Leadership Development for Curriculum Enhancement

Our Leadership Development programme is a bespoke training course delivered in partnership with our external partners MY Consultants.

The aim of the programme is to support Programme Directors (and other colleagues with a similar responsibility for curriculum) in tackling common challenges and issues faced, and empower them to get the most out of the curriculum enhancement process. Jump to the end of the page to see how to apply.

Who should attend?

Though primarily designed for Programme Directors taking new programmes through the curriculum enhancement process, the training has proven useful for a range of colleagues engaged in working with curricula. Previous participants have included School Education Directors, Heads of School, and Faculty Education Directors.

The programme consists of six workshops over the course of approximately ten weeks, and three action learning sets, all facilitated by our expert consultant Dr Robin Henderson.

There is no additional preparation or reading time outside of these sessions required. Overall, the programme takes approximately 18 hours.

The workshops themselves are themed but the focus is very much down to the experiences of the participants. Feedback from previous participants has been incredibly positive, citing in particular:

  • The high quality of the facilitation provided by Dr Robin Henderson.
  • Opportunity to network with similar minded colleagues, who are often facing the same challenges and blockers.
  • Utility and effectiveness of the content and techniques discussed.

What's the outcome?

Following the programme, we hope to see participants feeling more comfortable and confident in their own curriculum work – whether that’s getting a new programme up and running or supporting colleagues engaged in curriculum review.

Approximately six months after the programme is complete, participants will be invited to a final workshop to discuss the impact of the training and feed back to us about their experiences.

Next steps

Find out more about the programme by visiting the Leadership Development for Curriculum Enhancement SharePoint site, which includes dates for upcoming courses.

How to apply 

Applications are currently closed for 2023/24. If you have any queries please contact academic-development-team@bristol.ac.uk.

What will I get from the course?

Watch this video interview with a participant on the Leadership Development training programme reflecting on the course.

Have a question?

Contact us about the Leadership Development programme at academic-development-team@bristol.ac.uk

MY Consultants

Learn more about our partners MY Consultants by visiting their website.

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