Nucleic Acid Analysis

We offer services for the quality assessment and accurate quantitation of nucleic acids. This is one of the most important steps before embarking on molecular analysis studies and we offer different methods for RNA and DNA spanning a range of concentrations depending on your starting material availability.

Agilent TapeStation assays

  • DNA 1000, High Sensitivity DNA 1000
  • RNA, RNA Pico
  • Genomic DNA

Qubit assays

  • Broad Range DNA
  • High Sensitivity DNA

Nanodrop ND-1000 and ND-8000

  • DNA ng/ul, 260:280, 260:230
  • RNA ng/ul, 260:280, 260:230
  • Protein

Agilent 4150 TapeStation for rapid quality assessment and sizing of DNA and RNA

A double-strand specific fluorescence based assay for accurate quantitation of DNA

Automated liquid handling capabilities for PicoGreen quantitation in a high throughput format

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