranged in beta-chains crossing the rib at an angle of 55 degrees to the rib axis. The AFM results confirm the x-ray data and represent the first direct images of a beta-sheet protein secondary structure using this technique. The orientation of the GvpA protein component of the structure and the extent of this protein across the ribs have been established for the first time. }, Author = {McMaster, T. J. and Miles, M. J. and Walsby, A. E.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Biophysical Journal}, Number = {5}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {2432--2436}, Sn = {0006-3495}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Direct observation of protein secondary structure in gas vesicles by atomic force microscopy}, Ut = {WOS:A1996UH72500041}, Volume = {70}, Year = {1996}} @article{Ebbutt:1996nx, Author = {Ebbutt, J. and Richardson, R. M. and Taylor, L. and Blackwood, K. M. and Sage, I. C. and Beattie, D. R. and Verrall, M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Ferroelectrics}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {261-276}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Layer Structure in Processed Ferroelectric Side-Chain Liquid-Crystal Polymers}, Volume = {181}, Year = {1996}} @article{Williamson:1996or, Abstract = {Consistently obtaining super-resolution with scanning near-field optical microscopy depends almost entirely on the ability to manufacture reproducibly probes with aperture sizes smaller than 100 nm. The probe fabrication process usually involves heating an optical fiber using a CO2 laser and melt-drawing the glass to produce a taper. A number of variables ultimately define the taper shape but the actual effects these parameters have an still not clear. In this work, the physics behind the taper formation is examined in detail for the first time and equations describing the initial taper profile and the final aperture size are derived in terms of the experimental conditions. It is shown that the taper shape is primarily determined by the laser spot size. The pulling force, although important, has a lower significance. Continuum mechanics and Stefan's law are used to show that the aperture size is closely related to the radius of the fiber at the start of the hard pull and the fiber temperature at that time. Further comparisons of experimental data with the expected taper profile exposes the heating effect of the CO2 laser. Further analysis is given using a form of Mie theory which describes the interaction of electromagnetic fields with cylindrical structures. These results give many significant insights into the fabrication process and the formation of the aperture. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics. }, Author = {Williamson, R. L. and Miles, M. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Journal Of Applied Physics}, Number = {9}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {4804--4812}, Sn = {0021-8979}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Melt-drawn scanning near-field optical microscopy probe profiles}, Ut = {WOS:A1996VN64700002}, Volume = {80}, Year = {1996}} @article{Hamley:1996ix, Author = {Hamley, I. W. and Garnett, S. and Luckhurst, G. R. and Roskilly, S. J. and Pedersen, J. S. and Richardson, R. M. and Seddon, J. M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics}, Number = {24}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {10046-10054}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Orientational ordering in the nematic phase of a thermotropic liquid crystal: A small angle neutron scattering study}, Volume = {104}, Year = {1996}} @article{Williamson:1996ib, Abstract = {Scanning shear-force microscopy, which is usually employed to track scanning near-field optical microscopy probes across samples, was used to observe the sub-surface smectic layer structure through the thickness of a film of the alkyl cyanobiphenyl liquid crystal 8CB on a highly oriented pyrolytic graphite substrate from force-distance measurements. With the noncontact imaging shear-force microscopy supplies, it was possible to follow, in the topography, the movement of a monolayer of the 8CB molecules. This has enabled the diffusion of molecules in a precursor film of 8CB to be observed without significantly disrupting the free liquid surface. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics. }, Author = {Williamson, R. L. and Miles, M. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Journal Of Applied Physics}, Number = {6}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {3143--3146}, Sn = {0021-8979}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Studying topography and sub-surface structure of 8CB liquid crystal films with shear-force microscopy}, Ut = {WOS:A1996VG68100001}, Volume = {80}, Year = {1996}} @article{Cosgrove:1996bd, Author = {Cosgrove, T. and Shar, J. and Obey, T. and Richardson, R. and Clifton, B. and Griffiths, P. C. and Booth, C. and Yu, G. E.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society}, Note = {Part 1}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {153-COLL}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {The adsorption of tri-block copolymers at the solid-liquid and liquid-liquid interfaces}, Volume = {212}, Year = {1996}} @article{Atkinson:1996fr, Author = {Atkinson, P. J. and Dickinson, E. and Horne, D. S. and Leermakers, F. A. M. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Berichte Der Bunsen-Gesellschaft-Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics}, Number = {6}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {994-998}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Theoretical and experimental investigations of adsorbed protein structure at a fluid interface}, Volume = {100}, Year = {1996}} @article{Mitropoulos:1996zu, Author = {Mitropoulos, A. C. and Haynes, J. M. and Richardson, R. M. and Steriotis, T. A. and Stubos, A. K. and Kanellopoulos, N. K.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Carbon}, Number = {6}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {775-781}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Water adsorption and small angle X-ray scattering studies on the effect of coal thermal treatment}, Volume = {34}, Year = {1996}} @article{Taylor:1996qs, Author = {Taylor, L. and Richardson, R. M. and Ebbutt, J. and Jones, J. C. and Haslam, S. D.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Ferroelectrics}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {71-82}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {X-ray Diffraction Studies of Surface Stabilised Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals in both Low and High Pre-Tilt Devices}, Volume = {181}, Year = {1996}} @article{Hanna:1995yr, Author = {Hanna, S. and Windle, A. H.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Journal Of Applied Crystallography}, Month = dec, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {673--689}, Pn = {Part 6}, Sn = {0021-8898}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {A novel polymer fibre diffractometer, based on a scanning X-ray-sensitive charge-coupled device}, Ut = {ISI:A1995TP80300003}, Volume = {28}, Year = {1995}} @article{HANNA:1995fq, Author = {HANNA, S. and COULTER, P. D. and WINDLE, A. H.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Journal Of The Chemical Society-Faraday Transactions}, Month = aug, Number = {16}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {2615--2622}, Sn = {0956-5000}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Determination Of The Crystal-Structure Of Poly-(P-Phenylene Terephthalate) From Power Diffraction Data - A Computer Modeling Approach}, Ut = {ISI:A1995RP94600029}, Volume = {91}, Year = {1995}} @article{WINFIELD:1995gh, Abstract = {Atomic force microscopy has been used to image plant chromosomes from standard preparations without staining or coating. This has enabled the collection of high-resolution three-dimensional data on surface structure. The technique has been further applied to the imaging of C-banded chromosomes revealing structural changes resulting from the banding treatment. The bands were observed as localized areas of high relief. }, Author = {WINFIELD, M. and MCMASTER, T. J. and KARP, A. and MILES, M. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Chromosome Research}, Number = {2}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {128--131}, Sn = {0967-3849}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Atomic-Force Microscopy Of Plant Chromosomes}, Ut = {WOS:A1995QN03200008}, Volume = {3}, Year = {1995}} @article{HALLETT:1995oy, Abstract = {Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been used to study the structure of rabbit skeletal muscle myosin deposited onto a mica substrate from glycerol solution. Images of the myosin molecule have been obtained using contact mode AFM with the sample immersed in propanol. The molecules have two heads at one end of a long tail and have an appearance similar to those prepared by glycero[ deposition techniques for electron microscopy, except that the separation of the two heads is not so well defined. The average length of the tail (155 +/- 5 nm) agrees well with previous studies. Bends in the myosin tail have been observed at locations similar to those observed in the electron microscope. BY raising the applied force, it has been possible locally to separate the two strands of the alpha-helical coiled-coil tail. We conclude that the glycerol-mica technique is a useful tool for the preparation of fibrous proteins for examination by scanning probe microscopy. }, Author = {HALLETT, P. and OFFER, G. and MILES, M. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Biophysical Journal}, Number = {4}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {1604--1606}, Sn = {0006-3495}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Atomic-Force Microscopy Of The Myosin Molecule}, Ut = {WOS:A1995RD16300038}, Volume = {68}, Year = {1995}} @article{Mitropoulos:1995qe, Author = {Mitropoulos, A. C. and Haynes, J. M. and Richardson, R. M. and Kanellopoulos, N. K.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Physical Review B}, Number = {14}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {10035-10042}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Characterization of Porous-Glass by Adsorption of Dibromomethane in Conjunction with Small-Angle X-Ray-Scattering}, Volume = {52}, Year = {1995}} @article{SYKES:1995vc, Abstract = {Attempts have been made to image the fold surface of a single crystal of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) using the relatively new technique of atomic force microscopy (AFM). To overcome the obscuring of the fold surface by loose loops of polymer and chain ends, two different approaches were used. We first studied the single crystals of an oligomer of 32 HB units, which is known to fold once very tightly within a crystal, using AFM. Secondly, studies were made of single crystals of PHB which have been chemically degraded with methylamine to etch away the ''amorphous'' layer of loosely folded material, in an attempt to expose the fold surface. The crystal of the 32-mer had a similar morphology to those of the polymer PHB. However, at high magnification, lines of ridges were observed which ran parallel to the crystallographic b axis with a spacing of 0.7 nm, similar to the dimensions of the unit cell (0.58, 1.32, and 0.60 nm). It was not possible to differentiate between chain ends and folds. The partially etched PHB crystals maintained enough integrity to permit imaging by AFM, although surface detail could not be resolved on a molecular scale. }, Author = {SYKES, K. E. and MCMASTER, T. J. and MILES, M. J. and BARKER, P. A. and BARHAM, P. J. and SEEBACH, D. and MULLER, H. M. and LENGWEILER, U. D.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Journal Of Materials Science}, Number = {3}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {623--627}, Sn = {0022-2461}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Direct Imaging Of The Surfaces Of Poly(Beta) Hydroxybutyrate And Hydroxybutyrate Oligomers By Atomic-Force Microscopy}, Ut = {WOS:A1995QG98800010}, Volume = {30}, Year = {1995}} @article{WILLIAMSON:1995ua, Author = {WILLIAMSON, R. L. and MILES, M. J. and JANDT, K. D.}, Cl = {SAN DIEGO, CA}, Ct = {Conference on Near-Field Optics}, Cy = {JUL 09-10, 1995}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Ed = {Paesler, MAEOLEOLMoyer, PJ}, Journal = {Near-Field Optics}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {82--91}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Examining polymeric materials with near-field optics}, Ut = {WOS:A1995BE06T00012}, Volume = {2535}, Year = {1995}} @article{Atkinson:1995nu, Author = {Atkinson, P. J. and Dickinson, E. and Horne, D. S. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Journal of the Chemical Society-Faraday Transactions}, Number = {17}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {2847-2854}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Neutron Reflectivity of Adsorbed Beta-Casein and Beta-Lactoglobulin at the Air/Water Interface}, Volume = {91}, Year = {1995}} @incollection{Atkinson:1995uj, Author = {Atkinson, P. J. and Dickinson, E. and Horne, D. S. and Richardson, R.M.}, Booktitle = {Proteins at Interfaces Ii}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {311-320}, Publisher = {Acs Symposium Series}, Series = {Acs Symposium Series}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Neutron reflectivity of adsorbed protein films}, Volume = {602}, Year = {1995}} @article{JANDT:1995sz, Author = {JANDT, K. D. and TIXIER, S. and TOWLER, M. J. and BLACKMORE, J. M. and MILES, M. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Journal Of Applied Physics}, Number = {1}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {122--126}, Sn = {0021-8979}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Observation Of Phase-Transitions In An Antiferroelectric Liquid-Crystal Investigated By Scanning-Tunneling-Microscopy}, Ut = {WOS:A1995PZ85900018}, Volume = {77}, Year = {1995}} @article{Bowden:1995it, Author = {Bowden, C. J. and Herrington, T. M. and Moseley, A. M. and Richardson, R.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Liquid Crystals}, Number = {6}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {825-828}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {The Crystal-K Phase of 4,4'-Di-(2-Methoxyethoxy)Biphenyl}, Volume = {18}, Year = {1995}} @article{Ebbutt:1995ao, Author = {Ebbutt, J. and Richardson, R. M. and Blackmore, J. and McDonnell, D. G. and Verrall, M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section a-Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {549-566}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {The influence of the backbone on the structure of side-chain liquid crystal polymers}, Volume = {261}, Year = {1995}} @article{Bower:1995ao, Author = {Bower, C. and Froggatt, S. and Laycock, R. and Musgrove, R. J. and Richardson, R. M. and Rozario, G. and Zarbakhsh, A. and Webster, J. P. R. and Hill, J. S. and Lacey, D. and Nestor, G.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section a-Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {437-451}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Transitions in a spread film of a side-chain liquid crystal polymer}, Volume = {261}, Year = {1995}} @article{Taylor:1995ws, Author = {Taylor, L. and Richardson, R. M. and Ebbutt, J. and Jones, J. C.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section a-Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {255-270}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {X-ray diffraction studies of the smectic A to smectic C* transition within a surface stabilised liquid crystal cell}, Volume = {263}, Year = {1995}} @article{MCMASTER:1994xy, Abstract = {The application of scanning force microscopy (SFM) to the imaging and analysis of chromosomes is described. This relatively new microscopical technique has been used to provide high-resolution, three-dimensional images of uncoated and unstained human chromosomes in which surface features less than 50 nm have been resolved. Comparison of SFM images with light microscopy data has permitted identification of specific chromosomes, and images of a chromosome showing a cytogenetic abnormality are presented. These preliminary results demonstrate that this technique has potential applications in the imaging and analysis of chromosome structure. }, Author = {MCMASTER, T. J. and HICKISH, T. and MIN, T. and CUNNINGHAM, D. and MILES, M. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Cancer Genetics And Cytogenetics}, Number = {2}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {93--95}, Sn = {0165-4608}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Application Of Scanning Force Microscopy To Chromosome Analysis}, Ut = {WOS:A1994PL01700003}, Volume = {76}, Year = {1994}} @article{FISCHER:1994gl, Author = {FISCHER, H. and MILES, M. J. and ODELL, J. A.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Macromolecular Rapid Communications}, Number = {11}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {815--821}, Sn = {1022-1336}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Atomic-Force Microscopy Of The Banded Structure Of Lyotropic Polymers}, Ut = {WOS:A1994PQ70000002}, Volume = {15}, Year = {1994}} @article{Bryant:1994af, Author = {Bryant, G. C. and Cook, M. J. and Haslam, S. D. and Richardson, R. M. and Ryan, T. G. and Thorne, A. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Journal of Materials Chemistry}, Number = {2}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {209-216}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Discotic Liquid-Crystal Behavior of Some Multinuclear Phthalocyanine Derivatives}, Volume = {4}, Year = {1994}} @article{Cook:1994bw, Author = {Cook, M. J. and McMurdo, J. and Miles, D. A. and Poynter, R. H. and Simmons, J. M. and Haslam, S. D. and Richardson, R. M. and Welford, K.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Journal of Materials Chemistry}, Number = {8}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1205-1213}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Monolayer Behavior and Langmuir-Blodgett-Film Properties of Some Amphiphilic Phthalocyanines - Factors Influencing Molecular-Organization within the Film Assembly}, Volume = {4}, Year = {1994}} @article{Horne:1994zd, Author = {Horne, D. S. and Dickinson, E. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society}, Note = {Part 1}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {162-COLL}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Neutron Reflectivity of Adsorbed Protein Films}, Volume = {207}, Year = {1994}} @article{GUNNING:1994do, Author = {GUNNING, A. P. and MCMASTER, T. J. and MORRIS, V. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Carbohydrate Polymers}, Number = {2}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {155--155}, Sn = {0144-8617}, Tc = {0}, Timestamp = {2009.04.01}, Title = {Scanning-Tunneling-Microscopy Of Xanthan Gum (Vol 21, Pg 47, 1993)}, Ut = {WOS:A1994NF93200011}, Volume = {23}, Year = {1994}} @article{JANDT:1994zn, Abstract = {Ultra-thin, highly oriented polyethylene (PE) films drawn from the melt have been investigated using scanning force microscopy (SFM) to study their surface morphology. The results obtained from SFM measurements exhibit the lamellar morphology and evidence for extended chain crystals of the films. Morphological defects, such as structural thickness modulations of lamellae and steps on lamellar crystals of less-than-or-equal-to 1 nm height, were obtained. The fact that the lamellar crystals protrude out of the film surface is explained by a combination of film processing and crystal growth effects. On a molecular scale, high resolution SFM investigations of the crystalline parts of the film show extended PE chains with an intermolecular distance repeat of 0.56 +/- 0.1 nm. }, Author = {JANDT, K. D. and BUHK, M. and MILES, M. J. and PETERMANN, J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Polymer}, Number = {11}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {2458--2462}, Sn = {0032-3861}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Shish-Kebab Crystals In Polyethylene Investigated By Scanning Force Microscopy}, Ut = {WOS:A1994NP48000033}, Volume = {35}, Year = {1994}} @article{Bryant:1994rv, Author = {Bryant, G. C. and Cook, M. J. and Ruggiero, C. and Ryan, T. G. and Thorne, A. J. and Haslam, S. D. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Thin Solid Films}, Number = {1-2}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {316-324}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Structural Study of Spin-Coated and Lb Films of Monomeric and Oligomeric Phthalocyanines}, Volume = {243}, Year = {1994}} @article{Cosgrove:1994jq, Author = {Cosgrove, T. and Phipps, J. S. and Richardson, R. M. and Hair, M. L. and Guzonas, D. A.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {91-101}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Surface Force and Neutron-Scattering Studies on Adsorbed Poly(2-Vinylpyridine)-B-Polystyrene}, Volume = {86}, Year = {1994}} @article{JANDT:1994ey, Abstract = {Surfaces of a low molecular weight, side-chain liquid crystalline polymer (LCP), slow-cooled from the isotropic melt, have been investigated using the scanning force microscope (SFM) to study its surface morphology. The results obtained from SFM measurements show the hedritic surface morphology of the material. These hedrites, as the assumed precursor state of LCP-spherulites, show diameters between 5 and 10 micrometers. Concentric lamellae of a thickness between 50 and 100 nanometres are the characteristic substructure of the LCP-hedrites. Higher resolution SFM images show a regular fine structure of these lamellae, consisting of band structures organized in domains with a band repeat distance of about 30 nanometres. A great variety of domain boundaries have been obtained. }, Author = {JANDT, K. D. and MCDONNELL, D. G. and BLACKMORE, J. M. and MILES, M. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Polymer Bulletin}, Number = {4}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {487--492}, Sn = {0170-0839}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Surface-Morphology Of A Liquid-Crystalline Side-Chain Polymer Investigated By Scanning Force Microscopy}, Ut = {WOS:A1994NH32200017}, Volume = {32}, Year = {1994}} @article{Jeffery:1994qi, Author = {Jeffery, J. C. and Kurek, S. S. and McCleverty, J. A. and Psillakis, E. and Richardson, R. M. and Ward, M. D. and Wlodarczyk, A.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Journal of the Chemical Society-Dalton Transactions}, Number = {17}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {2559-2564}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Syntheses of 4-Benzyl-3,5-Dimethylpyrazolylborato Complexes of Molybdenum and Tungsten Nitrosyls - Molecular-Structure of [Mo(Co)2(No)(Hb(3,5-Me2-4-Phch2c3n2)3)], a Complex with an Inverted Bowl-Like Structure}, Year = {1994}} @article{SHEWRY:1994gn, Author = {SHEWRY, P. R. and MILES, M. J. and TATHAM, A. S.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Progress In Biophysics \& Molecular Biology}, Number = {1}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {37--59}, Sn = {0079-6107}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {The Prolamin Storage Proteins Of Wheat And Related Cereals}, Ut = {WOS:A1994ND33000002}, Volume = {61}, Year = {1994}} @article{HANNA:1993pi, Author = {HANNA, S. and ROMOURIBE, A. and WINDLE, A. H.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Nature}, Month = dec, Number = {6455}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {546--549}, Sn = {0028-0836}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Sequence Segregation In Molten Liquid-Crystalline Random Copolymers}, Ut = {ISI:A1993ML21800063}, Volume = {366}, Year = {1993}} @article{Dickinson:1993tr, Author = {Dickinson, E. and Horne, D. S. and Phipps, J. S. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Langmuir}, Number = {1}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {242-248}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {A Neutron Reflectivity Study of the Adsorption of Beta-Casein at Fluid Interfaces}, Volume = {9}, Year = {1993}} @article{Cosgrove:1993ui, Author = {Cosgrove, T. and Phipps, J. S. and Richardson, R. M. and Hair, M. L. and Guzonas, D. A.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Macromolecules}, Number = {16}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {4363-4367}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Adsorbed Block-Copolymer of Poly(2-Vinylpyridine) and Polystyrene Studied by Neutron Reflectivity and Surface Force Techniques}, Volume = {26}, Year = {1993}} @article{Cammidge:1993jv, Author = {Cammidge, A. N. and Cook, M. J. and Haslam, S. D. and Richardson, R. M. and Harrison, K. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Liquid Crystals}, Number = {6}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1847-1862}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Mesomorphic Properties of Some 1,4,8,11,15,18,22,25-Octa-Alkoxymethylphthalocyanines}, Volume = {14}, Year = {1993}} @article{Phipps:1993yl, Author = {Phipps, J. S. and Richardson, R. M. and Cosgrove, T. and Eaglesham, A.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Langmuir}, Number = {12}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {3530-3537}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Neutron Reflection Studies of Copolymers at the Hexane Water Interface}, Volume = {9}, Year = {1993}} @article{Dickinson:1993ls, Author = {Dickinson, E. and Horne, D. S. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Food Hydrocolloids}, Number = {6}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {497-505}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Neutron Reflectivity Study of the Competitive Adsorption of Beta-Casein and Water-Soluble Surfactant at the Planar Air-Water-Interface}, Volume = {7}, Year = {1993}} @article{Richardson:1993ib, Author = {Richardson, R. M. and Gray, G. W. and Tajbakhsh, A. R.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Liquid Crystals}, Number = {3}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {871-879}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Neutron-Scattering Studies of Terminally Attached Side-Chain Liquid-Crystal Polymers}, Volume = {14}, Year = {1993}} @article{JANDT:1993ob, Abstract = {Ultrathin poly(butene-1) (PB-1) films drawn from the melt have been investigated using the scanning force microscope (SFM) to study the surface topography of both bare and tin-evaporated PB-1 films. Two different operating modes of the SFM were used, the repulsive mode and the tapping mode. The results obtained from SFM measurements show structures similar to the PB-1 needle crystalline morphology which agree excellently with recent TEM investigations. On a molecular scale structures similar to PB-1 macromolecules can be resolved with a repeat of 0.7 +/- 0.1 nm (the value obtained from X-ray diffraction is 0.65 nm). Attempts to image the tin deposition on the PB-1 film surface using the repulsive mode were hampered as the scanning motion of the probe swept away most of the metal particles. Operation of the SFM in the tapping mode prevented this and allowed the overgrowth of tin on PB-1 films to be observed. }, Author = {JANDT, K. D. and MCMASTER, T. J. and MILES, M. J. and PETERMANN, J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Macromolecules}, Number = {24}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {6552--6556}, Sn = {0024-9297}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Scanning Force Microscopy Of Melt-Crystallized, Metal-Evaporated Poly(Butene-1) Ultrathin Films}, Ut = {WOS:A1993MJ86400037}, Volume = {26}, Year = {1993}} @article{GATHERCOLE:1993jl, Abstract = {Scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) have been carried out on hydrated fibrous assemblies of collagen I and pN-collagen I. STM of calf-skin collagen I that had been allowed to assemble on a graphite substrate showed the predicted 8 nm diameter microfibrils, arrays of which showed a 67 nm repeat. A detailed contrast variation along the microfibrils was observed, corresponding to the established stain banding observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and associated with hydrophilic, charged amino acid side chains along the staggered-molecule microfibril. This indicates that adsorbed water is an important mediator of STM imaging in insulators such as proteins. AFM images were obtained of D-periodic assemblies of pN-collagen deposited on carbon-coated copper TEM grids. The use of carbon-coated TEM grids as an SPM substrate allows experiments to be performed on the same samples, and correlation made between TEM and SPM images. }, Author = {GATHERCOLE, L. J. and MILES, M. J. and MCMASTER, T. J. and HOLMES, D. F.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Journal Of The Chemical Society-Faraday Transactions}, Number = {15}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {2589--2594}, Sn = {0956-5000}, Timestamp = {2009.02.11}, Title = {Scanning Probe Microscopy Of Collagen-I And Pn-Collagen-I Assemblies And The Relevance To Scanning-Tunneling-Microscopy Contrast Generation In Proteins}, Ut = {WOS:A1993LR27500003}, Volume = {89}, Year = {1993}} @article{GUNNING:1993tu, Abstract = {Scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) has been used to obtain images of the bacterial polysaccharide xanthan gum. The polysaccharide was deposited onto highly oriented pyrolytic graphite from a concentrated (100 mg ml-1) aqueous dispersion. The viscoelastic deposit was sheared in order to induce molecular alignment and then imaged in air. STM studies revealed aggregates of stiff, aligned rod-shaped molecules. }, Author = {GUNNING, A. P. and MCMASTER, T. J. and MORRIS, V. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Carbohydrate Polymers}, Number = {1}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {47--51}, Sn = {0144-8617}, Tc = {17}, Timestamp = {2009.04.01}, Title = {Scanning-Tunneling-Microscopy Of Xanthan Gum}, Ut = {WOS:A1993LQ29600008}, Volume = {21}, Year = {1993}} @article{Cherodian:1993sr, Author = {Cherodian, A. S. and Hughes, N. J. and Richardson, R. M. and Lee, M. S. K. and Gray, G. W.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Liquid Crystals}, Number = {6}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1667-1682}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Structural Studies of Laterally Attached Liquid-Crystalline Polymers}, Volume = {14}, Year = {1993}} @article{HANNA:1992yp, Author = {HANNA, S. and WINDLE, A. H.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society}, Month = apr, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {206--POLY}, Pn = {Part 3}, Sn = {0065-7727}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Diffraction From Aperiodic Crystals Of Mesomorphic Chains}, Ut = {ISI:A1992HK16300204}, Volume = {203}, Year = {1992}} @article{McKeown:1992an, Author = {McKeown, N. B. and Leznoff, C. C. and Richardson, R. M. and Cherodian, A. S.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {91-98}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {A Highly Asymmetric Disk-Like Mesogen Based on the Tetrabenzotriazaporphyrin Macrocyclic Ring-System}, Volume = {213}, Year = {1992}} @article{HANNA:1992vy, Author = {HANNA, S. and LEMMON, T. J. and SPONTAK, R. J. and WINDLE, A. H.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Polymer}, Number = {1}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {3--10}, Sn = {0032-3861}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Dimensions Of Crystallites In A Thermotropic Random Copolyester}, Ut = {ISI:A1992HB16000001}, Volume = {33}, Year = {1992}} @article{Richardson:1992bs, Author = {Richardson, R. M. and Swann, M. J. and Hillman, A. R. and Roser, S. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Faraday Discussions}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {295-306}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {In-Situ Neutron Reflectivity Studies of Electroactive Films}, Year = {1992}} @article{Binks:1992fr, Author = {Binks, B. P. and Fletcher, P. D. I. and Phipps, J. S. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Thin Solid Films}, Number = {2}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {280-287}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Insoluble Monolayers of a Preformed Polymer Containing Carboxylic-Acid Hydrophilic Groups - Cadmium Ion Binding to Monolayers and Ionization in Multilayers}, Volume = {209}, Year = {1992}} @article{Cosgrove:1992xt, Author = {Cosgrove, T. and Phipps, J. S. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Colloids and Surfaces}, Number = {3}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {199-206}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Neutron Reflection from a Liquid Liquid Interface}, Volume = {62}, Year = {1992}} @article{Cosgrove:1992lf, Author = {Cosgrove, T. and Phipps, J.S. and Richardson, R.M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:48 +0000}, Journal = {Springer Proceedings in Physics}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {169-174}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Neutron Reflection From Polymers Adsorbed at the Solid/Liquid Interface}, Volume = {61}, Year = {1992}} @article{Date:1992mp, Author = {Date, R. W. and Hamley, I. W. and Luckhurst, G. R. and Seddon, J. M. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Molecular Physics}, Number = {4}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {951-977}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Orientational Ordering in Liquid-Crystals - Isotope Labeling Neutron-Diffraction Experiments}, Volume = {76}, Year = {1992}} @article{Cosgrove:1992di, Author = {Cosgrove, T. and Eaglesham, A. and Horne, D. and Phipps, J.S. and M., Richardson R.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Springer Proccedings in Physics}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {159-166}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Reflection from Liquid/Liquid Interface}, Volume = {61}, Year = {1992}} @article{HANNA:1992dt, Author = {HANNA, S. and WINDLE, A. H.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Polymer}, Number = {13}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {2825--2833}, Sn = {0032-3861}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {The Influence Of Temperature On The Structure Of Poly(2,6-Hydroxynaphthoic Acid)}, Ut = {ISI:A1992JC85300027}, Volume = {33}, Year = {1992}} @article{Beattie:1992yo, Author = {Beattie, D. R. and Hindmarsh, P. and Goodby, J. W. and Haslam, S. D. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Journal of Materials Chemistry}, Number = {12}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1261-1266}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Triphenylene Hexa-N-Alkylcyclohexanoates - a New Series of Disk-Like Liquid-Crystals}, Volume = {2}, Year = {1992}} @article{Tsibouklis:1991zo, Author = {Tsibouklis, J. and Petty, M. and Song, Y. P. and Richardson, R. and Yarwood, J. and Petty, M. C. and Feast, W. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Journal of Materials Chemistry}, Number = {5}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {819-826}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Docosanoyl Itaconate/1-Docosylamine Alternate-Layer Langmuir-Blodgett-Films - Polymerization, Pyroelectric Properties and Infrared Spectroscopic Studies}, Volume = {1}, Year = {1991}} @article{Roser:1991ol, Author = {Roser, S. J. and Richardson, R. M. and Swann, M. J. and Hillman, A. R.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Journal of the Chemical Society-Faraday Transactions}, Number = {17}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {2863-2864}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Insitu Neutron Reflectivity Studies of Polybithiophene}, Volume = {87}, Year = {1991}} @article{Cherodian:1991zs, Author = {Cherodian, A. S. and Davies, A. N. and Richardson, R. M. and Cook, M. J. and McKeown, N. B. and Thomson, A. J. and Feijoo, J. and Ungar, G. and Harrison, K. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {103-114}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Mesogenic Behavior of Some 1,4,8,11,15,18,22,25-Octa-Alkylphthalocyanines}, Volume = {196}, Year = {1991}} @article{Cosgrove:1991lg, Author = {Cosgrove, T. and Phipps, J. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society}, Note = {Part 2}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {134-POLY}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Neutron Reflection from Polymers Adsorbed at Interfaces}, Volume = {201}, Year = {1991}} @article{Richardson:1991dg, Author = {Richardson, R. M. and Roser, S. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Langmuir}, Number = {7}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1458-1467}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Neutron Reflection Studies of Spread Monolayers of Docosanoic Acid and Pentadecanoic Acid on Water}, Volume = {7}, Year = {1991}} @article{Cosgrove:1991ow, Author = {Cosgrove, T. and Heath, T. G. and Phipps, J. S. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Macromolecules}, Number = {1}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {94-98}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Neutron Reflectivity Studies of Polymers Adsorbed on Mica from Solution}, Volume = {24}, Year = {1991}} @article{Bruce:1991ij, Author = {Bruce, D. W. and Dunmur, D. A. and Hudson, S. A. and Lalinde, E. and Maitlis, P. M. and McDonald, M. P. and Orr, R. and Styring, P. and Cherodian, A. S. and Richardson, R. M. and Feijoo, J. L. and Ungar, G.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {79-\&}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Polymorphic Ionic Mesogens of Silver(I) - Ionic Materials Exhibiting a Thermotropic Cubic Mesophase}, Volume = {206}, Year = {1991}} @article{MCMASTER:1991at, Abstract = {Images of the surface ordering of 4-n-octyl-4'-cyanobiphenyl, a room temperature smectic liquid crystal deposited upon graphite, have been obtained by scanning tunnelling microscopy. The microscope was operated in air using the constant-current mode. Under certain tunnelling conditions it has been possible to resolve both the aliphatic and aromatic parts of the molecule, and to observe individual benzene rings. Two previously unreported conformations have been observed: an overlapping bilayer structure with spacing 3.7 nm, and a monolayer structure with spacing 2.4 nm. The latter structure may represent the first visual evidence for a surface polar ordered structure. }, Author = {MCMASTER, T. J. and CARR, H. and MILES, M. J. and CAIRNS, P. and MORRIS, V. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Liquid Crystals}, Number = {1}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {11--18}, Sn = {0267-8292}, Tc = {11}, Timestamp = {2009.04.01}, Title = {Scanning Tunneling Microscopic Images Of The Surface Ordering Of The Liquid-Crystal 4-N-Octyl-4'-Cyanobiphenyl}, Ut = {WOS:A1991ET47900002}, Volume = {9}, Year = {1991}} @article{MCMASTER:1991kl, Author = {MCMASTER, T. J. and CARR, H. J. and MILES, M. J. and CAIRNS, P. and MORRIS, V. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Macromolecules}, Number = {6}, Owner = {Peter Dunton}, Pages = {1428--1430}, Sn = {0024-9297}, Tc = {27}, Timestamp = {2009.04.01}, Title = {Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Of Poly(Gamma-Benzyl L-Glutamate)}, Ut = {WOS:A1991FD85500037}, Volume = {24}, Year = {1991}} @article{Cook:1991vj, Author = {Cook, M. J. and McKeown, N. B. and Simmons, J. M. and Thomson, A. J. and Daniel, M. F. and Harrison, K. J. and Richardson, R. M. and Roser, S. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Journal of Materials Chemistry}, Number = {1}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {121-127}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Spectroscopic and X-Ray-Diffraction Study of Langmuir-Blodgett-Films of Some 1,4,8,11,15,18-Hexaalkyl-22,25-Bis(Carboxypropyl)-Phthalocyanines}, Volume = {1}, Year = {1991}} @article{Adams:1991zs, Author = {Adams, H. and Albeniz, A. C. and Bailey, N. A. and Bruce, D. W. and Cherodian, A. S. and Dhillon, R. and Dunmur, D. A. and Espinet, P. and Feijoo, J. L. and Lalinde, E. and Maitlis, P. M. and Richardson, R. M. and Ungar, G.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Journal of Materials Chemistry}, Number = {5}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {843-855}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Synthesis and Phase-Behavior of Mesomorphic Transition-Metal Complexes of Alkoxydithiobenzoates - Crystal and Molecular-Structure of 3 Metal Alkoxydithiobenzoates}, Volume = {1}, Year = {1991}} @article{Cosgrove:1991ci, Author = {Cosgrove, T. and Morgan, M. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Colloids and Surfaces}, Number = {1-2}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {207-209}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {The Diffusion of Benzene in High Silica Zeolite Zsm-5 Studied by Pfgnmr and Quens - Reply}, Volume = {58}, Year = {1991}} @article{Cherodian:1991zr, Author = {Cherodian, A. S. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {115-131}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {X-Ray-Diffraction from Free Standing Films of Hexatic Smectic Liquid-Crystals}, Volume = {196}, Year = {1991}} @article{Smith:1990ku, Author = {Smith, A. and Carlile, C. J. and Prager, M. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Institute of Physics Conference Series}, Number = {107}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {267-277}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Analysis of Quasi-Elastic and Inelastic-Scattering from Crystal Analyzer Instruments}, Year = {1990}} @article{Grundy:1990pm, Author = {Grundy, M. J. and Musgrove, R. J. and Richardson, R. M. and Roser, S. J. and Penfold, J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Langmuir}, Number = {2}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {519-521}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Effect of Dipping Rate on Alternating Layer Langmuir-Blodgett-Film Structure}, Volume = {6}, Year = {1990}} @article{Cosgrove:1990so, Author = {Cosgrove, T. and Phipps, J. S. and Richardson, R. M. and Hair, M. L. and Guzonas, D.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society}, Note = {Part 2}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {59-POLY}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Neutron Reflectivity and Force Balance Studies of Polymers Adsorbed at the Solid-Solution Interface}, Volume = {200}, Year = {1990}} @article{Richardson:1990xf, Author = {Richardson, R. M. and Allman, J. M. and McIntyre, G. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Liquid Crystals}, Number = {5}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {701-719}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Neutron-Scattering from Mixtures of Isotopically Labeled Molecules a New Method for Determining the Orientational Distribution Function in Liquid-Crystals}, Volume = {7}, Year = {1990}} @article{Jutson:1990tu, Author = {Jutson, J.A. and Richardson, R.M. and Jones, S.L. and Norman, C.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc.}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {123-128}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Scattering Studies of Polymeric Zirconium Species in Aqueous Solution}, Volume = {180}, Year = {1990}} @article{COULTER:1989my, Author = {COULTER, P. and HANNA, S. and WINDLE, A. H.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society}, Month = sep, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {244--POLY}, Sn = {0065-7727}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {A Methodology For Determining The Crystal-Structures Of Polymers Using Powder X-Ray-Diffraction And Molecular Modeling}, Ut = {ISI:A1989DG64203096}, Volume = {198}, Year = {1989}} @article{Grundy:1989xi, Author = {Grundy, M. J. and Richardson, R. M. and Roser, S. J. and Beamson, G. and Brennan, W. J. and Howard, J. and Oneil, M. and Penfold, J. and Shackleton, C. and Ward, R. C.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Thin Solid Films}, Number = {2}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {269-282}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Characterization of Plasma-Deposited Amorphous Hydrogenated Carbon-Films by Neutron Reflectivity}, Volume = {172}, Year = {1989}} @article{Grundy:1989fy, Author = {Grundy, M. J. and Richardson, R. M. and Beamson, G. and Brennan, W. J. and Howard, J. and Oneill, M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Journal De Physique}, Note = {Suppl. 7}, Number = {C7}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {C7197-C7201}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Neutron Reflection from Amorphous Hydrogenated Carbon-Films}, Volume = {50}, Year = {1989}} @article{COULTER:1989un, Author = {COULTER, P. D. and HANNA, S. and WINDLE, A. H.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Liquid Crystals}, Number = {5}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1603--1618}, Sn = {0267-8292}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Parent Homopolymers Of Liquid-Crystalline Polyesters}, Ut = {ISI:A1989AY84300025}, Volume = {5}, Year = {1989}} @article{Morgan:1989xu, Author = {Morgan, M. and Cosgrove, T. and Richardson, R.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Colloids and Surfaces}, Number = {2}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {209-219}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {The Diffusion of Benzene in High Silica Zeolite Zsm5 Studied by Pfgnmr and Quens}, Volume = {36}, Year = {1989}} @article{Allman:1989cu, Author = {Allman, J. M. and Richardson, R. M. and Chan, L. K. M. and Gray, G. W. and Lacey, D.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Liquid Crystals}, Number = {1}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {31-38}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {X-Ray-Diffraction Studies on Cis-4'-Cyanobiphenyl-4-Yl and Trans-4'-Cyanobiphenyl-4-Yl 3-Normal-Propylcyclobutane-1-Carboxylate}, Volume = {6}, Year = {1989}} @article{LEMMON:1989bv, Author = {LEMMON, T. J. and HANNA, S. and WINDLE, A. H.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Polymer Communications}, Month = jan, Number = {1}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {2--4}, Sn = {0263-6476}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Non-Periodic Layer Crystallites In A Thermotropic Random Copolymer}, Ut = {ISI:A1989R622300001}, Volume = {30}, Year = {1989}} @article{HANNA:1988kf, Author = {HANNA, S. and WINDLE, A. H.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Polymer Communications}, Month = aug, Number = {8}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {236--239}, Sn = {0263-6476}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Influence Of Temperature On The Crystal-Structure Of Poly(Hydroxybenzoic Acid)}, Ut = {ISI:A1988P361500009}, Volume = {29}, Year = {1988}} @article{HANNA:1988ct, Author = {HANNA, S. and WINDLE, A. H.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Polymer}, Month = feb, Number = {2}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {207--223}, Sn = {0032-3861}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Geometrical Limits To Order In Liquid-Crystalline Random Copolymers}, Ut = {ISI:A1988L972500002}, Volume = {29}, Year = {1988}} @article{Cook:1988kq, Author = {Cook, M. J. and Dunn, A. J. and Daniel, M. F. and Hart, R. C. O. and Richardson, R. M. and Roser, S. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Thin Solid Films}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {395-404}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Fabrication of Ordered Langmuir-Blodgett Multilayers of Octa-N-Alkoxy Phthalocyanines}, Volume = {159}, Year = {1988}} @article{Buhaenko:1988lr, Author = {Buhaenko, M. R. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Thin Solid Films}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {231-238}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Measurements of the Forces of Emersion and Immersion and Contact Angles During Langmuir-Blodgett Deposition}, Volume = {159}, Year = {1988}} @article{McKeown:1988oq, Author = {McKeown, N. B. and Cook, M. J. and Thomson, A. J. and Harrison, K. J. and Daniel, M. F. and Richardson, R. M. and Roser, S. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Thin Solid Films}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {469-478}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {New Asymmetric Substitution of Phthalocyanines - Derivatives Designed for Deposition as Langmuir-Blodgett Films}, Volume = {159}, Year = {1988}} @article{GOLOMBOK:1988gz, Author = {GOLOMBOK, R. and HANNA, S. and WINDLE, A. H.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Molecular Crystals And Liquid Crystals}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {281--297}, Sn = {0140-6566}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Order In Main Chain Thermotropic Random Copolymers}, Ut = {ISI:A1988M451700024}, Volume = {155}, Year = {1988}} @article{Buhaenko:1988jv, Author = {Buhaenko, M. R. and Grundy, M. J. and Richardson, R. M. and Roser, S. 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A.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {329-345}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Molecular Packing in Thermotropic Smectic Phases by Neutron and X-Ray-Diffraction}, Volume = {149}, Year = {1987}} @article{Richardson:1987lv, Author = {Richardson, R. M. and Roser, S. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Liquid Crystals}, Number = {6}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {797-814}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {X-Ray Reflectivity from Insoluble Monolayers Spread on Aqueous Subphases}, Volume = {2}, Year = {1987}} @article{Leadbetter:1985io, Author = {Leadbetter, A. J. and Ward, R. C. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Journal of the Chemical Society-Faraday Transactions Ii}, Number = {JUL}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1067-1076}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Dynamics of Molecular Reorientations in T-Butyl Bromide Studied by Incoherent Quasielastic Neutron-Scattering}, Volume = {81}, Year = {1985}} @article{Buhaenko:1985em, Author = {Buhaenko, M. R. and Goodwin, J. W. and Richardson, R. M. and Daniel, M. F.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Thin Solid Films}, Number = {1-3}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {217-226}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {The Influence of Shear Viscosity of Spread Monolayers on the Langmuir-Blodgett Process}, Volume = {134}, Year = {1985}} @article{Richardson:1985yc, Author = {Richardson, R. M. and Herring, N. 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M. and Taylor, P.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Molecular Physics}, Number = {3}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {525-540}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Dielectric Permittivity Measurements of Tert-Butyl Compounds a Critical Comparison with Incoherent Quasielastic Neutron-Scattering Results}, Volume = {52}, Year = {1984}} @article{Richardson:1984jt, Author = {Richardson, R. M. and Leadbetter, A. J. and Hayter, J. B. and Stirling, W. G. and Gray, G. W. and Tajbakhsh, A.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Journal De Physique}, Number = {6}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1061-1065}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Dynamics of the Modulated Crystal Smectic-B Phase of 50.7 by Neutron-Scattering Experiments}, Volume = {45}, Year = {1984}} @article{Richardson:1982bn, Author = {Richardson, R. M. and Leadbetter, A. J. and Frost, J. C.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Molecular Physics}, Number = {6}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1163-1191}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {A Comparative-Study of the Molecular Motions in the 3-Smectic Phases of Isobutyl 4(4' Phenylbenzylideneamino) Cinnamate Using Incoherent Neutron-Scattering}, Volume = {45}, Year = {1982}} @article{Frost:1982we, Author = {Frost, J. C. and Leadbetter, A. J. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Journal of the Chemical Society-Faraday Transactions Ii}, Note = {Part 12}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {2139-2154}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Methyl-Group Motions and Potential in Tert-Butyl Cyanide}, Volume = {78}, Year = {1982}} @article{Frost:1982dt, Author = {Frost, J. C. and Leadbetter, A. J. and Ward, R. C. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Journal of the Chemical Society-Faraday Transactions Ii}, Note = {Part 7}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1009-1023}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Structural-Changes Associated with the Phase-Transition in Tert-Butyl Cyanide}, Volume = {78}, Year = {1982}} @article{Frost:1982ub, Author = {Frost, J. C. and Leadbetter, A. J. and Richardson, R. M. and Ward, R. C. and Goodby, J. W. and Gray, G. W. and Pawley, G. S.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Journal of the Chemical Society-Faraday Transactions Ii}, Note = {Part 1}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {179-192}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Structure Determination of the Low-Temperature Phase of Tertiary Butyl Cyanide by the Constrained Profile Refinement of the Powder Diffraction Pattern}, Volume = {78}, Year = {1982}} @article{Gane:1982yn, Author = {Gane, P. A. C. and Leadbetter, A. J. and Ward, R. C. and Richardson, R. M. and Pannetier, J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Journal of the Chemical Society-Faraday Transactions Ii}, Note = {Part 7}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {995-1008}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Structure of the Disordered Phase of Tert-Butyl Cyanide Determined Using Neutron-Scattering Methods}, Volume = {78}, Year = {1982}} @article{Leadbetter:1982sb, Author = {Leadbetter, A. J. and Piper, J. and Richardson, R. M. and Wrighton, P. G.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Journal of Physics C-Solid State Physics}, Number = {29}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {5921-5936}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {The Dynamics of Molecular-Reorientation in the Disordered Phase of Bicyclo(2.2.2)Octane}, Volume = {15}, Year = {1982}} @article{Daniel:1981ir, Author = {Daniel, M. F. and Leadbetter, A. J. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Journal of the Chemical Society-Faraday Transactions Ii}, Note = {Part 10}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1851-1863}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Intramolecular and Intermolecular Dynamics in the 2 Crystal Phases of Ferrocene Carboxaldehyde}, Volume = {77}, Year = {1981}} @article{Gardner:1981ep, Author = {Gardner, A. B. and Howard, J. and Waddington, T. C. and Richardson, R. M. and Tomkinson, J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Chemical Physics}, Number = {3}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {453-460}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {The Dynamics of Ring Rotation in Ferrocene, Nickelocene and Ruthenocene by Incoherent Quasi-Elastic Neutron-Scattering}, Volume = {57}, Year = {1981}} @article{Windsor:1981gc, Author = {Windsor, C. G. and Damien, J. C. and Lefebvre, J. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Journal of Physics C-Solid State Physics}, Number = {11}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1555-1567}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {The Neutron-Scattering Function S(Q,Omega) from Adamantane}, Volume = {14}, Year = {1981}} @article{Richardson:1980xf, Author = {Richardson, R. M. and Leadbetter, A. J. and Bonsor, D. H. and Kruger, G. J.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Molecular Physics}, Number = {3}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {741-757}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {A Self-Consistent Interpretation of Nuclear Magnetic-Resonance and Quasi-Elastic Neutron-Scattering Data from the Smectic-a and Nematic Phases of Ethyl 4-(4' Acetoxybenzylidine) Aminocinnamate}, Volume = {40}, Year = {1980}} @article{Frost:1980gs, Author = {Frost, J. C. and Leadbetter, A. J. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences}, Number = {1043}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {567-582}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Molecular-Crystals and Liquid-Crystals - New Results for Tert-Butyl Chloride}, Volume = {290}, Year = {1980}} @article{Frost:1980fo, Author = {Frost, J. C. and Leadbetter, A. J. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Faraday Discussions}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {32-48}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {The Phase-Transition in Tert-Butyl Cyanide [(Ch3)3ccn]}, Year = {1980}} @article{Conrad:1978mh, Author = {Conrad, H. M. and Stiller, H. H. and Frischkorn, C. G. B. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Solid State Communications}, Number = {11}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {801-804}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Dynamic Critical Scattering near Smectic-a-Nematic Phase-Transition in Cbooa}, Volume = {26}, Year = {1978}} @article{Leadbetter:1978vp, Author = {Leadbetter, A. J. and Richardson, R. M.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Molecular Physics}, Number = {4}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1191-1200}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Molecular Motions in a Smectic-a Phase by Incoherent Quasi-Elastic Neutron-Scattering}, Volume = {35}, Year = {1978}} @article{Richardson:1978my, Author = {Richardson, R. M. and Leadbetter, A. J. and Frost, J. C.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Annales De Physique}, Number = {2-4}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {177-185}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Structure and Dynamics of Smectic B-Phase}, Volume = {3}, Year = {1978}} @article{Richardson:1978mk, Author = {Richardson, R. M. and Leadbetter, A. J. and Carlile, C. J. and Howells, W. S.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Molecular Physics}, Number = {6}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {1697-1704}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Very High-Resolution Incoherent Quasi-Elastic Neutron-Scattering Study of Smectic E-Phase, B-Phase and a-Phase of Deutero Normal-Butyl 4-(4'-Phenylbenzylideneamino)Cinnamate (D-Bpbac)}, Volume = {35}, Year = {1978}} @article{Leadbetter:1976do, Author = {Leadbetter, A. J. and Richardson, R. M. and Dasannacharya, B. A. and Howells, W. S.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Chemical Physics Letters}, Number = {3}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {501-504}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {Incoherent Neutron Quasi-Elastic Scattering Studies of Anisotropic Self-Diffusion in Nematic and Smectic a Phases of Ethyl-4-(4' Acetoxy Benzylidene) Aminocinnamate (Eabac)}, Volume = {39}, Year = {1976}} @article{Leadbetter:1975he, Author = {Leadbetter, A. J. and Richardson, R. M. and Collings, C. N.}, Date-Modified = {2012-01-17 10:31:49 +0000}, Journal = {Journal de Physique}, Owner = {Administrator}, Pages = {37-43}, Timestamp = {2008.04.17}, Title = {The Structure of a number of Nematogens}, Volume = {C1}, Year = {1975}}