[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive] Bristol University International Affairs Society
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Past Events

Thursday 4th December 19:00 followed by open reception (doors open 18:30)

Venue: Manor Hall

Q&A with Nick Clegg MP, Leader of the Liberal Democrats

This event will be FREE for IAS members and £3 for non-members (there will be an opportunity to get your 2008/2009 IAS membership at this event).

DISCLAIMER: The Bristol University International Affairs Society is not affiliated to any political or governmental causes. The views of the speaker do not necessarily reflect the views of the Society or of the University of Bristol. Representatives of other UK political parties have been invited to participate in similar events to be organised by the International Affairs Society in the near future.

Monday 13 October 18.00 followed by open reception (doors open 17.30)

Venue: Manor Hall

Democrats vs Republicans: A Presidential Debate

Speaking in favour of an Obama presidency are Bill Barnard, Chair of the Democrats Abroad UK, and Scott Binder, expert on the Bush presidency and fellow of Nuffield College, Oxford. Advocating a McCain presidency are Jill Vieth, former secretary of the Republican National Committee and Stacy Hilliard of the Republicans Abroad UK. The event will be chaired by Dr Fiona Ross of Bristol's Politics Department.

Thursday 13 March 18.00 followed by open reception (doors open 17.30)

Venue: LT 1.08, Graduate School of Education, 35 Berkeley Square BS8 1JA (Up the road from Blackwells Bookshop)

Bad Days In Basra

SIR HILARY SYNNOTT, Regional Coordinator for Southern Iraq, Coalition Provisional Authority (2003-4)

Sir Hilary Synnott was the British diplomat responsible for running Southern Iraq for the CPA, reporting directly to Paul Bremer from July 2003 to January 2004. He is currently a Senior Consulting Fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, where he specialises in post-conflict issues. His presentation will be followed by a Q&A Session and the launch of his most recent publication 'Bad Days in Basra: My Turbulent Time as Britain's Man in Southern Iraq'. Copies will be sold at 50% discount, for 9 pounds


Monday 28 April 17.30 followed by open reception (doors open 17.00)

Venue: To Be Confirmed

Primary Colours: Looking Ahead To The 2008 US Presidential Elections


More speakers to be confirmed

20-28 March 2008 (return date to be finalised. Return is no later than 29 March)

IAS Trip to Moscow

Price: £450

10 days / 9 Nights

Price includes:

  • Bristol to London Return Transfers
  • Return flights from London to Moscow
  • Hostel Accommodation with breakfast included
  • Airport Transfers in Moscow
  • Visa Application fee

Themes to be discussed include Russian Media, Defence, Russia-EU Relations, Russia-UK Relations, Putin's Presidency, Chechnya, etc

Meetings being organised include:

  • Briefing at the UK Embassy
  • Briefing at the Foreign Ministry
  • Briefing at the Defence Ministry
  • Workshop at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
  • Briefing at the Centre for Policy Studies
  • Moscow State University
  • Moscow State Institute for International Relations
  • Meeting with members of the Russian Media
  • and more

Spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first paid basis. If you are intending to go, we would recommend you pay the first deposit as soon as possible. We cannot reserve places without payment.

Deadlines for deposits are

  • 1st deposit - £250 by 15 January
  • 2nd deposit - £200 by 15 February
  • Payments can be made by bank transfer to the IAS Account (preferred option). For alternative options, please contact IAS directly.

    Anyone wishing to go on the trip needs to email Meena (ms2287@bris.ac.uk) first before sending in payments, booking forms and the visa application form

If you would like to go, please fill in the booking form and return to us along with the deposit by 15 January.

IAS Trip Booking Form in pdf format

IAS Trip Booking Form in Word format

Thursday 6 March

Pakistan After Elections

TIM MARSHALL, Foreign Affairs Editor, Sky News

Thursday 28 February

Killing Civilians: Method, Madness and Morality in War

DR HUGO SLIM, Director of Corporates for Crisis; Chief Scholar, Center for Humanitarian Dialogue, Geneva; Former Advisor, British Red Cross

Thursday 21 February

Defeat - Why They Lost In Iraq

JONATHAN STEELE, Senior Foreign Correspondent, The Guardian; Council Member, Chatham House

Tuesday 19 February

Europe's Unrecognised States


DR ACHILLES SKORDAS, University of Bristol

DES GRANT Director, East European Aid

Tuesday 12 February

Russia-UK Relations

JAMES NIXEY, Russia Programme, Chatham House

Tuesday 22 January

Koran, Kalashnikov and Laptop: The Neo-Taliban Insurgency in Afghanistan

DR ANTONIO GIUSTOZZI, Research Fellow, Crisis States Research Centre, London School of Economics

12-22 Dec 2007

IAS Trip to Washington DC & New York

Meetings in Washington included:

  • Briefing and Tour of Pentagon
  • Briefing at the State Department
  • Workshop at World Bank
  • American Enterprise Institute
  • Social with George Washington University International Affairs Society

Meetings in New York included:

  • Tour of UN Headquarters
  • Briefing at UK Mission to the UN
  • Council on Foreign Relations
  • Center on International Cooperation
  • and more

Tuesday 4 December

European Defence and Security

NICK WHITNEY, former Head of the European Defence Agency

Monday 3 December

Venue: Carpe Diem Restaurant, Harbourside

IAS Christmas Ball

Tuesday 30 October

Halloween Pub Quiz

This event is being held jointly with the Politics Department. Prizes will be awarded to the best team. Entry is free. Fancy Dress is optional. More details will be posted here shortly

Friday 26 October

Bremner, Bird and Fortune Live in London

Thursday 25 October 17.30

War Crimes and the West: The Corruption of International Justice

JOHN LAUGHLAND, academic author and journalist

Friday 19 October

Bremner, Bird and Fortune Live in London

Wednesday 10 October

IAS Welcome Social

Monday 5th February 2007

The Future of Kosovo

Misha Gavrilovic, Serbia Information Centre, London

James Pettifer, Kosovo expert

Thursday 1st February 2007

Oman - The Unknown War

Brigadier IAN GARDINER, former Secretary to the NATO Military Committee

Wednesday 31st January 2007, 19.00 onwards

IAS Pub Quiz

Jointly held with Politics Society, Debating Society and the Department of Politics

12-21st December 2006

IAS Trip to Washington DC and New York

The trip included meetings at the Pentagon, State Department, United Nations, Council on Foreign Relations, Center on International Co-operation and the UK Mission to the UN. Students also attended a farewell concert in honour of Kofi Annan and a joint social with the George Washington University International Affairs Society

11th December 2006

IAS Christmas Social

1st December 2006

Rory Bremner Live for IAS

22 November

'Addressing Africa'

Speakers included:

  • Jon Snow
  • Human Rights Watch London
  • Chatham House
  • BBC
  • IPPR
  • Aegis Trust
  • Justice Africa

16 November

'Ghost Plane: The Inside Story of the CIA's Secret Rendition Programme'

Venue: Great Hall, Bristol Grammar School

Stephen Grey, freelance investigative journalist and author of Ghost Plane: The Inside Story of the CIA's Secret Rendition Programme

Thursday 9th November

'How do you solve a problem like North Korea?'

Ambassador James Hoare, former UK Ambassador to North Korea
Sean Curtin, Japan Institute of Global Communications
Pamela Tremont, First Secretary for Political Affairs, Embassy of the United States of America

Wednesday 8th November 16.00

Careers in the Foreign Office: A View from the Fast Stream

Lance Domm, junior Diplomat at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Jointly held with the Department of Politics

Tuesday 31st October 18.00

IAS Halloween Pub Quiz Social

Jointly held with the Department of Politics

23 October 2006 18.00 (doors 17.30)

'Nuclear Power is not the Answer'

Dr. Helen Caldicott, former Nobel Prize Nominee; Author of 'Nuclear Power is not the Answer'

Hosted in partnership with The New Press, London

21 October 2006 22.00

Booom Club night

Venue: Casablanca, Stokes Croft

20 October 2006

Taping of Bremner, Bird and Fortune

Venue: Teddington, near London

18 October 2006

'Iraq in Fragments: The Occupation and Its Legacy'

Dr. Eric Herring, Lecturer, Department of Politics at the University of Bristol

11 October 2006

IAS Joint Social with Politics Society

Venue: Joe Public's

03 October 2006

'The Price of Peace: Challenges to UN Peacekeeping'

Dame Margaret Anstee, former UN Undersecretary General

Meeting recording coming soon

16 February 2006

'A Clash of Civilisations? Free Speech or Blasphemy?'

  • Chris Doyle, Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding
  • Dr Tariq Madood, Department of Sociology, University of Bristol
  • Simon Tisdall, Assistant Editor & Foreign Affairs Editor, The Guardian

7 December 2005

International Affairs Christmas Ball

  • Venue: Bristol Marriott Royal, Park Street

1 December 2005

'Latin Americans are bound to be disappointed by what democracy can achieve for them' - A debate

  • Jonathan Reynaga, Fox International Fellow, Yale University
  • HE Senor Gonzalo Montenegro, Ambassador of Bolivia to the Court of St James
  • Alvaro Mendez, University of Bristol

22 November 2005

'Opportunities and Challenges in the Middle East'

  • Geoffrey Tantum, Gulf Consultancy Services, UK; former British Diplomat to the Middle East
  • Dan Shaham, Director of Public Affairs, Embassy of Israel to the Court of St James
  • Meeting recording

15 November 2005

'Nuclear Proliferation: Security Challenges in the 21st Century'

  • Bernardo Ribeiro, Office of External Affairs and Policy Coordination, International Atomic Energy Agency based in Vienna
  • Mark Laffey, Associate Fellow, International Security Programme, Chatham House
  • James Donegan, Embassy of the United States to the Court of St James
  • Shimon Mercer-Wood, Embassy of Israel to the Court of St James

3 November 2005

'Osama: The making of a terrorist'

  • Jonathan Randal, former Middle East correspondent, Washington Post; author of award-winning book on Iraqi Kurds 'After such knowledge, what forgiveness?
  • Meeting recording

25 October 2005

'Are China-Japan relations on a collision course?'

  • Sean Curtin, Research Fellow, Japanese Institute of Global Communications; Staff Writer, Asia Times
  • Meeting recording

20 October 2005

Bosnia: War and Politics Roundtable Event

13 October 2005

'Iraq: Dealing with the hangover - Should Britain's troops be pulled out?'

  • Dr Eric Herring, Senior Lecturer in International Politics, University of Bristol
  • Rime Allaf, Associate Fellow, Chatham House
  • Tim Marshall, Foreign Affairs Editor, Sky News
  • Julia Guest, Documentary Film Maker for A Letter To The Prime Minister
  • Meeting recording

4 October 2005

'Iraq as Intelligence Success and Policy Failure'

  • Scott Ritter, Former UN Weapons Inspector in Iraq

15 March 2005

'Colombia - A Democratic Response to Terrorism'

  • Senor Francisco Santos, Vice President of Colombia

9 March 2005

'Perspectives from Argentina and Latin America'

  • Ambassador Fernando Mirre, Argentine Ambassador to the Court of St James

1 March 2005

Everyone can do something about peace: Personal responses to global conflict

  • Carolyn Hayman OBE, Chief Executive of Peace Direct
  • Tim Wallis, Director of Peaceworkers UK and European Coordinator of the Global Nonviolent Peace Force Project

22 February 2005

'Some reflections on war - A Soldier's perspective'

  • Brigadier Ian Gardiner RM, freelance lecturer and writer; Secretary to the NATO Military Committee 1998-2001; Chief Executive of Scottish SPCA

18 February 2005

'2005: The Year For Africa?'

  • Dr Stephen Ellis, Lecturer, Leiden University in the Netherlands; former Director of Africa Section, International Crisis Group

17 February 2005

'US Foreign Policy in President Bush's second term'

  • Mr Howard Perlow, Minister Counselor for Political Affairs, Embassy of the United States

16 February 2005

Interns and Graduates Network Launch

9 February 2005

'Will a continued commitment to ungoverned globalisation lead to greater global inequalities?' debate

  • Martin Wolf, Chief Economics Commentator, Financial Times and Author of 'Why Globalisation Works'
  • Prof Robert Wade, Professor of Political Economy, LSE and Author of 'Governing the market: Economic Theory and the role of government in East Asian industrialisation'

31 January 2005

'Is Israeli-Palestinian peace possible?' Debate on the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process following the election of Mahmood Abbas

  • Husam Zomlot, Political Counselor, Palestinian General Delegation to the United Kingdom
  • Roey Gilad, Minister Counselor for Political Affairs, Israeli Embassy
  • Chris Doyle, Director, Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding, London
  • Yossi Mekelberg, Associate Fellow, Chatham House
  • David Gardner, Middle East expert, Financial Times
  • Betty Hunter, General Secretary, Palestine Solidarity Campaign

26 January 2005

'Humanitarian aid efforts'

  • David Alexander, International Director, British Red Cross

25 November 2004

Visit to the Royal Institute of International Affairs, based at Chatham House & The Economist

16 November 2004

'Is the EU putting NATO out of business?'

  • Dr Richard Whitman, Head of European Programme, Royal Institute of International Affairs at Chatham House.

26 October 2004

Presentation on US Presidential Elections

  • Robert M Worcester, Chairman of MORI; Chairman of the Pilgrims' Society, GB; former President of the World Association for Public Opinion Research.

14 October 2004

'Sudan: Should the West intervene?' Debate on the humanitarian crisis in Sudan

  • Brian Thomson MP, Department for International Development; Robert Guest, Africa Editor, The Economist
  • Steve Crawshaw, London Director, Human Rights Watch
  • Liz Hughes, Emergency Programme Coordinator, Oxfam
  • Dr Mansour Elagab, former independent MP of Sudanese Government, secretary-general of Sudan Red Crescent Society
  • Professor Kenneth Ingham, Director, Royal African Society, Bristol Branch.

6 October 2004

'Insurgency in Iraq'

  • Dr Eric Herring, Lecturer in International Relations, Bristol University
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