Care Here Networked User Forum

1st September 2002

Our Networked User Forum is central to our intentions, enabling interested parties outside of the consortium to actively participate where there is mutual benifit.

Discussion Board

Active Members (chronological order)

The Soundbeam Project are an English company manufacturing and marketing the Soundbeam Sensor. The sensor was used in the Caress Project that preceded Care Here. Our researchers are continuing the working relationship with Soundbeam. 

The Sound Object Project is a European Project concentrating on the development and distribution of new "interesting" sounds. We are initially collaborating in a specific case study to import and explore the use of one of their sounds within Care Here and feedback the experiences of our users.

The Mediate Project is a European Project working in a complementary area (Autism) to our own. We are currently exploring ways in which we might best cooperate to the mutual benefit of our users.

The Shaw Trust in Wales wish to participate in the spring in a small initial study considering depression led by Kevin Fitzpatrick, who believes the sense of "having control", which we have termed Aesthetic Resonance, may prove of value here.