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PARIP 2003



department of contemporary arts
manchester metropolitan university
we will remember you

Whalley and Miller are concerned about the places we pass through and ignore. Sentimental though it may be, they want people to enjoy the places they inhabit, even if those places don’t want you to enjoy them. In an attempt to provide strategies of resistance, they are in the process of constructing a web site which will house narratives that inscribe the various ‘non-places’ we inhabit with the anthropological element they are lacking.

Continuing their research into ‘non-places’, Whalley and Miller will use We Will Remember You as an opportunity to explore the role that practice plays in the creation of knowledge, and to consider how practice as research provides opportunities to disseminate findings beyond the academic community. The paper will discuss how the web-site being developed by Whalley and Miller encourages a development of what they term ‘operational knowledge’, a knowledge which is mobilised in the site to which it refers.

Collaborators for eleven years, Whalley and Miller have been involved in an exploration of practice as research since 1997. Currently working within the Contemporary Arts Department of Manchester Metropolitan University, their research challenges the assumptions regarding who knowledge generated within the academy is intended for, and the possible implications of research being located outside of the academy. Thus, by shifting their research outcomes from the entirely cognitive to include a visceral element, Whalley and Miller are utilising practice as research as a methodology to further interrogate the hierarchies of knowledge that the joint nature of their practical work began.

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