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PARIP 2003



carol brown dances
fleshy architectures: designs for thinking through dancing — Tower of Touch, Spawn and Electric Fur (keynote address)

In talking out of a series of recent performance events the presentation will consider the ontological shifts in thinking enabled by designs for dance which attempt to privilege corporeal becomings through the enfleshing of spaces.

As a choreographic researcher, I am interested in the specific knowledge accrued through the actively inscribing body and how this knowledge can be utilized to create structures for heightening perception of the differentiated ways in which human beings experience embodiment. My ‘work’ is also my ‘reading’ of poststructuralist philosophers of difference — Foucault, Irigaray and Deleuze — and the filtration of their theories through a practice I consider to be a philosophy in the flesh. That is, a process of deep knowing through material becomings (Braidotti 2002). I see this ongoing project as part of a more generalised ontological shift in the way that cultural activities are taking place. If we change the way we organize and access knowledge we also change the ground beneath our feet, tripping up perceptions through new kinds of choreographic encounters. This presentation is a cartography of the embedded and embodied theoretical practice of a choreographer.

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